Peerless Immortal

Chapter 3686: Shui Yuntian

Chapter 3686 Shui Yuntian

Chapter 3683 Shui Yuntian

Tian Qi said that he himself had found a kind of fire that could refine the seal, so Ding Hao would have doubts. What would Qi want to leave Huo Tian doing that day.

Tian Qi said with a smile, "Although the fire I got is not bad, but the power is not enough, I need to upgrade the fire! The best way to upgrade the fire is to consume the fire! But there are requirements for the devour! If the opponent is a higher level Tinder, it will be swallowed, but not beautiful; but if the opponent's fire level is too low, after swallowing it, it will not have much effect and it is useless! So I will find some fires that can be used just now!"

Only then did Ding Hao know why Tian Qi had to talk to him for a long time from front to back, because the item he was looking for was not a specific item!

"But Tianqi rules, it's a bit troublesome." Ding Hao smiled bitterly, "After all, I don't know which level of fire you want to find, or which type of fire. If you find a big one. What should I do if the heap is not available?"

Tian Qi just smiled, took out another jade ribbon, put it on his forehead, and wrote some content into it.

Immediately he handed the jade card to Ding Hao, "Here is written all kinds of fires I want, I want one eighth-level sacred fire, three seventh-level sacred fires, five sixth-level sacred fires, and five fifth-level sacred fires. Duo! I write all the scope of the sacred fire here, and I don’t want any sacred fire beyond the scope!"

Ding Hao's eyes swept away, and hundreds of sacred fires were recorded in this jade card, from the fifth to the eighth level.

"Yes." Ding Hao smiled, "If I'm not mistaken, you are going to upgrade the sacred fire from level 8 to ninth! The ninth level sacred flame can be said to be the best sacred flame in the 3000 world! This sacred flame Not to mention it is used to refine the seal, even if it is taken anywhere, it is also a valuable treasure!"

Tian Qi laughed and said, "These are really not easy, especially if you want to find an eighth-level sacred fire, it is really difficult! But if you really find it for me, I can give you a piece of Landi Pulp refinement. This armor is not worn by monsters, but for you! I guarantee that this armor is amazingly powerful and can be used with your other armors to double the defense effect!"

Tian Qi didn't know that this kind of armor had actually appeared on Ding Xiaohei, and Ding Hao had witnessed it with his own eyes.

If this thing can be worn on my body, then my defense power will reach a terrible level, and it will be able to block all Holy Law attacks!

In fact, Ding Hao had long wanted this Blue Emperor Magma armor. Right now, he held his fist at Tian Qi and said, "Thank you Tian Qi Master, I will go to Lihuo Tian this time and will try my best to find it!"

"Thank you."

After the two sides reached a tacit agreement, Tian Qi no longer had any coveting for Ding Hao, but like a true friend, he sent Ding Hao directly out of Jiudongtian.

"Leaving this passage, according to the records on the map, you can reach Jiudongtian in two months at most."

"Take care, wait for my good news!"

Ding Hao also clasped his fists and walked into the barren world in front of him.

After entering the barren world, he immediately used the great wayfinding technique, and then released Ding Xiaohei, rushing to the exit passage of this barren world.

In this way, Ding Hao went through one world after another. In about two months, he finally came to Shuiyuntian, the closest to the sky of fire.

I don’t know if it’s to balance the flame breath of Lihuotian. The worlds around Lihuotian are mainly water-based worlds, especially Shuiyuntian. When Ding Hao entered, there was a blue water surface in front of him. .

In this world, land is very scarce, and the vast water surface is basically like an endless ocean, and above the ocean, there are an astonishing number of white clouds floating. The clouds here are very peculiar, and the height is not very high, just floating not far above the sea.

And this cloud does not disappear easily, so there are people building a city here on top of this cloud. Over time, these clouds floating on the sea are like continents that slowly float. The scene is very strange.

When Ding Hao arrived, there were also many flying treasures passing through the void, flying towards the white clouds.

Ding Hao stepped on the blue Ding Xiaohei, staring at the water and sky, clouds drifting, and secretly admiring, these peculiar sights are truly unheard of and unseen.

Although the scenery of Shuiyuntian is pleasant, Ding Hao didn't stop, instead he wanted to go to Lihuotian quickly.

"Great Wayfinding Technique!" Ding Hao used this powerful holy method again, but unexpectedly found that this holy method was invalid, and could not find a way to Lihuotian. Although he found a few ways, it was obviously not. Leading to Lihuo Heaven!

When he was puzzled, a giant ship-shaped flying treasure chased up. On the card board of this treasure, three beautiful women in long cloaks stood, and the leading woman asked proudly, "This fellow Taoist , Dare to ask you where is the passage for Shui Yuntian to Lihuotian?"

Ding Hao smiled bitterly, "This senior sister, I am not from Shui Yuntian, I am also a cultivator going to Lihuotian."

"Are you also the treasure hunter who went to Lihuotian?" The three women carrying the ship-shaped treasure suddenly looked at Ding Hao vigilantly.

Everyone went to search for treasures, and their peers were enemies, not to mention robbing each other of treasures, so they were all wary of each other.

The woman raised her brows when she heard this, but still asked, "Then do you know the passage?"

"I don't know! I also just entered Shuiyuntian..."

Ding Hao was still talking, and the three women had already urged the flying treasures under their feet and left quickly, without even saying hello or thanking them.

"These three women don't know which world they are from. They look pretty good, but they are a bit less polite. Even if they didn't help you point the way, they should say goodbye to fellow Daoists and leave like this..." Even Ding Xiaohei at Ding Hao's feet coldly snorted.

Ding Hao didn't care, and smiled, "These female cultivators should come from some big sect or a powerful world. They are usually held in the hands of elders and male cultivators. It is normal to not be polite. Let us also ask for a way."

He walked on Ding Xiaohei and quickly came to the nearest cloud continent. The continent formed by the clouds was quite magnificent. The number of cities on the top was astonishing, and the number of cultivators living in them was even more than billions. Ding Hao came to the nearest big city .

He stopped outside the city, put away Ding Xiaohei, and then approached the big city called "Jicheng". There were busy pedestrians and a lot of people coming and going. Several cultivators in armor were walking. Charges at the city gate.

"Senior, everyone who enters the city pays a thousand water and cloud crystals." A monk in armor stepped forward.

(End of this chapter)

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