Peerless Immortal

Chapter 3695: Golden Buddha Pillar

Chapter 3695 Golden Light Buddha Pillar

Chapter 3692 Golden Light Buddha Pillar

Now that Tian Chi had released the space channel, Ding Hao didn't need to find a place at all. He directly used the Great Wayfinding Technique to find a way to Lihuotian.

"It turns out that the passage to Lihuotian is not far from Qingxuan Market!"

After Ding Hao found the road, he didn't wait any longer, and flew directly to the Lihuo Heaven Pass.

When I came to the door of this passage, I found that many cultivators were walking out of the passage; some of these cultivators were beaming, and obviously got some holy fire treasure, but there were also some cultivators who had a gloomy face and should have returned empty-handed; however, no matter what Whether the cultivator got the treasure or not, everyone is in a hurry, and many people still have a lot of smoke and fire.

Ding Hao walked into the passage with doubts.

After he entered, he knew why these people were carrying smoke and fire. When he reached Lihuotian, he saw that the world in front of him was like a volcanic eruption everywhere. The fire was blazing and the flames were rolling, whether it was the ground or the sky. The high temperature and fire cloud swept over!

Behind the fire cloud, there are still many soaring fire tornadoes, and many practitioners are fleeing at high speed in front of the fire tornado!

"Friends, you are still in the treasure hunt at this time, it's too late! Not only does the world collapse and the laws collapse from the fire day, but more importantly, the core power of this world has been ignited, and it is not far from a complete explosion. Right!"

An old white-haired old man with scattered hair flew over to remind him, escaped from Ding Hao into the passage, and left Lihuotian.

Although the vision is very tragic, Ding Hao didn't come here just to explore the treasure, he was to watch the Dao Marks made by Xuanyuan Xue!

Originally, he was not so firm in this observation, but seeing the terrible sight in front of him, his heart was even more firm!

"Xuanyuanxue's Dao Mark can actually break the world to such an extent. This shows the power of Dao Mark! So I have to see how this Dao Mark tears the law?!"

Thinking of this, Ding Hao immediately released Ding Xiaohei, stepped on the giant bird covered with blue armor, and rushed into the world like a sea of ​​fire in front of him.

A few months later, a blue light flew, and the blue light suddenly stopped near the city that was swallowed by the raging fire.

Ding Hao held a piece of jade slip in his hand and walked off Ding Xiaohei's back, "If it weren't for the map given to me by the concubine Heige, it would be really hard to find here!"

The entire Lihuotian had collapsed, and many areas were completely out of sight. Without such a detailed map, Ding Hao would be in a lot of trouble.

And this map not only marked the mansion of the ancient sword emperor, but also recorded the location where the ancient sword emperor and Xuanyuanxue fought. Ding Hao went directly to the place where the two were fighting outside the city and began to look for the location of the Dao Mark. !

In fact, he didn't need to look for it at all. When he came near this place, there was a cold and terrifying aura above his head, as if it was a giant beast in the sky, looking down with a gloomy look.

He slowly flew up, looking at the space in front of him. From the eyes of ordinary people, there is nothing special about that space; but in the eyes of a cultivator like him, there is a clearly visible space in this space. Black cracks, and around the black cracks are covered with cracks that are like spider webs, which looks shocking!

"I didn't expect a duel that day. Four years have passed now, and the traces of the battle still exist!"

Ding Hao flew closer to watch, and saw a black crack extending towards the distance of the sky. Although the black crack stretched farther, it became more and more slender, but he wanted to see this black crack at a glance. At the end of it, it is impossible to do it at all!

"The mark made by Xuanyuanxue!"

Ding Hao's eyes flickered, he now understands, "Xuanyuanxue, this is intentional!"

Normal cultivators, even if they make Dao Marks in one world, at best they will slightly change the laws of this world; and now Li Huotian is completely collapsed, all because of these Dao Marks, it cannot be said to be Xuanyuan. Did Snow deliberately do it?

Although this woman Xuanyuanxue looks beautiful, her vicious mind directly broke the world, causing many people to leave their homes, homeless, and even become slaves; but these were not Ding Hao's final concerns. He was concerned about Xuanyuanxue's true nature. How did you do it?

"Being able to have this ability is definitely far beyond the emperor-level powerhouse, Xuanyuanxue is not easy!"

Ding Hao believed that the ancient sword emperors and the Wujue emperors he had met had no such strength. One sword collapsed a world. With such strength, how many people in the world could do it? Ding Hao immediately observed the black crack in front of him with his eyes!

In addition to his interest in Xuanyuanxue's strength, he was more importantly interested in where the crack was cut.

"As far as I know, the laws of the heavens are everywhere! How can this woman tear the laws of the heavens, and what are these torn laws of the heavens?"

Ding Hao approached the crack in the sky, wanting to see it clearly.

But when he reached a certain distance, he found that it was difficult to keep close! Above this black crack, a very terrifying aura was transmitted outwards, as if he would be torn apart by this terrifying aura no matter how close he was.

Moreover, the closer he got closer, the more he couldn't see the cross section of the black crack!

"It's useless to watch with the naked eye like this!" Ding Hao slowly shook his head, then sat down cross-legged, releasing his powerful mental power.

The naked eye can only see the appearance. If Ding Hao wants to study the consequences of this scar cutting the law of heaven and earth, he must use his mental power to observe the crack in the law; but when his mental power has just concentrated on the black crack in front of him, A sharp force is swept away!

"Xuanyuanxue's sword intent!"

Ding Hao's expression was shocked. He didn't expect that after a few years, the sword intent left by Xuanyuanxue still existed! This sword intent not only prevented him from viewing the cross-section of the knife mark, but also actively attacked Ding Hao's spiritual consciousness, shocking Ding Hao's spiritual starry sky, as if there was another sharp sword that would cut through his spiritual starry sky!

However, at this moment, among the nine huge pillars, the one that has become golden, suddenly emits a magnificent golden light, and on the huge pillar, the huge golden Buddha character is instantly lit, emitting the brilliance of heaven and earth. Xuanyuanxue's sword intent was also resisted by this golden light and disappeared instantly!

"Unexpectedly, this practice method given by the Bodhisattva at ease can not only form a light mask to protect me from harm; it can also protect my mental power from being attacked by the opponent! It's really good!"

Immediately, one of the five pillars lit up, and there was a golden light in the spiritual power he released, and he was not afraid at all in the face of the aggressive sword intent!

(End of this chapter)

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