Peerless Immortal

Chapter 3443: Cancel the title of king

Chapter 3443 cancels the title of king

Chapter 3440-Canceling the Title of King

"Brother Fuxi, will Ding Hao be okay?"

Seeing Yang Shuhao and the others arrogantly leave, Dongcheng Ling couldn't help but feel worried.

Fuxi laughed heartily, "Ding Hao and I, and Ye Kong, have come out of the earth and have gone through countless worlds! The dangers we have encountered are countless, but every time we can turn bad luck into good fortune, we finally reach the top of the world. It’s not just that we are lucky, but that we all have our own abilities! So I haven’t seen Ding Hao or Ye Kong for so many years. Although there is some worry in my heart, I believe they will be able to get through it safely! "

Dongcheng Ling was relieved when he heard this, and asked again, "I think Ding Hao must be still in the Palace of the Kings at this moment. We rush over now, don't know if it's too late?"

Fuxi shook her head and said, "When this news is released, all the practitioners in the entire Yin Ruins have received the news. There must be a lot of people rushing to the Palace of Kings at this moment! But I can conclude that they will all be empty!"

"You mean Ding Hao will definitely leave?" Dongcheng Ling asked again.

Fuxi smiled and said, "We are all kings now, you just need to use the power of the king to project it to the Palace of the Kings, look at it!"

"it is good."

As a powerful man of the Conferring King level, he can project his spiritual power to any place, including outside the Hall of Conferring King!

Dongcheng Ling immediately projected her will over, her huge figure appeared in the void, she couldn't help being stunned.

I saw that many people were already standing outside the Hall of Conferring Kings at this moment. These people had heard that Ding Hao had become the master of the Hall of Conferring Kings, so they rushed to nearby.

And what is even more shocking is that in the void around the Palace of Kings, there are more kings projecting their will at this moment!

In the mid-air around the Hall of Sealing Kings, it can be said that the sky is full of gods and Buddhas, standing full of all the powerful kings!

Among these king-class powerhouses, there are even some core powerhouses, and one of the old men wearing nail armor is the core powerhouse Carlo.

Carlo was shouting loudly, "All the descendants of my clan, don't panic! I'm waiting for the arrival of Ding Hao. The claim that Ding Hao is the master of the Palace of Kings is just a rumor and cannot be accepted!"

Hearing what the core powerhouse said, the lively crowd present has stabilized a lot. In fact, the king-level powerhouses who have come here are people who happen to be cultivating nearby, so they just come here to watch the excitement!

Carlo said loudly again, "Ding Hao, cultivators of my clan, has proven to be the remnant of the Yin people, and the news about him is completely unreliable! As for the news released by the Yin people, I cannot be trusted. I have lived for so many years. I have never heard of the owner of Fengwang Store..."

But when Carlo hadn't finished saying this, in the Yin Ruins, all the powerful kings at the same time heard a young voice.

"Attention all the kings of the Immortal Clan, I am Ding Hao, the new owner of the Palace of Kings! I now send you a notice..."

Not only all the powerful kings, but even those at the core heard this sentence at the same time. Everyone's expressions changed suddenly, especially the cultivators standing outside the palace of kings, everyone waited quietly. Ding Hao continued to announce.

Ding Hao then spoke, and said, "Everyone, the king-level assessment that you conducted before is actually just a kind of king-level distribution of the slaves by the Yin people! In other words, you are not really powerful king-level powers, just Yin People reward and fool you for a position..."

Hearing this, everyone didn't know what Ding Hao was going to say, all were quiet.

Only Carlo shouted, "Ding Hao, you kid, wolf ambition, what are you going to do?"

However, no matter how Carlo shouted, Ding Hao ignored him and continued to say in everyone's ears, "Therefore, after I became the master of the Palace of Kings, I decided to change! Now I order..."

When Ding Hao said this, he paused, and everyone was nervous, wondering what order Ding Hao would give.

Even Carlo, who was yelling just now, quieted down, waiting for Ding Hao's order.

As for Dongcheng Ling, who projected his power outside the Hall of Conferring Kings, his beautiful eyes were also full of doubts, and he didn't know what order Ding Hao was going to announce.

At this moment, in the entire Yin Ruins, all the powerful kings of the Feng Dynasty stopped everything in their hands, quietly waiting for Ding Hao's order to be announced.

In the next second, everyone heard Ding Hao say word by word, "From now on, everyone's title of king will be cancelled immediately! If you want to become a king, you must come to the Palace of Kings for a real assessment! From then on, there will be no more What kind of slave king, only the real king! This is my Ding Hao, a real thing that I did for our race!"

When Ding Hao finished speaking, everyone's ears became quiet, and in the next second, everyone was in an uproar!

"How can it be?"

"Can the title of King be cancelled?"

"Ding Hao is crazy, right?"

"Hehe, I will listen to it as a joke!"

All the powerful kings laughed, and everyone didn't believe what Ding Hao said.

But in a flash, someone's face changed.

"Look at the sky!"

It turned out that in the sky around the Hall of Conferred Kings, there were originally several hundred figures projected by kings, but now they have all disappeared.

"What, my king's privilege is gone? My mental power can no longer be projected anywhere!"

"It's over, my king's privilege is gone!"

"I could have borrowed the power of this world, I could use a lot of ancient rune power, now this privilege is gone!"

"Oh my God, I think you are a powerful man in the rank of honor now!"

"You have also become a Fenghou level!"

In this way, all the people present were in a mess, and everyone was in a panic. Now everyone really wakes up, "Ding Hao didn't brag at all. It is not a rumor that he became the master of the Palace of Kings! He actually cancelled all of us. The title of the king!"

"What can I do? I went from being a powerful king to a powerful man, how can I meet people?"

Everyone present was dumbfounded, everyone was dumbfounded, and no one was willing to accept his transformation from a king to a master!

But among them, there are some people who can be considered reasonable. They came out and said, "Ding Hao, this is not to harm us, he is for our good! Slave king, whoever wants to do it! Anyway, I do it. For the real king, I will go to the Palace of Conferred Kings for assessment now! I believe that after becoming a real king, the privileges and strengths that he possesses are not comparable to those of slave kings!"

"Not bad!" Someone came out again, "All the kings have been cancelled, so there is nothing to be embarrassed about! Everyone is starting from scratch, we will go to the assessment now!"

(End of this chapter)

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