Peerless Immortal

Chapter 3447: In desperation

Chapter 3447 is in desperation

Chapter 3444-Desperate

The ninth strong man in the arena is a weird tall old man with white horn braids. The pair of weapons he holds in his hands is also a horn-shaped giant fork.

Boom boom boom!

Loud noises continued. Not long after the battle, Carlo began to retreat. Obviously, he was no longer the opponent of this powerful Yin man!

"Damn it, Ding Hao must have deliberately messed up, otherwise, how could the king's assessment be so difficult?"

Carlo gritted his teeth and screamed, then retreated suddenly, and then he shouted into the sky, "As a core powerhouse, I have the right to call my core power!"

When this sentence was finished, he began to chant some obscure words and sentences. When these contents appeared, hundreds of meters above his head suddenly gathered, an astonishing amount of power.

These forces finally turned into a huge white beam, directly descending from the sky and entering Carlo's body.

"Ding Hao, it's impossible for you to block me!"

Carlo's strength doubled. Between almost waving his hands and raising his feet, the space around his body was constantly cracking. At that moment, wherever he went, it seemed as if it had come to the end!

And the attacks he made were even more terrifying, and the power was amazing, almost crushing everything, even the ninth-ranked powerhouse was beaten back step by step!

"This is the power from the core!"

Standing in the darkness, Ding Hao's eyes flickered.

In fact, his current strength has reached a peak, not only has the Apocalypse Art practiced on 90 stone tablets, but he has also learned the means to control power and release power accurately!

But he still fears Carlo, precisely because Carlo has entered the core area and can draw on the power of the core!

"The core strength is really not easy!"

Ding Hao's eyes flashed, and he became more determined to enter the core. "After entering the core, not only can the strength be greatly increased, but also the core power can be used! The strongest people like Carlos, why are so powerful and so arrogant, it is because They can borrow the core power!"

In Ding Hao's thoughts, Carlo had already defeated the ninth strong man in the duel field.

Hearing a loud bang, the old man with a croissant pigtail on his head was restored to a statue, standing motionless.

"Haha, but so!"

Carlo said triumphantly, his eyes turned to a huge statue behind him, this time he recognized it, "Damn it, it turned out to be the fifth-ranked strongman in the arena to test me. Excessive! If according to this kind of assessment method, I am afraid that no two members of the entire Gaze Immortal Clan will be able to obtain the title of a powerful king!"

Carlo has lived for so many years, and he is not in vain. Seeing the fifth-ranked arena powerhouse, he already has thoughts in his heart, "This is by no means a normal king-level powerhouse challenge. Ding Hao must be manipulating it behind him. Otherwise it won’t be so difficult! If this is the case, I will continue to compete here, and I will probably fall into his vicious scheme!"

When Carlo saw the fifth-ranked powerhouse, his heart had already begun to retreat. Although he was very arrogant, he was not so arrogant that he had no sides. He faintly felt wrong.

But just as he was thinking about it, all the five statues in front of him were all turned into a bang in the smoke!

"Bastard!" Carlo suddenly changed his face, turned his head and shouted angrily, "Ding Hao, do you want to be so excessive? I haven't decided to challenge the next one, so you will release all the next five!"

According to normal rules, one challenge after another, Carlo will defeat nine opponents one after another within three months!

But Ding Hao, as the owner of the Palace of the Kings, can make all decisions and modify many rules; therefore, he simply ordered the remaining five statues to be transformed and attacked Carlo at the same time!

Boom boom boom!

Suddenly, the influence of the sword and the light sword sounded again, and the five strong men attacked Carlo from different directions. The strength of these five men was all the strongest in the peak period of the Yin people, and each one was very terrifying!

So when these five people attacked Carlo at the same time, Carlo suddenly changed his face and shouted, "Fengwang Palace! I now order you to send me out immediately. Can I not take the exam?"

Carlo already felt his own danger, he would rather not participate in this assessment, he would leave here quickly.

"I want to leave now, it's too late!" Ding Hao has already decided to make a move, how can he let him leave, standing in the dark, he immediately waved his hand, "Five statues, make an effort!"

Boom boom boom!

As a result, Carlo suddenly fell into a passive position. Although he was able to borrow the power from the core, he was not an opponent at all if he wanted him to stand up to the five strong players alone.

"Asshole Ding Hao, you are too much, you want to kill me like this, you can't do it!"

After all, Carlo is a core powerhouse, standing at the pinnacle of the Geshixian Clan for many years, even at this point, it is not that easy to die.

I saw his figure fiercely for a while, everything around his body shattered, and the space was constantly shattered.

Suddenly, the up and down, left and right sides, front and back of his body were all located in the broken space, and the five statues present did not even want to approach him.

And those spaces that were reunited again would be shattered by him again, just like this, he just sat there, sitting firmly on the Diaoyutai for a while.

"Ding Hao, it's not that easy for you to kill me!" Carlo suddenly laughed.


Ding Hao finally walked out of the shadows and said, "Carlo, don't you rely on the power from the core? When I walk into the core, I will become a core powerhouse. My power is only stronger than you. Then you will definitely die!"

Carlo stood in the middle of the void and said with a sneer, "This is why I don't think you are allowed to enter the core, you are the rebellious immortal clan!"

"I am the rebellion of the Gaishixian clan?" Ding Hao coldly snorted, "I have solved the problem of the core powerhouse constantly breaking the space. In fact, as long as you cooperate well, it will be good for you! But you are against me everywhere, so I must Solve you first!"

"Solving me, you think it's easy!" Carlo haha ​​laughed and said, "The power I release can constantly break the void and make the space shatter everywhere! Although this is a bad situation, it is in a crisis. , But it can also save my life. It is impossible for you to be close to me now. How can you solve me?"


Ding Hao sneered, took a step forward, raised his hand and said, "Now I will let you see what I can do!"

When Ding Hao waved his hand, the void that Carlo had broken was constantly recovering in a very fast way. In a blink of an eye, all the space around Carlo's body was repaired!

"How could it be!" Carlo's face changed drastically.

(End of this chapter)

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