Peerless Immortal

Chapter 3442: Uncrowned king

Chapter 3442 The Uncrowned King

Chapter 3439 Uncrowned King

"Listen to all the cultivators in the Yin Ruins, from today onwards, I will no longer be the master of the Palace of Kings!"

In the midair in front of him, a huge light and shadow exploded, and a tall Yin person appeared.

Even when he said something above, Dongcheng Ling was in a state of confusion.

She stopped flying and stood in the void, staring dumbly at the strange scene in front of her.

Similarly, Fu Xi stopped flying and stood beside Dongcheng Ling.

And just at this moment, Yang Shuhao and others who followed came to Dongcheng Ling's side and stopped!

At this moment, the five people present were all at a loss, and the exchange of eyes with each other was a bit inexplicable.

Yang Shuhao blurted out, "Master of the Palace of the King, is there such a person? Why didn't we see this person when we were the king!"

In fact, everyone has the same doubts in their hearts. Four of the five people present are all powerful kings, and they have all entered the palace of kings!

But no one of them had seen the master of the Hall of Conferred Kings, so now a person suddenly jumped out and said that he was no longer the master of the Hall of Conferred Kings, which made everyone confused.

But then, what the Yin person said changed the expressions of the five people present.

"My successor is the true king of the new generation, Ding Hao! Starting today, he is the new master of the Hall of Conferring Kings, in charge of the entire Hall of Conferring Kings, and becoming the mentor of all the powerful kings!"

"Ding Hao!" Hearing these two words, Dongcheng Ling was the first to react.

Her brows that had been frowning now stretched out instantly.

After she left the customs, she was always worried for Ding Hao, wondering where Ding Hao went? Don't know what is going on with Ding Hao?

But now, all doubts are solved!

Ding Hao didn't go anywhere, but was still in the Palace of the Kings, and even today he became the new owner of the Hall of the Kings!

When Fuxi heard Ding Hao's name, he was pleased on his face and blurted, "The third brother is still in the Palace of the Kings! At first we waited outside the hall for more than two months, and thought he had already left..."

The faces of Yang Shuhao and others who were standing nearby became very ugly.

Then, the huge Yin person in front of him continued, "The king Ding Hao, after six months of assessment, became the only true king born in the Palace of Kings in the past 100 million years! And more importantly, his strength and qualifications. Extraordinary, far surpassed me, so I decided to give him the Palace of the King! In the future, whether it is the real king or the king among the slaves, it is up to him to decide. I hereby inform and announce the world!"

When this sentence was said, Dongcheng Ling almost burst into tears of excitement!

"Husband, you are really good!" Dongcheng Ling is not too excited when he has achieved results, but Ding Hao has achieved results, she Ding Hao is even more happy!

Fuxi also laughed and said, "The third brother is really amazing! After six months of assessment, he has become the only true king in 100 million years! It's amazing, now it seems that we are the powerful kings! They are not real at all. King! Only he is..."

However, when he was halfway through this sentence, he was interrupted by Yang Shuhao's violent shout.

"Fuxi, you shouldn't be aspiring to others and destroy your own prestige!" Yang Shuhao stepped out anxiously, accusing him, "We are all descendants of the Gaishi Clan, how can we listen to a Yin person talking nonsense here! These Yin people kill me! The heart is immortal, and a person came out inexplicably, claiming to be the master of the Palace of Kings. I ask you, have you ever seen this person?"

Fuxi and Dongcheng Ling were immediately asked with nothing to say.

Yang Shuhao said again, "I think these are all fakes! It was Na Ding Hao, who deliberately used methods to avoid his guilt!"

Hearing what he said, Fuxi stepped forward and said mockingly, "My friend, I don't know who you are?! But I just want to ask you, can you come up with this method in front of you?"

"This..." Yang Shuhao was speechless.

Even if the sight in front of us is a method developed by Ding Hao, then this method can be called shocking, and this huge figure appeared at the same time in almost all places of the entire Yin Ruins!

May I ask, who else in the world can come up with such a method?

"Even if Ding Hao has become the so-called master of the Palace of Sealing the King, that is the official who Yin Ren has appointed him!" Yang Shuhao's friend stepped up and said.

This person's remark immediately reminded Yang Shuhao.

Yang Shuhao nodded and said, "In this way, it is true that Ding Hao is the rebellious claim of the immortal clan! He has already taken refuge in the Yin people, otherwise how could he be the master of the Palace of the Kings?"

"I'm kidding, so shameless?" Fuxi came out and said, "How did each of you get the title of Fenghou-level powerhouse and Fenghou-level powerhouse? They were all obtained from Jiuyadong and Yinxu. , If according to your statement, every king-level powerhouse and prince-level powerhouse in this world are all disciples and grandchildren of the Yin people! Including you!"

"This..." Yang Shuhao was speechless again.

Not to mention other things, it is said that each of them was canonized as the king's hall, that is the remains of the Yin people! The title of king on each of them is also canonized by the Yin people!

No matter how powerful the core powerhouses of the Gaishixian clan are, they are not qualified to be a king-level powerhouse!

"Anyway, I don't care about these!" Yang Shuhao waved his hand and said, "Anyway, he is now a Yin person's dogleg, a rebellion of our people!"

Dongcheng Ling stepped up angrily and said, "You are framing good people! Ding Hao didn't do anything bad at all, and you don't have any evidence. Why do you say that?"

"Why?" Yang Shuhao laughed and said, "With my teacher and other core powerhouses, everyone now thinks that he is a rebellion and a retribution from Yin! Do you still have to argue with me? Then I persuade You go to argue with the core powerhouses!"

"You!" Dongcheng Ling was too angry to speak.

What Yang Shuhao said is not reasonable, but it is a fact.

The core powerhouse is the true king of the celestial family, the "uncrowned king"!

The words spoken by these core powerhouses are basically the imperial decree, and all the people of the entire Geshixian clan must follow the imperial decree when they hear it! No one would ask at all, what reason is there for this imperial edict? What evidence is needed?

No one cares about these!

As long as the words spoken by the core powerhouse, it is the truth of the entire outer world! They said Ding Hao was the rebellion of the clan, and that Ding Hao was the rebellion of the clan, and it was useless to say anything!

"Hahaha!" Yang Shuhao laughed loudly, then turned around and said, "Dongcheng Ling, I once gave it to you, but you don't want it! Then don't blame me, when I defeat all opponents and walk into the core, I will definitely kill Ding Hao! As for you, when you kneel in front of me, I won't let you live a good life!"

After speaking, he waved his hand, "Let's go."

(End of this chapter)

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