Peerless Immortal

Chapter 3687: Qingxuan Market

Chapter 3687 Qingxuan Market

Chapter 3684 Qingxuan Bazaar

"A thousand water cloud crystals."

The so-called Shuiyunjing should be a currency unique to this world. Ding Hao just came to this world and there was no such currency at all.

Seeing him in a daze, the monk wearing the armor could also guess that this was the senior from the outside world, and he clasped his fists again, "Senior passed through our Shuiyuntian and went to Lihuotian, right?"

Ding Hao nodded and said, "You are right, I just went to Lihuotian. Without the currency of your world, I want to ask, do you collect soul gold here?"

The spar produced in each world is different, so the currency is also different, but the soul gold thing is universal.

The monk in armor said respectfully, "Senior, in fact, you don't have to enter Jicheng. Our Shuiyuntian rule stipulates that all monks who want to enter Lihuotian from here must leave from Qingxuan Bazaar! Go to Lihuotian. Huotian’s quota is also auctioned there! So Senior, you only need to arrive at the Qingxuan Market to do it!"

"The place to go to Lihuotian is going to be auctioned?" Ding Hao paused, then understood.

No wonder he could not find the path to Lihuotian by using the Great Wayfinding Technique; it turned out that Shuiyuntian’s ruler set the authority to block all the way to go. The monks were not allowed to enter Lihuotian casually. Every monk who entered Need to spend money to buy places!

"The master of Shui Yuntian has business acumen, and he earns money to a group of strong people!"

Ding Hao now knows that in fact, the ruler of a world does not necessarily have much strength. Just like Tianqi, the ruler of Jiudongtian, if he fights alone, Tianqi is not Ding Hao’s opponent at all, even if Tianqi calls all the core forces of this world, Ding Ha Also has the ability to escape.

And now these cultivators who go to Lihuotian to search for treasures can be said that everyone is strong; Shuiyuntian dominates and blocks these strong, it is really bold, if these strong people make trouble, he is the master of Shuiyuntian Can't hold it down at all!

But since the master of Shui Yuntian dared to do this, he should have his own powerful strength.

Ding Hao immediately asked the direction of Qingxuan Market, and walked straight on Ding Xiaohei.

After flying at extreme speed for more than ten days, Ding Hao felt that there were more and more practitioners flying around him, and a small cloud in front of him had faintly appeared.

"Qingxuan Market."

Soon after, the blue streamer stopped, Ding Xiaohei revealed his figure, and Ding Hao walked up to the cloud in front of him.

When you walk up, you can see that the area of ​​this cloud is not large, unlike the cloud continent, but like a small cloud island; this small cloud island is different from other clouds in that there is a formation arranged by the strong under the cloud. A cloud does not drift with the wind, but is permanently fixed in this position.

Because the cloud is relatively small, there is no city on it. The whole little cloud is an extremely huge market.

Ding Hao fell on this cloud, a vast square outside the market. When he stepped on this square, he was shocked.

It turned out that the square under his feet was covered with the most top-notch world-class formations. After setting foot, there were circles of aperture ripples oscillating outward under his feet, which seemed very special.

And those who came to Qingxuan Bazaar early did not have such a reminder.

Ding Hao noticed that the new people who came here with him would have the same sight at their feet.

He didn’t care about it. He took Ding Xiaohei and walked along the square towards the inside of the bazaar. After walking a few steps, several young women in plain gowns came up and said, "Predecessors of the outside world, No. Once you come to Qingxuan Bazaar, you need to pay 5 million soul gold to get you a temporary identity token for Shuiyuntian!"

"5 million soul gold for a token!" Ding Hao shook his head and smiled bitterly. The master of Shui Yuntian really fell into Qian's eyes.

However, he still took out the 5 million soul gold when he went to the countryside, and he raised his hand, and the 5 million soul gold spilled out like a black cloud; the few female sisters in front of them did not use their souls to collect soul gold. Instead, he took out a small pure black bottle, and a large piece of soul gold was immediately sucked into the bottle.

"Thank you, Senior." The young female cultivator in the lead took out a token and handed it to Ding Hao with both hands. "Senior, just refine this token with mental power."

Ding Hao took it and put on his own spiritual sense. Even if he refines this token, this token is bound to his spiritual power and cannot be used by others. When he hangs the token around his waist, the one under his feet The circling ripples disappeared immediately, and he immediately accelerated and walked into the crowd in front of him.

To say that the current Qingxuan Bazaar is really busy. When Ding Hao walked into it, various shouts were heard everywhere.

"Buy and sell all kinds of armor, with powerful fire protection function, and the price is as low as 500 million soul gold."

"Senior, come and take a look at the fire-proof talisman in my place. It can also conceal the figure. It is a must-have for home travel and exploration. It only needs 100 million soul gold."

When Ding Hao heard these yells, he shook his head and smiled bitterly. The price here is not just black, but has reached the bottom of the foot!

What kind of messy talisman and defensive armor, dare to ask for hundreds of millions of soul gold, this is like grabbing money!

But in fact, these sellers call high prices, but the transaction prices are not so high.

A young female nun only spent 10 million soul gold, so she bought the talisman for hundreds of millions!

"It seems that wherever you go, you still have to bargain."

The more Ding Hao walked in, the more dazzling items appeared in front of him. The items sold at the beginning were all necessary things to go to Lihuotian. Later, I could see the map of Lihuotian, and even see The baby that flows out from the fire day!

"The fire from the fire of the sky, a piece of 100 million soul gold, is specially used to cultivate the fire-type heaven and earth treasures! Various flame-type plants grow on the fire and the soil, and the result will be twice the result with half the effort! At the same time, if there is a small world in refining My friends, if your small world is of flame attribute, I can provide a large amount of fire from the earth at a discount at wholesale prices!"

Ding Hao shook his head. The soil from the sky can now be sold at high prices, and many people have made a fortune!

However, on the other side, many dark-faced men, women and women are being sold as slaves in the iron cage; these slaves are not all ordinary people with no strength, many of them are Lihuotian monks with sealed strength. When Lihuotian was destroyed, these people were all captured and used as slaves. As long as they spent money, they could buy some powerful slaves.

"The Huo Nu from Lihuotian, the price is favorable. The Lihuotian natives who have just been caught from Lihuotian are very strong! There are 100 million males and 200 million females. There are also Lihuotian core-level powerhouses. , As long as 1 billion soul gold can have a core strong slave!"

(End of this chapter)

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