Peerless Immortal

Chapter 3694: Nine pillars

Chapter 3694 Tongtian Nine Pillars

Chapter 3691 Nine Pillars Through The Sky

"This kid..."

Three years later, a sturdy figure with a short stature stood in front of a broken cloud continent.

And in front of this sturdy figure, on the road of broken clouds, there is a wide array space, and within this array space is a golden semicircular mask, Ding Hao is in this mask, cross-legged While sitting, muttering words in his mouth, his right hand kept tapping the wooden fish in front of him.

"Is this kid from the Buddhist world?"

In fact, the current Shuiyuntian dominating Tianzhi is already a bit embarrassed.

In fact, for the past three years, he has been busy with Lihuotian, and even went to Lihuotian himself to find the fragments of the rules of the world. During these three years, he often thought that this kid would secretly take advantage of his absence. escape!

But every time he came here, he was surprised to find that this kid was still hitting the wooden fish!

Tian Chi couldn't figure it out. This kid had many opportunities to escape, but he kept knocking on the wooden fish and chanting sutras. Later, Tian Chi was a little scared in her heart, "Is this kid a spy sent by the Buddhist family? Shuiyuntian develops believers!"

Thinking of this, Tian Chi wanted to kick Ding Hao out of the golden mask and throw it out of Shui Yuntian!

However, it is a pity that even if he tried any means, he couldn't open the golden light mask outside Ding Hao's body at all.

"Report master, happy event! Someone really found the fragments of the rules of the world and sent us Shui Yuntian!" Suddenly a shout came from the rear.

"Found the fragments of the rules of the world!" Tian Jia was immediately ecstatic, and he turned around and flew away regardless of Ding Hao who was chanting.

Just a few months after Tian Chi left, Ding Hao, who had been sitting there knocking on the wooden fish, finally slowed down, the Heart Sutra chanted in his mouth also began to slow down, and Ding Hao’s mental power slowly returned to his original heart. !

"Unexpectedly, this Buddhist scripture is also a kind of cultivation!"

After a few more hours, the percussion finally stopped. Ding Hao, who had been chanting for three and a half years, finally stopped and opened his eyes.

In the past three and a half years, the changes to Ding Hao have been tremendous!

After he took Daoguo, his spirit sea has become a spiritual starry sky, and in this spiritual starry sky, there have been nine giant pillars that can reach the sky. The light and shadow of these nine giants seem to stand upright in the sky, and in these nine giants On all sides of the pillar, the sky is full of stars, like an infinite universe!

During the three-and-a-half years of chanting, his mind became calm, the spiritual starry sky expanded extremely, and the starry sky became much brighter. What shocked him even more was that one of the nine giant pillars had already gone from White becomes golden!

This golden huge pillar straddles the starry sky, even if Ding Hao is the master of this spiritual starry sky, he can't see the two ends of this golden huge pillar at all!

On top of this golden pillar, there is an extra word of Buddha!

"The appearance of the word Buddha is to make my spiritual starry sky more stable, and to make my empty spiritual world a little more powerful! I know that a strong man like the Bodhisattva at ease will never use such despicable means to force me to do it. Monk!"

Originally, according to Mo Fei’s statement, the Liberty Bodhisattva gave Ding Hao this wooden fish to allow Ding Hao to chant for a long time and finally make Ding Hao a monk; now it does not seem to be the case. This kind of chanting does not make Ding Hao a monk, nor does the Liberty Bodhisattva. Using this small technique of carving insects, in fact, the combination of the Heart Sutra and the wooden fish is a powerful method of spiritual cultivation. The Bodhisattva Freedom has taught Ding Hao a powerful method of cultivation!

This kind of spiritual power cultivation method left a mark on Ding Hao's spiritual starry sky and made Ding Hao's spiritual power much stronger!

"I don't know what my spiritual starry sky finally developed into? But now that this huge pillar has the word "Buddha", it has obviously become stronger! If you have the opportunity to visit the Bodhisattva at ease in the future, you must thank you in person!" Ding Hao felt grateful that a powerful Buddha like the Bodhisattva at ease was extraordinary, only doing good deeds, never had evil thoughts, and he had previously suspected that Bodhisattva at ease had selfishness, which was really shameful!

"Thank you!" Ding Hao stood up and gave another Buddhist ceremony before he put away the wooden fish in front of him.

When he put it away, the golden mask disappeared. He looked around and found that there was no one outside. Although there were three layers of trapped formations and three layers of killing arrays covering him, he had such a strong spirit. Power and combat effectiveness, not long after, he found the weakness of these formations, broke it out!

Tian Chi, who had arranged a six-layer formation and a locked formation in the square at his feet, didn't know what to do. After Ding Hao broke the formation, he didn't care about him at all.

"Tian Chi didn't even take action against me!"

Ding Hao was a little puzzled. With a move, he changed his appearance and ran towards the water cloud space in front of him.

After flying for a while, I finally saw another floating cloud continent. On this continent, the Qingxuan Bazaar was still busy, and many cultivators were buying and selling items.

Ding Hao landed at the Qingxuan Market and found that no one had come to ask for a token from him this time. He looked puzzled and grabbed a passerby and asked, "Friends, I want to ask, when will the latest one be available? Go to Lihuotian for auction?"

The passing cultivator looked up and down Ding Hao, and said, "Senior, you have been closed for the past few months! Now the passage to Lihuotian has been completely opened. All cultivators can enter at will, without auctioning places!"

"No." Ding Hao said dumbfounded, "Shuiyuntian dominates Tianji not always locking the space channel, and at the same time asking everyone to swear to help him find fragments of world rules..."

"That's the old calendar." The passing cultivator smiled, "Li Huotian is now in a mess, and all kinds of fire have been taken away. Not only is it dangerous to go there to explore treasures, but there are no treasures! No money is needed! Someone must go, the fool is going to auction places!"

"So it's like this." Ding Hao suddenly realized, and then asked, "The fragments of the rules of the world..."

"I heard that the Lord of Tianzhi has been found, and now 80% of them are going to retreat for refining! So don't care about this matter, fellow Taoist, if you want to leave Huotian, I advise you to go around this market. , If there is enough soul gold, even the ninth-level holy fire can be bought!"

"Well, thanks a lot."

Ding Hao nodded secretly after leaving with this person. Unexpectedly, in three years, the situation has changed drastically, and Li Huotian should collapse now. What is hateful is that the **** Tian Jia has found the fragment of the world law. If the level is refined, , Tian Chi's strength must be greatly increased.

"No! I won't necessarily be able to beat him when he leaves the barrier and his strength will increase! I also want to leave Huotian to find my own chance!"

Others are looking for the sacred fire, he is not for this purpose, so it is necessary to go away from the fire!

(End of this chapter)

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