Peerless Immortal

Chapter 3419: Pure Apocalypse

Chapter 3419 Pure Apocalypse Art

Chapter 3416 Pure Apocalypse Art

The immortal clan, everyone is so strong, everyone is working hard to cultivate, and in a blink of an eye, 50 years, 100 years, will pass through cultivation.

Everyone is becoming stronger.

Seeing that the disciples of the core powerhouse are about to start the final decisive battle, everyone is fighting for the only spot and practicing desperately.

But Ding Hao never showed up, and no one knew where he went! Although Yun Tianke suspected that Ding Hao was under the water of the Fenghou altar, he did not dare to be completely sure.

"Where did Ding Hao go?"

For 100 years of cultivation time, even Dongcheng Ling's cultivation base has also entered the powerful king class.

But Ding Hao still didn't show up, which made Dongcheng Ling worry about him every time he was practicing, but he didn't know where to look.

"Ding Hao, kid, I'm afraid he is already dead!"

Now Xiao Tang is already a king-level powerhouse. Following King Pangsun, he also joined the core powerhouse Carlo’s camp. Over the years, he has been instructed by the core powerhouse, and his cultivation level has also been achieved. The improvement by leaps and bounds.

"Gongsunbo and Hoshino, it was Ding Hao, who was able to cultivate so fast at the beginning! You are going to see these two boys, and they have not yet entered the Sealed King level! When I have time, I will take care of them! "

Xiao Tang is now incomparably arrogant in Nei Tianya, and all the people who offended him in the past are now being avenged by him!

Especially Gongsun Bo and Hoshino were threatened by him, so that they dare not leave their residence now!

A cultivator is not useful just by practicing, and he has to come out and explore. But under the threat of Xiao Tang, Gongsun Bo and Xingye were unable to come out to practice, which is also one of the main reasons why their cultivation has stagnated over the years.

"There are also the same group of Inner End's upstarts who were fond of Ding Hao at the beginning, and I will take care of them all!"

Xiao Tang's aptitude was good, but now with the guidance of the core powerhouse, his strength has improved by leaps and bounds, and he is also arrogant, and surrounded her many subordinates.

"I recently received some news." A subordinate hurried over and said flatteringly, "Gongsunbo and the others finally couldn't hold it back. I heard that the two of them had secretly gone to Jiuya Cave! They wanted to explore and practice there. , Looking for opportunities."

Gongsun Bo and Hoshino have been stagnant in their cultivation over the years, but they were threatened by Xiao Tang, and recently received help from Meng Ao.

Meng Ao is now a king-level powerhouse, and still lives in Jiuya Cave. Meng Ao covers Gongsun Bo and the others, and lets Gongsun Bo and the others go to Jiuya Cave to practice.

"Meng Ao, this kid, he's so courageous!" The subordinates beside Xiao Tang said arrogantly, "We are going to kill Meng Ao's mansion now, and publicly ask him what is arrogant? Let him hand him over! "

"Yes, Mengao's aptitude is ordinary. Although he is diligent in cultivation, he is far behind you compared to Xiao Tang! With so many of us, we killed Mengao's house together, Mengao didn't dare to fight us at all! "

Regarding the discussions among his subordinates, Xiao Tang shook his head and sneered, "You are all stupid methods, and the best way is to do everything!"

"What do you mean by tactics?" The men present were all at a loss.

Xiao Tang said coldly, "We went to Mengao like this, but in the end we scared Gongsunbo and the others back. It was useless! The best way is to pretend not to know! Then wait for them to start exploring in Jiuyadong. I secretly entered Jiuyadong, found these two people, and killed them! If Meng Ao is there, kill this guy by the way!"

"Okay!" All the men present nodded and agreed, "Xiao Tang, you are still ruthless, let's get the news now."

Gongsun Bo and Xingye, who arrived at Jiuyadong, have not dared to talk nonsense, staying in Meng'ao's home and watching the situation outside.

Over the years, they have received death threats, unable to come out to practice, and it is difficult to improve their cultivation.

Seeing that 100 years have passed, other people's cultivation and strength have greatly improved, and they finally can't sit still.

"It's safe in my home." Meng Ao said with a cold snort, "No matter how arrogant Tang is, he wouldn't dare to come to my house to kill! Are you staying here for a while? If he doesn't find out, you can sneak into the Jiuya Cave. Hole practice!"

"These years have really suffocated me to death!" Gongsun Bo gritted his teeth and cursed, "Xiao Tang, these people are too much, and he and I have no grudges, and they even issued death threats to me! It made me unable to go out, or otherwise. I have long since become a crowned king!"

Hoshino also nodded and said, "Although it is a bit dangerous this time, we really can't help it. Seeing that the same batch of aptitudes are inferior to ours, all of them have become kings, we can no longer work hard."

They lived in Meng Ao's home for two months, and found that Xiao Tang and others didn't pay attention to this side, so they boldly entered the inner cave of Jiuya Cave.

"They have acted!" Xiao Tang has been very powerful in recent years, and many people have provided him with information.

After he got the news, he immediately smiled coldly and led his men straight to Jiuya Cave.

"Gongsun Bo, Hoshino, who told you to have a good relationship with Ding Hao? Let you die there this time!"


Just as people from all sides rushed to Jiuya Cave, at the bottom of Jiuya Cave, in the cemetery, Ding Hao's eyes finally had the color of joy.

"A whole 100 years, I can be considered as a thorough understanding!"

"In the past 100 years, I have completely rubbed the entire Apocalypse Art, and caught all the bugs in it!"

"This Apocalypse tactic in my hand should be an absolutely safe Apocalypse tactic! Because I have practiced again from the first stone tablet, and now I have cultivated to the 90th stone tablet, there is no more divine bug in my mind!"

At this moment, Ding Hao's sense of accomplishment was overwhelming. It took him 100 years to sort out the Apocalypse tactics back and forth, stripping out all the "private goods" in it.

The apocalyptic art in his hands now has no problems in his cultivation, it is a perfect technique!

And in order to verify his own results, he practiced from the first stone tablet to the 90th stone tablet again, and indeed no **** bug appeared again!

"Hard hard work, there will always be a day in the future. This is the result I have obtained after many times of life is better than death!"

In order to obtain this result, Ding Hao's mental power was shattered, as many as seven times, and countless times struggled on the verge of death, and with the help of these, he finally achieved great results!

"After re-cultivating to the 90th stone stele, not only did the divine bug appear at the bottom of my spiritual sea, but my spiritual sea was back to normal again!"

He was cultivating a technique that was modified by him, and there would be no problems in his mind, but the injuries he suffered before, and now he has completely recovered.

"I have been in retreat for 100 years, and although I still want to continue practicing, I think I should go out to make those who worry about me rest assured!"

(End of this chapter)

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