Peerless Immortal

Chapter 3446: Carlo the Wild

Chapter 3446 Wild Carlo


"You come out for me!"

Carlo shouted loudly while rushing into the Palace of the King.

When he stepped into it, he immediately started the challenge of attacking the canonization of the king. Regardless of whether Carlo himself wanted to come in, he had already become the first examiner to come!

Ding Hao became the first examiner after becoming the master of the Hall of Kings!

At this moment Ding Hao has suspended the procedures of all slave kings, that is to say, all those who come to challenge in the future will automatically start the real kingship process!

When Carlo walked into the first level, the scene that appeared was not the same as before. You can pass the level by defeating some bugs!

In this level, Carlo needs to defeat Ding Hao's power incarnation and an astonishing number of bugs!

"Assessor Carlo, you are the first examiner after I control the Palace of the Kings, so I will announce the rules to you first: For this first level, you need to defeat me and all the gods here within a month. insect!"

Seeing Ding Hao standing among the piles of gods and insects, Carlo cursed loudly, "You remnant of Yin people! The rebellion of the immortal clan! I know this is the incarnation of your will, and you immediately release the deity to me! I want to Teach you for your teacher!"

Ding Hao’s avatar didn’t pay attention to him at all, and would only act according to the rules, muttering to himself, and then said, "Assessor Carlo, you must enter the evaluation state now! If you enter the Palace of Kings, you refuse the evaluation. , I can send you out of the Palace of Kings immediately!"

"Dare you!" Carlo yelled angrily.

But he had no choice. Ding Hao was the master of the Palace of the Kings. If he really didn't take a test and threw him out of the Palace of the Kings, he would be very hard to see.

"Never mind! Since you made this re-assessment of all the kings, then I will re-test a king! I don't believe it, I am a core powerhouse who can't pass your assessment?"

After saying this, Carlo immediately released his weapon and rushed towards Ding Hao's power incarnation.

After all, Carlo is a core powerhouse, and he has already stood at the pinnacle of the immortal clan. Even during the reign of the Yin people, Carlo's strength can be called the powerhouse among the strong! So it seemed very easy for him to defeat Ding Hao's incarnation!

Amidst the rumbling noise, Carlo, the core powerhouse who rarely shots, only used 70% or 80% of his strength to completely break Ding Hao's power incarnation.

"Hahaha! Give me a month, isn't this a joke? I don't need a cup of tea, and I will defeat you!"

Carlo triumphantly, he felt that Ding Hao had re-created the assessment, but that was the case.

After Ding Hao's power incarnation was broken, he quickly gathered again, and the gathered figures waved their hands, and a golden light gate suddenly appeared in the void in front of him.

"Assessor Carlo, you have passed the first level of assessment, now you are in the second level!"

"Hahaha! But so, wait for me to pass the three levels, and then go find your deity! I will take your life at that time!" Carlo arrogantly walked over.

The moment Carlo walked into the golden light gate, Ding Hao, who was standing in the dark, waved his hand and ordered, "I will choose his opponent at this level!"

According to the rules, this level is three months, defeating nine arena statues!

The nine statues generally start from the 33rd statue in the duel field and are randomly selected backwards; generally, it is impossible to draw the first 30 statues, because all the first 30 statues are the top powerhouses in the Yin period. Every strength is amazing, and it is the true peak of the Yin people's reign!

The strength of these people is too strong, and the requirements for the assessment of the Palace of Kings are not so high, so it is impossible to get the top 30.

But Ding Hao, as the owner of the Palace of the Kings, has the right to make designated arrangements. He can arrange any statue, even the top 30, or even the top ten!

"Carol! My so-called conspiracy is at this level! I just want to use my power to harm you, otherwise, how can I beat you?"

Thinking of this, Ding Hao immediately raised his hand to make arrangements.

After Carlo entered the second level, what appeared in front of him was a very vast ocean of classics. The various exercises placed in it were as large as feathers, like sea water, and you couldn't see it at a glance!

Ding Hao's power incarnation then said, "Assessor Carlo, you need to stay here for three months! Learn the cultivation techniques here, and then defeat the nine statues over there!"

Carlo really didn't want to learn Yin people's exercises and combat skills. He shook his head and said, "Ding Hao, you want to harm me in this classic! You want me to be the Yin people's remnant just like you! I tell you it's impossible! I don't learn any exercises, I challenge it directly! I am a core powerhouse, can't I still beat a few statues of you?"

Having said that, Carlo came to a statue.

Carlo has lived in this world for so many years, he can tell at a glance that the statue in front of him is ranked 93rd in the arena, and he is not a powerful player.

"Such an assessment is not the same as before, meaningless!"

Carlo gave a cold snort and immediately attacked!

His strength is quite amazing. The 93rd-ranked statue in the arena is not his opponent at all. After a while, it is completely shattered by him, and the statue figure returns to the statue.

"Haha, what?! When I defeat these, I will kill you Ding Hao!"

In the next opponent, the ranking is not high, ranking 89th in the arena!

"It's just rubbish, I will smash you all!" Carlo released his strength and smashed the statue in a blink of an eye.

The third statue is still not challenging, the statue ranked 82nd in the arena, far from Carlo's true strength!

"Garbage! It's all garbage!" Carlo was already smug at the moment, laughing loudly and attacking frantically.

After a while, the third statue was also broken by him!

"Something is difficult!" Carlo's self-confidence is bursting at this moment, thinking that he can be arrogant and break everything!

And the fourth statue is already a powerful role that Ding Hao really prepared for him!

This statue ranks ninth among the strongest in the arena!

In the back, even more feet are ranked fifth, fourth, third, second, first!

In short, Carlo will never be able to pass the assessment today. The first three are simple, just to lose Carlo's appetite and prevent him from giving up and running away!

"This statue..." Carlo couldn't remember where the statue was ranked, but he felt it was ranked high.

However, after experiencing three victories, Carlo was already a little bit overwhelmed. He patted his chest and said, "It's really a bit difficult, then come on! As the top powerhouse of the Gai Shi Xian Clan, I don't believe I can beat you Yin people!"

After Carlo finished speaking, he released his weapon and rushed forward. He didn't take his opponent seriously!

(End of this chapter)

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