Peerless Immortal

Chapter 3390: Whistling all the way

Chapter 3390 whistling all the way


"Everyone go together! We will be your cheerleader and help you boost your morale!"

Ding Hao got the support of a large number of king-class powerhouses in Jiuya Cave. At the moment, the team flew outside Jiuya Cave!

When they came out of Jiuyadong, they saw King Tongwei who rushed over again.

King Tongwei said with emotion, “I saw you back then, it’s been more than ten years! I didn’t expect to see you alive, it’s great! The teacher asked me to come and accompany you to participate in this war! Wang Gan has any intestines, I can't spare him!"

Although Yun Tianke did not come by himself, he sent his disciple, King Tongwei, to cheer Ding Hao!

"Thank you brother!" After Ding Hao thanked him, he stood on Ding Xiaohei's back.

When he came out of Jiuyadong, he picked up Ding Xiaohei. Ding Xiaohei has lived with his mother for more than ten years. He has grown very large, nearly twice the size of his mother, flying in the sky, turning into one. The large black figure is very fast!

In this way, Ding Hao's other king-ranked powerhouses, as well as Gongsun Bo and Xingye, stood on Ding Xiaohei's back.

Everyone was full of praise for this flying pet. Ding Xiaohei hadn't seen Ding Hao in more than ten years, so he was happy at the moment, flying with all his strength!

When they flew over Baiye City, the Celestial Electors and others, who had already received the news, flew up to congratulate Ding Hao, congratulations to Ding Hao for surviving, and also successfully sealed!

Ding Hao smiled and said, "My Lord Chosen, I haven't seen you for many years!"

The electorate also smiled, "Ding Haohou, you don't need to call me an adult! Your current cultivation base is the same as mine!"

Ding Hao smiled again, "Lord Heavenly Elector, I'll call you again! Because I plan to defeat the King of Tianguang this time, so I will go directly to the inner layer of Yin Ruins and be granted the title of another king!"

"What?" The Elector of Heaven said dumbfounded, "Are you going to advance directly to enter the King? My God! You walked from Outer End of the World to Inner End of the World, and it's almost 30 years now. You actually want to break through to the Proceder?"

Ding Hao nodded and said, "God elect, you have to work hard!"

After speaking, Ding Xiaohei launched again, and rushed to the Yin Ruins with a crowd of people above.

Seeing Ding Hao and their backs disappear, the electorate smiled bitterly and shook his head, "This kid has grown so fast! It seems that my original vision and recommendations are really not wrong! I hope he will go higher and higher in the future, too. I hope I can become a powerful king-ranked sooner!"

Ding Hao and the others, the brigade roared away, alarming many powerful men in Neitianya, and the news quickly spread.

Many powerful kings that Ding Hao had known rushed to the Yin Ruins to help Ding Hao; even those powerful kings who did not know Ding Hao wanted to watch this leapfrog challenge!

When Ding Hao came to the outside of Yin Ruins, the Ling Tian King of Qifeng Trading Company and the white-haired King Baoyang were already waiting here.

"Ding Haohou, do you have any confidence in driving out before the war this time?" Ling Tian Wang was indeed a good friend. He came here for fear that Ding Hao didn't have enough weapons, and he also brought a lot of powerful people to use him. Weapons.

However, Ding Hao slowly shook his head, "Ling Tianwang, thank you for your kindness! But this time I don’t need it. I have the God Wing Armor given to me by my teacher, and the black giant cut made by Hua Yihou for me. , With these two weapons, I can defeat King Tianguang!"

"So confident?" Both Ling Tian Wang and Baoyang Wang felt quite surprised.

Ding Hao has disappeared for more than ten years. From the appearance, his strength has not improved, and the weapon in his hand has not been changed. At most, he has changed from Tian Haoyu to Divine Wing Armor, but his tone has become so big! You know King Tianguang, but a famous king-ranking powerhouse in the inner layer of Yin Ruins!

"Ding Haohou, don't underestimate the enemy!" Baoyang Wang reminded again.

Ding Hao nodded and said, "I will do my best!"

In fact, his current strongest combat skill is not the other, but the apocalypse he learned!

Ten stone tablets of the Apocalypse tactics are enough to hit the realm beast to open the first seal. Even if the king of heaven is amazing, he is not as powerful as the realm beast, right?

"Then let's go down!"

To enter the Yin Ruins, you have to go to the inner layer, which takes time and cannot be delayed.

There are more and more powerful kings following Ding Hao flying into the Yin Ruins. Many of these people are unknown to Ding Hao, but these people are all willing to support Ding Hao. They think that Ding Hao eliminated the pair of grandfathers and grandchildren, otherwise they would go crazy. The strong are more! With gratitude in their hearts, they are willing to stand on Ding Hao's side in this battle!

"If we rely on us alone, the inner layer would not dare to go!"

With the strength of Gongsun Bo and Xingye, they are just powerful men who have just been entrusted, and they can only move around the outer layers of the Yin Ruins. It is very dangerous to enter the inner layers of the Yin Ruins!

But now Ding Hao is accompanied by dozens of powerful kings.

Someone with such a huge power, even if they enter the inner layer of Yin Ruins, they will not encounter any danger!

Ding Hao and the others are going to enter the inner layer of Yin Ruins, there is a place they must go, that is the hub, the new settlement!

This new settlement used to have shares of King Pangsun, but because of the last incident, a huge colorful Yin beast was released, causing huge losses to the settlement, and King Pangsun suffered heavy losses!

Ding Hao originally thought that when he came here, he would meet King Pang Sun to make things difficult.

But what he didn't expect was that King Pangsun was not here, and the other owners of the new settlement came out to greet Ding Hao and express their apologies.

"Ding Haohou, I really didn't expect King Pangsun to grant the White Rock City Lord the authority to fight here! If we knew, we would never do this! Ding Haohou, don't worry!"

Those who followed Ding Hao's powerful king class were quite surprised.

You know, these few powerful kings are all iron fists outside the Yin Ruins, and now they have taken the initiative to apologize to Ding Hao, which really shocked them.

"This matter has nothing to do with you." Ding Hao waved his hand and asked, "Where is my senior brother Pang Sun Wang?"

Ding Hao was not afraid that King Pangsun would take action against him. The teacher had said that he could do whatever he wanted and punish this kid whatever he wanted; but Ding Hao was worried about this guy, what conspiracy and tricks would he devise? !

These powerful kings shook their heads and said, "I don't know! Recently, this kid is mysterious, maybe he is doing something, Ding Haohou, we are not willing to target you! But he is hard to say, he is also Yuntian Disciple of the guest, you have to be careful!"

In Ding Hao’s smile, some coldness appeared, "I hope he can be smarter, if he really wants to harm me, then he will die this time!"

(End of this chapter)

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