Peerless Immortal

Chapter 3389: Blood egg taking

Chapter 3389 Taking Blood Eggs


"What, it is so!"

Hearing the teacher's answer, Ding Hao was immediately stunned. Before, he thought that the Yin people left few practice books, especially the Yin people's combat skills, which were even rarer.

But now I know that these cultivation classics are not handed down relatively few, but because many of them have been destroyed by Yun Tianke and their core powerhouses!

And according to Yun Tianke, these Yin people's classics are extraordinary, and ordinary Clan Clan cultivation will gradually become the pair of grandfather and grandson!

"This..." Ding Hao was suddenly panicked.

When he was underwater, he not only practiced a large number of Yin people's exercises, but more importantly, he also practiced Yin people's strongest fighting skill "Apocalypse Art" in the underwater cave!

"If the teacher and other core powerhouses know that I have practiced this thing, then I will probably be wiped out by them as rebellious as my grandfather and grandson!"

Thinking of this, Ding Hao didn't dare to mention the Tianqi Jue. He just told the Yin people's building under the water. Anyway, except for him, no one else can enter. No one should know.

"You actually escaped your life like this." Yun Tianke nodded and said, "This time you really did a great job and wiped out the remnants of the Yin people! But in the past ten years, I don't know how much improvement you have in cultivation? Can it? Defeat King Tianguang?"

Now that the battle is approaching, Yun Tianke is also quite worried. He added, "If you are not the opponent of King Tianguang, then don't try to be strong. Let's admit defeat! Anyway, in this battle, it doesn't matter if you win or lose!"

When Yun Tianke bet with King Tianguang, of course he had to consider his own face, but now Ding Hao disappeared for more than ten years. Rather than defeating him, it is better to give in.

Ding Hao laughed and said, "Teacher, don't worry, I haven't slackened for more than ten years! I have been practicing! Before I was entrusted with the marquis, I was able to fight against the general king-level powerhouses. Now I have not only been sealed, but my strength has also been improved a lot. Even if I fight with a relatively powerful king-ranking powerhouse, I still have enough power!"

"Good!" Yun Tianke was overjoyed when he heard this.

Ding Hao asked again, "Where is this battle chosen? I will rush over now!"

Yun Tian Ke said, "The location of this battle is in the inner layer of Yin Ruins! It is very dangerous. Only the powerful kings can move there. Generally, it is very difficult for the powerful kings to reach! However, because The news of this match has spread, and I am afraid that there will be a lot of powerful king-class players watching the battle!"

"That's great." Ding Hao said here, and asked again, "Teacher, if I defeat King Tianguang and immediately go to seal the king, what do you think?"

"Are you going to canonize the king now?" Yun Tianke was also quite shocked, and he said again, "The concept of a king and defeating a powerful king is two concepts. You have enough strength, but you don't have enough rune foundation. In the end it failed! But if you want to try it, I think it works!"

"Then try it out then!"

In these years, Ding Hao did not realize the ancient runes, but he learned the "Apocalypse Jue" on ten stone tablets. After learning these contents, it was equivalent to learning a lot of ancient runes, so he also wanted to try it.

"Teacher, I'm rushing to the inner layer of Yin Ruins! I just don't know if you are going to watch the battle?" Ding Hao asked again.

"It doesn't have to be." Yuntian said in a guest manner, "I believe in your strength and in your vision. If you say that you can defeat King Tianguang, I believe that you can defeat it! So it doesn't matter if I go or not, I just No, there is also your senior brother Pang Sun Wang. He has offended you before. I don't want to take care of this matter. You will solve your problems yourself."

"Thank you, teacher." Ding Hao's eyes moved.

Obviously, Yun Tianke meant to say, "King Pang Sun, this kid has offended you, it is a bit too much, how you want to kill him, you can do it yourself!"

Generally speaking, Yun Tianke will not say such things. Obviously, it is not just the last offense. Yun Tianke should have received new news. King Pang Sun is likely to deliberately make things difficult for Ding Hao this time. Yun Tianke felt angry in his heart, so he said these words.

Now that Yun Tianke said such a thing, Ding Hao doesn't need to be polite, if Pangsun Wang is honest this time, but if this guy still has nothing to do, Ding Hao decided to be polite with him!

When Ding Hao returned on his way back, he came to the settlement in the inner cave of Jiuya Cave and saw many acquaintances from the beginning. Everyone was surprised when they found Ding Hao came back alive.

Someone also said, "Ding Hao, you are back alive. A few days ago, I heard King Huan mentioned your name and said that he would pick someone up for you."

Ding Hao then remembered that when he was going crazy at the time, he had asked Qinghuan King to ask her to go to Outer End of the World and pick up her Daoist Dongcheng Ling!

"Anyway, I'm going to Yinxu first, and I don't know if I can catch up on the outer end of the earth. Senior Qinghuan will pick it up. This is also a good thing."

At this moment, the old man who had acted with King Qinghuan came up to Ding Hao and said, "Little friend Ding Hao, I want to say sorry to you! When you were infected with the blood of that giant beast, I have I want to kill you and capture the blood-colored beast egg! I learned later that you actually pretended to be mad in order to eliminate the remnants of the Yin people. I really feel ashamed in my heart. I must apologize to you when I see you today!"

"It turned out to be you." Ding Hao nodded and said, "Just forget about it, after all, you didn't really do it to me at that time! But I want to ask, how to use that blood-colored beast egg?"

Ding Hao got a scarlet beast egg. Although his teacher said it could be used, he hasn't used it for more than ten years, and the beast egg showed no signs of hatching.

The old man laughed and said, "Unexpectedly, you haven't used it for so many years. I tell you, this is a good thing! This beast egg needs to be roasted with a different fire, then peel off the shell to get rid of the white flesh inside. Meat, and finally get a golden egg yolk! According to the size, it can be divided into several pieces, which can be used when going through danger or fighting. You can instantly increase your strength by a lot!

"It turns out to be so used."

Ding Hao understood the use of this beast egg, and now he clasped his fists to say goodbye to everyone in front of him, saying, "I am going to the inner layer of Yin Ruins to fight a life-and-death battle that I had agreed many years ago. ."

"What, you just came back safely, you are going to fight the battle of life and death?" The people present were quite surprised, and many of them also stood up and said, "In this case, we will accompany you and be your cheerleader. , Help you boost morale!"

Ding Hao smiled, "Okay!"

(End of this chapter)

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