Peerless Immortal

Chapter 3407: The strong

Chapter 3407 The strong Cang Cang

Chapter 3404 The Strong

"Who is this? You don't even have any cultivation base. You actually believe that he can admit you to a newcomer in Inner End, are you crazy?"

When Fuxi took the old man back to his residence, the white-bearded grandfather suddenly became angry.

From the grandfather's point of view, Fuxi is simply a stupid. It's just that he didn't cultivate well for so many years, and he even believed in an old man who had no cultivation skills!

Now it has been more than two years since the selection of this batch of Neitianya upstarts was completed, and they can still be admitted exceptionally. Isn't this bragging and what is it?

What made the old man even more angry was that Fuxi also brought the old man into his own home, and he would be a free-seater in the future!

"Finally left Ye Kong who ate free food, and now there is another old man who ate free food, Fuxi, what the **** are you doing? Do you really want me to marry Axiu to someone else?" The white-bearded grandfather was so angry. people.

Fortunately, Axiu at home persuaded, "Grandpa, Brother Fu is also good-hearted. Seeing that this old man has not cultivated, and his speech is upside down, he brought it back. We will let the old man stay at home for a few days. If the family finds it, won't it end?"

"I'm not reluctant to eat this old man for a few days!" The grandfather shouted angrily, "I'm angry, this kid is not up to date, and believes in these crooked ways all day long! And he doesn't use his mind, he is too honest to be alone, he will suffer! Fuxi, be smart!"

Fuxi was reprimanded by the grandfather, and he didn't speak, just smirked.

And the old man who brought it back had a faint smile on his face, sitting there motionless, as if he was some expert.

But just as the grandfather was furious, a large group of people walked in from outside, and the leader was the mayor of a small town nearby.

The old man usually refuses to accept anyone, so he obeys the mayor.

And what surprised the old man even more was that the rune mage from their town came with the mayor!

Rune Mage has a young apprentice who has been here several times and gave Axiu rune books. In the eyes of the grandfather, the mayor and Rune Mage are both unattainable figures.

However, after these people walked in, it was a cultivator who was not very tall behind the crowds, who kept calling them "the Lord of the Chosen".

"Could it be that this is a powerful man who is Fenghou-level?"

Grandpa and Axiu have lived in Waitianya for the first time. They saw the Fenghou-level powerhouse for the first time, and they clearly felt the powerful aura of this "Heavenly Chosen Lord"!

"This is..." Grandpa was dumbfounded, wondering why so many big people suddenly came to his home.

What made them even more unexpected was that after coming in, the heavenly electorate, who was like a star holding the moon, walked quickly to the old man who had no cultivation base, and said in a very respectful salute, "I have seen the core strong Senior Cang!"

"What, the core powerhouse?"

Hearing this, let alone the stunned grandfather and Axiu, even Fuxi was also very surprised, he actually didn't believe in this old man.

Who knows that even those who are strong at the rank of marquis must respectfully salute after they come in. As for the mayor and rune mage, they kneel directly in front of this person!

"This..." The old grandfather, who was still very disgusted just now, was so scared that his legs softened at this moment, and he knelt in front of the core powerhouse Cang Cang.

The old man Cangcang smiled faintly and said, "You don't need to be polite, just get up. Today is a good day for me to accept disciples. It is a happy day. I will not punish anyone. Don't worry, everyone!"

Everyone just stood up, Fuxi bowed a big gift, "Disciple Fuxi has seen the teacher!"

Fuxi had promised the old man just now, as long as he is truly capable, he will worship him! It seems to be the case now, although he does not know what the core powerhouse does, he is obviously stronger than the Fenghou-level powerhouse!

Cang Cang helped up and down, and then said again, "Heavenly Elector, have you arranged my affairs?"

The electorate immediately said respectfully, "Core senior, after I got the news, I immediately added one to the list of the newest upstarts in the inner world, that is, this little brother Fuxi! He is now, These upstarts in the inner world need no assessment, they are directly promoted!"

"What, how is it possible!" Not to mention Grandpa and Axiu, even the mayor, Rune Mage and others felt unbelievable.

To them, the selection of Inner End Upstarts held every 30 years is simply a sacred thing! Every place has gone through desperate struggles, and this will finally become the upstart of the inner world.

But this time, Fuxi didn't do anything at all, and it has been more than two years since things can still be admitted, which is too exaggerated!

"But I heard that each batch of Inner End's newcomers has only one hundred places, me..." Fuxi also felt a little surprised, he couldn't believe it until now.

The Celestial Elector laughed and said, "If it’s someone else, I can’t help it, but Senior Cangcang, do you know what his greatest achievement is? That is to build the cultivator in the Tianya Palace! The cultivators of, everyone has left their own runes on the sky, whether they are Fenghou-level or King-level, they have left their names on the sky! So he wants to add a person, this It’s easy. In the past, there were 100 places, but this time it’s 101 places. This is also possible!"


All the people present were in chaos, in an uproar, looking at the old man in shock.

Although everyone knows that this old man should have amazing strength, he did not expect to have such indomitable capital, even the sky of Tianya Palace was built by him! He said that there are a few places for this group of Inner End newcomers, then there are a few places, this is the real strength!

"From today, you will be an official Inner End Aristocratic." Cang Cang said again, "It's just that my cultivation method is different. I won't put you in Inner End Aristocratic to try with other upstarts. ! But I want you to follow me for a long time, and I will give you pointers, your cultivation level will definitely increase!"

After understanding this, the white-haired grandfather hurriedly said with a smile, "Fuxi, you really met a good teacher. You must listen to the teacher in the future and practice hard! Axiu, I won't let her marry someone else, I just Let him wait for you at home!"

The white-haired grandfather had only disliked Fuxi for not being able to make progress, but now he discovered that Fuxi's future must be soaring, where there is still a little unwillingness, so he decided this matter now.

"Haha! I don't care about this kind of thing. You can practice with me first!"

Cang Cang, the core powerhouse, does things quite casually. After accepting Fuxi as his disciple, he did not engage in any form of vain gifts, but waved his sleeves and left with Fuxi...

(End of this chapter)

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