Peerless Immortal

Chapter 3408: When I meet

Chapter 3408 When I met


"It turns out this is Neitianya!"

"This is Baiye City!"

"This is Jiuyadong!"

"This is Yin Ruins!"

After Fuxi followed his teacher Cang Cang into Inner End, he quickly passed through the sky and passed many famous places in Inner End.

When he was Wai Tianya, he often heard the names of these places, and he also thought that one day in the future, he would go to these places to explore, explore treasures, and strengthen himself!

But now after he entered Neitianya, he still had no chance to act independently.

"Ms. Cangcang is not the same as other teachers. As his disciple, I will not try like the other upstarts in the inner world, but follow my own teacher, travel around and practice alone."

Compared with Ding Hao's teacher Yun Tianke, Cang Cang had two completely opposite personalities.

Yun Tianke was busy with his own affairs all day, and would not take care of his disciples at all. Even if he sent Ding Hao weapons or defensive armor, he would let his big disciple, King Tongwei go, and he would not handle it himself; Cang was just the opposite, because he only had this one disciple, so he took Fuxi all day and kept him from leaving for half a step.

One of Fuxi's identity is Cang Cang's disciple, and the other is to help Cang Cang run errands!

"Fuxi, go to the small town and buy a pot of wine for me!" Cang Cang lives in a remote place in Nei Tianya, and he seldom takes any action, usually just to let Fuxi go out to buy wine.

This was the happiest moment for Fu Xi, because every time he bought wine, he could go to the town to find out about Ding Hao.

"Ye Kong and I have been in trouble, and they have been delayed for so many years! Ding Hao and Dongcheng Ling shouldn't be so coincidental, they also encountered trouble, I believe they have entered the inner world!"

Sure enough, although the town he was in was remote, when he asked someone to inquire, someone brought him some news.

"Inquiry! Ding Hao is the last batch of Inner End Nobles. I heard that he was quite popular, and he was the fastest to enter the nobles among this batch of Inner End Nobles! I heard that he is now a Fenghou-level powerhouse!"

Because of the remote location, even though it was in Inner End, the people who inquired only heard the news.

When Fuxi heard these news, Ding Hao was happy in the future, "I didn't expect that the third brother would walk in front of us again! The three of us had gambled twice before, and he won! Is it because he won this time? "

Although Fuxi thought this way, he didn't mean to be jealous of Ding Hao. He was really happy for Ding Hao.

"I don't know when I will be able to contact the third brother?" Fuxi was quite annoyed.

He has also entered Inner End of the World, but it is a pity that his teacher will not let him leave a step, otherwise, he would have gone to Ding Hao long ago!

"Forget it! Everyone has come in anyway, and we will meet sooner or later!" Fuxi thought of her second brother Ye Kong again, and he said annoyedly, "The second brother has always been arrogant, and has been unable to practice for more than 30 years. It's tight! I don't know where I went this time? I can only practice hard, and when I have enough strength, I will find the third brother, and then everyone will find the second brother together!"

Thinking of this, he hehe laughed and said, "Tavernkeeper, this time I will give a little more money for alcohol. You can help me find out some news about Ding Hao, such as how strong is he? Where does he live? What did he do? Where are you practicing now? I want to know!"

The tavern owner accepted the money and looked at him up and down, "Could it be that you are Ding Haohou's enemy? Why inquire so carefully?"

Fuxi laughed loudly, "It's not his enemy, I'm his brother!"


Not long after Fuxi was taken away, deep in the pool of death.

A young man who had been standing motionless for more than two years suddenly shook his body and opened his eyes.

He is Ye Kong. He did not leave alone, but was immersed in the practice classics of the Tianwaitian indigenous people. For more than two years, his mind was completely absorbed, and he even forgot the time!

This is an extraordinary practice. He spent more than two years standing motionless, but he laid the foundation for this exercise!

"The cultivation technique of the aboriginal people of Tianwaitian! It is extraordinary! It has opened a brand new door for me. Over the past two years, I have completely forgotten the passage of time, and I finally laid the foundation for my practice!"

Ye Kong was ecstatic in his heart.

Although he was even more unable to practice the runes of the immortal clan from now on, the cultivation techniques of the natives of Tianwaitian were enough to make him stronger!

"When I become stronger, those battle runes and exercises of the Immortal Clan of the world are not effective for me! But my way of fighting can defeat them! This is a concept that turned out to be born. I have made up my mind. To practice this technique!"

Although Ye Kong had made up his mind to practice exercises.

However, he still remembers his eldest brother Fuxi, waiting outside.

"No! It's been more than two years, and I don't know how anxious Big Brother is, I must go back and report to him!"

Right now, Ye Kong immediately returned the same way, left the death pool, and returned to the home of the white-haired grandfather.

"Big Brother!" When Ye Kong walked into the house, he happened to see the white-haired grandfather and Axiu.

"Second Brother Ye, are you back?!" Ashiu suddenly stood up in surprise.

The white-haired grandfather snorted coldly, "I still know that I will come back! It's been more than two years, almost three years! You don't know how anxious your eldest brother is. He has searched all the places in the vicinity of thousands of miles, and also I have searched it several times!"

The white-haired grandfather has always been stubborn and soft-hearted, although he often scolds Fuxi, but it is also for Fuxi's good! He was watching what Fuxi did for Ye Kong, and seeing Ye Kong coming back at the moment, he couldn't help but criticize!

Ye Kong sighed. He didn't want to worry and worry about his eldest brother, but he was immersed in the practice of the exercises at once, and he didn't have time to think about it. In a flash, more than two years passed!

"Where is the eldest brother? I will explain to him clearly. Over the years, I have had some adventures!" Ye Kong wanted to share the adventures he had with his eldest brother, and even hoped that his eldest brother would practice this powerful exercise with him. .

Axiu said with a smile, "Big Brother Fu has been admitted exceptionally, not only has he become the 101st Inner End Upstart, but he also worshipped a teacher who is said to be from the core! Even those who are strong in the rank of marquis will bow down. In front of this person!"

"It turned out to be like this." Ye Kong felt relieved when he heard this.

Although the eldest brother and he took a different path, the main direction of his eldest brother Fuxi's cultivation over the years is still runes. If he lets his eldest brother give up the practice of runes, he probably won't listen!

"If that's the case, that's the best! I'll go back and continue to practice, eldest brother and third brother, we will meet each other!"

(End of this chapter)

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