Peerless Immortal

Chapter 3699: Can't afford

Chapter 3699 can't afford to pay


Xuanyuanxue thought that Ding Hao's delay in saving herself must be for some benefit.

That's why she asked directly, "Outside the precious Tao fruit, there are also some in the ancient primitive world! Fellow Ding Hao, after you saved me, it's easy to say which one you want!"

However, Ding Hao didn't pay attention to her, but approached the quiet blue Jiu Ming Yin Shui step by step, and at the same time used his mental power to fight against the Jiu Ming Yin Shui.

Ding Hao didn't think about not saving Xuanyuanxue, but before saving people, he had to figure out the situation first, and he couldn't act rashly.

Soon, he came to a place about one meter away from Xuanyuan Xue, and he knew that he could no longer move forward.

If you continue to move forward, the faint blue liquid will suddenly pounce on him like a fountain. By then, he will not have Xuanyuanxue's defenses, and he may die on the spot, his body will be destroyed, and his soul will become the Nine Underworld Yin Water. One of the atoms!

"Is it constantly attacking your mental power?" Xuanyuanxue asked again.

Ding Hao nodded slightly, which made Xuanyuanxue's heart even more shocked. The young cultivator in front of him had such a strong mental power. Xuanyuanxue believed that even if he took a Tao fruit that boosted his spiritual power, he would definitely not achieve such an effect!

"This kid must have other opportunities!" Xuanyuanxue guessed secretly.

Ding Hao didn't have as many thoughts as he did. He just asked, "I can't move forward anymore. I can only stand in this position. I just want to know, how do you want me to save you?"

Xuanyuanxue then withdrew her thoughts and said quickly, "This Nine Underworld Yin Water is definitely not to be touched. Now it traps me in it. The best way is to break its shackles! I can come out naturally!"

"I'm afraid this is not so easy!" Ding Hao took out a magic weapon like a long stick and hit one end of the magic weapon on the blue liquid in front of him.

What surprised him was that this faint blue liquid was transmitted through this magic weapon in an instant, and Ding Hao was so frightened that he let go!

But this faint blue liquid seemed to have an IQ. After Ding Hao let go, it immediately returned.

And the divine weapon covered by the Nine Underworld Yin Water has become rusty and full of cracks. Ding Hao can’t communicate with his divine sense at all, just watch this thing suddenly fall from the sky, and when it passes below it is near the fire. At that time, he was ignited by Lihuo and burned to ashes.


Xuanyuanxue looked pale, if she was really covered by the Nine Underworld Yin Water, her soul would be completely wiped out, and her physical body would be the same as this divine weapon, falling directly down, and finally being burned by Lihuo There is not even ash left!

Ding Hao frowned. It is very unwise to use any weapon to attack the Nine Underworld Yin Water. He pondered for a moment and asked, "Xuanyuanxue, since you have come here to get this kind of real water, you always have a way to get it! I don’t believe you, I didn’t prepare anything, so I came here recklessly!"

"That's natural." Xuanyuan Xue said, "The Nine Underworld Yin Water contains an astonishing amount of soul power, so it is the only living water among the nine great real waters! So there must be a certain way to obtain it! Otherwise, even If you succeed, the living water has also become stagnant water, all the souls in it have died, and the Nine Underworld Yin Water has also become a piece of nothingness! Therefore, it is necessary to use those treasures that can specifically place the soul..."

"Treasures to place the soul!" Ding Hao nodded. He had used some treasures of the soul flag many years ago, which can hold hundreds of millions of souls.

Xuanyuanxue said again, "The number of souls contained in the Yin Shui of the Nine Underworlds is too large, so ordinary soul flags can't even fit a drop in it. It is useless! The only one who can obtain the Yin Shui of the Nine Underworlds is made by Wuliangmu Wooden cup, wooden bottle or wooden gourd, only the treasure made by Wuliangmu can be filled with Jiu Ming Yin Water, and it can hold a lot!"

Ding Hao suddenly realized, and nodded and asked, "Presumably you must have brought such a treasure. If you take water at a high speed, take the Nine Underworld Yin Water that is wrapped around your body. As long as you take away one piece and the space is exposed, you can naturally escape!"

Xuanyuanxue smiled bitterly, "I can't take it right now. You don't know, the treasure spurred by this immeasurable tree requires a lot of mental power! Almost all of my mental power is fighting against this thing, if I use mental power Push Wuliangmu, then I will be a dead end!"

Only then did Ding Hao understand that this was the reason, otherwise Xuanyuanxue could leave without taking the Jiu Ming Yin Shui by herself, so why should she help herself?

"That's it." Ding Hao said, "If you don't worry about me, take out your immeasurable wooden water cup for me, and I will help you fetch water! After you get it, try to free up the space and let you out!"

Xuanyuanxue sighed, "I can rest assured, but now my body is surrounded by this thing, and Wuliangmu can't be thrown out."

"Then what to do?"

Ding Hao couldn't do anything about it. Now Xuanyuanxue was trapped in it, and the immeasurable wooden cup could not be taken out. He wanted to save Xuanyuanxue, but that was also impossible.

But Xuanyuanxue said, "The soul is most afraid of flames. Do you have a strong enough flame? If you have a ninth-level sacred fire, you can destroy some of the Nine Underworld Yin Water, so I can naturally come out!"

"Nine-level sacred flame." Ding Hao laughed. "I don't even have a first-level sacred flame. Where did the ninth-level sacred flame come from? You are so powerful, don't you have the sacred flame?"

Xuanyuanxue shook her head and said, "There are many types of sacred flames. I have nine-level sacred fires, but all of them are yin fires! It is the same as the yin water of the nine underworlds. It is useless at all! So I need the nine-level sacred fire with the yang attribute. Able to destroy a part of the Nine Underworld Yin Water and let me out!"

"But I don't have any yin and yang attributes."

When Ding Hao said this, Xuanyuanxue's face suddenly paled. Even if Ding Hao goes out to search now, the ninth-level flame is not so easy to find, and it is not so easy to buy when going out to buy. It will take a long time to find Xuanyuanxue's subordinates, Xuanyuanxue Snow can't support that long!

However, although Ding Hao didn't have the ninth-level sacred flame, he said, "There is a kind of fire on my body. It is the fire of anger that I cultivated using the great burning technique! I always feel that this guy is eager to try. Maybe it will be useful. I will try it out. Try it!"

"Fire of anger." Although Xuanyuanxue felt unreliable, she still said, "Then be careful."

The anger used by the Great Burning Heaven Technique cannot be released at all, only the Emperor's Fury Sword can be used, so Ding Hao can only take the risk this time and take out the Emperor's Fury Sword, and laughed, "Emperor of Ten Thousand Realms, if I am this You ruined the sword, you have to compensate me!"

Xuanyuanxue smiled and said, "If your sword is destroyed, it means that your anger is useless at all. Then I will be dead this time, and I can't compensate you, sorry!"

(End of this chapter)

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