Peerless Immortal

Chapter 3418: Cause of duel

Chapter 3418 The reason for the duel

Chapter 3415 the cause of the duel

The 26th to 30th steles of the Apocalypse Jue were the hardest-hit areas, and the problems were very serious.

"Almost every stone in the stele, if you look closely, there is something weird!"

After Ding Hao discovered this, he did not delete these weird points, but re-recorded them with a piece of jade slip, and carefully compared the contents.

"In order to continue the investigation and killing later, I must understand the process of how the gods are planted in my mind!"

Ding Hao spent a great deal of effort on the research of these stone tablets, concentrated on it, and didn't care about time at all!

Like Ding Hao, it was in the deepest part of the pool of death in a corner of the outer world.

Another young genius is also immersed in practice and study.

This person is the Ye Kong who has found the techniques left by the natives of Tianwaitianworld.

Like Ding Hao, Ye Kong was also a bad temper, and when he practiced, he completely forgot about time.

He only went out once before, and after hearing that Big Brother Fuxi had entered Inner End, he returned here to continue his cultivation.

"This set of training theories researched by the natives of the outer world is a theory that I have never seen in my life! I have practiced a lot of runes in my life, but this theory of abandoning runes is The first time I heard!"

"So I have to start from scratch, and I can't be sloppy or slack!"

"I know that time has passed for a long time, and I also want to find my eldest brother and third brother, but they should have taken a different path from me! Rune and abandon rune, I have chosen to give up rune, I must practice Chengcai left!"

In a blink of an eye, Fuxi has been in Inner End of the World for 50 years.

He has been practicing with his teacher, the core powerhouse Cangcang. Not only did he become a nobleman from a noble in the inner world, but he also became a strongman at the rank of captain. Even on this day, he was still directly under the leadership of the teacher. Coming here, the Hall of Sealing Kings in Yin Ruins!

"Unexpectedly, I have also become a powerful king-season!" After 50 years of practice, Fu Xi broke through and entered the powerful king-season.

However, he still faintly felt that his strength was not enough, and this king-level powerhouse was too good for the test!

"Teacher, I have also become a powerful king!" Fuxi stood in front of Teacher Cang Cang excitedly.

Cang Cang nodded and smiled, "Although you have become a powerful king, you must continue to work hard! A powerful king is not the end, but just a starting point! The difference in strength between powerful kings is very big, enter this Level you are equivalent to entering the threshold of the top power! But my expectations of you are the top among the top!"

"Teacher, I will definitely work hard!" Fuxi said firmly, and then asked, "It's just that I feel that the assessment of the powerful king is not strong enough, it's a bit too simple! It's too trivial!"

Cang Cang nodded in agreement and said, "Actually, according to our research, the people of Yin had two definitions of the powerful kings! That is to say, they are divided into two categories. The first type is the genius among the people of Yin. And the nobles, these people are the key training targets of the Yin people, so they are very difficult to assess. It is not possible for ordinary people to become a powerful king of this level! And the second type of powerful king is only Yin people The servants and minions of the company are evaluated. Although they are also called the powerful kings, they are actually far from the real powerful kings!"

"It turned out to be like this!" Fuxi suddenly realized, "The king-ranked powerhouses we dare to test are all servile-level assessments. I said it was so easy!"

Cang Cang said again, "Although we are assessing the level of a slave, we cannot regard ourselves as a slave! Therefore, after we have completed the assessment, we must be clear about our strength. We are still far from the real king-level powerhouse, which forces We continue to practice and cannot slack off!"

Fuxi's face suddenly became serious, "Teacher, your motivation for me, I understand! One day in the future, I will definitely come back here, and I will be assessed as a true king-level powerhouse!"

Cang Cang smiled, "It doesn't need to be like this! After the Yin people left, the noble-level king-level powerhouse assessment never appeared again! We are not descendants of the Yin people, so it is impossible to accept that level. Assessment!"

"Doesn't that mean that the current Yin Ruins will never be able to become a true king-level powerhouse!"

"Not bad." Cang Cang said, "After the Yin people leave, no one is there, and they may become a true king-level powerhouse!"

Seeing his disciple look a little depressed, Cang Cang smiled again, "But it doesn't matter, as long as you practice hard, in the future all core strong disciples will be assessed, and you will be the leader, you will have the opportunity to enter the core level! You don’t need to test any real-level king-sealing powerhouse, you can have the ultimate power!"

"It turned out to be so." Fuxi finally understood something.

He had long heard that there must be a life and death battle between the disciples of the core powerhouse! But he never understood, why is there such a battle of life and death? Everyone is fighting for life, what is it for?

And now listening to what the teacher said, it should be for the only one to enter the core quota!

Speaking of this, Fu Xi said, "Teacher, I have one thing to report to you! This incident was not deliberately hidden from you. It is a coincidence. In fact, I and Ding Hao, the disciple of the core powerhouse Yun Tianke, have worshipped. Brother, the relationship is very good!"

"What?" Cang Cang really didn't know about it.

At the beginning, he had reviewed Dongcheng Ling's qualifications, and it was because of the relationship between Dongcheng Ling and Ding Hao that he gave up Dongcheng Ling; now he did not expect that the disciple he carefully selected from Outer World would be connected with Ding Hao.

At the moment, Fu Xi told the situation before and after. When he was apprentice, he didn't know Ding Hao's situation, and it was not deliberately concealing it.

Having said this, Cang Cang nodded and said, "I seem to have heard that Ding Hao, Yun Tianke's disciple, has been missing for years. Even Yun Tianke himself could not find this kid. I suspect this kid is dead!"

"The third brother won't." Fuxi shook his head and said, "He is not so easy to die. He has the heart of a real strong man, and the more frustrated he is, the more courage he is, so I believe he will come out!"

"Oh." Cang Cang's eyes flashed and asked again, "If he can really come back and meet him in the decisive battle, what are you going to do?"

Fuxi said solemnly, "I won't let him! He has the heart of the strong, and I also have the heart of the strong! Maybe I won't, killing him; but I must try my best to defeat him!"

Cang Cang nodded with satisfaction and said, "If this is the case, then I can rest assured that you will continue to practice with me! You must know that there is only one person in each batch that enters the core layer. If you miss this time, there will be no next time. opportunity!"

(End of this chapter)

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