Peerless Immortal

Chapter 3700: Angry ambition

Chapter 3700 Anger Ambition


Although Xuanyuanxue couldn’t afford to pay for it, Ding Hao didn’t care. Even if he had some opinions about Xuanyuanxue, after all, Xuanyuanxue gave him the emperor’s heart art. At the same time, Xuanyuanxue was still Mofei’s dream lover. Save people.

Immediately he took out his God Emperor's Fury Sword, and used the flames of anger in his body to urge the sword!


Suddenly, a layer of raging anger emerged on the surface of this sword.

Immediately, Ding Hao raised his hand and slashed at the faint blue liquid in front of him, trying to open a gap and release Xuanyuanxue!

"not good!"

At the moment when the God Emperor's Fury Sword was about to touch the blue liquid, Ding Hao quickly retracted the sword; when he retracted the sword, Jiu Ming Yin Shui pounced out like a monster with a strange shape, Ding Hao Back quickly!


A slap-sized piece of Jiu Ming Yin Water broke away from the body and rushed out, but it didn't touch Ding Hao and spilled out of thin air.

After the spilled Nine Underworld Yin Water is in the void, it disintegrates, like countless bubbles, you can see that there are thousands of faces on each bubble. For a time, this space is filled with bubbles.

However, these bubbles quickly burst and disappeared without a trace.

Ding Hao hid not far away, raised his hand and looked at his God Emperor's Fury Sword, crying out as a fluke. If he had just stepped forward, this sword would be completely destroyed!

Fortunately, he collected the sword in time at the critical moment, and the sword was not damaged!

Xuanyuanxue, who was trapped in the blue liquid at the moment, had a rather ugly face. She also saw that the Jiu Ming Yin Shui was not afraid of Ding Hao's anger at all. It was very difficult for Ding Hao to rescue her.

"It's really over this time!" Xuanyuanxue's face was pale and said, "Can you rush to the ancient five emperor days as soon as possible..."

But after she finished speaking, she shook her head and said, "It's too late! You rush over here and come back, I have already turned into flying ash! I can't support it for a long time! I didn't expect that I would die here in the end!"

Xuanyuanxue was desperate. She had big dreams. She didn't take Jiu Ming Yin Shui too seriously when she came here this time. Who knew that she would die here in the end after so many dangers, she was not reconciled!

Ding Hao frowned. In fact, he has a more concise way, that is, to inform his friend Jin Merchant through Six-Medial Lotus. The merchant of gold lived in the ancient Five Emperor Heavens, not too far away from the Emperor Heaven, so that the Xuanyuan family members could be notified soon!

Although this was a way, Ding Hao's gaze was towards Li Huo under the Yin Shui of Jiu Ming.

"When I used anger just now, I obviously felt that anger was interested in the lower Lihuo, and the interest was still very strong!"

Thinking of this, Ding Hao asked, "Xuanyuanxue, do you know! What level of sacred flame is anger!"

"Anger is not a sacred fire." Xuanyuan Xue said, "Many cultivators will refine their own fire, some of which can even exist in the body, and some can even be put into the spirit sea! According to the level of these sacred fires, they are divided into points. Levels 1 to 9, the lowest level, and the highest level 9! Of course, if a cultivator wants to refine the sacred fire, if his cultivation is not enough, he is likely to be swallowed by the powerful sacred fire! At least he must have the strength of the emperor. Able to refine the nine-level holy flame!"

Ding Hao didn't understand these things at first, and after listening to them, he asked, "Then I have heard that a lot of flames will consume each other and increase the level!"

"It's true." Xuanyuanxue nodded, "Pick up several different low-level sacred flames, and you can raise the level of the sacred flames you own! However, you don’t just need to find several types of sacred flames randomly. Finding some unique torch flames...In short, this aspect is very complicated, and it is very difficult to find your own qualified torch!"

Xuanyuanxue didn't know what Ding Hao was asking about, but at this moment, she still gave a detailed account.

After she finished speaking, Ding Hao said, "Then have you heard an example of anger swallowing Lihuo?"

"Anger swallows Lihuo?" Xuanyuan Xue was stunned for a moment before reacting, "You mean you want to use your anger flame to fuse this point of Lihuo? My God, this is impossible! Lihuo is everything. The ancestor of the flame is also a sacred flame beyond the ninth level. It cannot be fused!"

"Can't be fused!" Ding Hao was also quite surprised.

Xuanyuanxue nodded and said, "How many years have been away from the fire, and how many strong people have come here and wanted to take it away, but they all failed in the end! This flame, don't look at it, it seems that the temperature is not comparable to ninth level. The sacred fire, but even if anyone comes, you can’t take it away. If you take it away forcibly, you will only suffer a backlash! Not to mention other people, it is said that the ancient sword emperor who was driven away by me has used at least one hundred nine levels over the years The sacred fire, to use small and broad, refining and refining the fire, in the end all failed..."

"Using more than one hundred nine-level flames have all failed."

Ding Hao frowned into a thread, but soon he looked up at Xuanyuanxue and asked, "You haven't answered me yet, is there a precedent for using anger to merge?"

"Uh... this is not it."

Although Xuanyuanxue said so, she immediately shook her head and said, "A hundred types of ninth-level sacred fire can't refine Lihuo, and your anger is much worse than the ninth-level sacred fire. How could it be possible..."

Xuanyuanxue didn't believe this statement at all, but when she was speaking, she saw an astonishing scene, and her little mouth was suddenly shocked.

Ding Hao actually opened his mouth to spit out the flame of anger. When the flame approached Lihuo cautiously, Xuanyuanxue actually saw that Lihuo swayed slightly!

"How is it possible!!" Xuanyuanxue looked at Ding Hao like a fool.

Although Lihuo was only a little shaken, this is a good sign, this is a possibility! You know, even if there are one hundred nine-level sacred fires, they can't make Lihuo shake!

At this moment Ding Hao's face also paid a surprise, "There is a door!"

Ding Hao couldn't believe it, his anger was not even counted as the holy fire, and the distance to the ninth-level holy fire was a world of difference, how could it be integrated with the noble Lihuo! So there must be no one in this world who does such a stupid thing, not to mention that there are not many people who originally practiced the Great Burning Heaven Technique!

But these people have overlooked one point, that is, all sacred fires are thoughtless, and their ultimate function is for people to use; although the level of anger is not high, it is created by people’s thoughts and has their own ideas. This is anger. The greatest feature!

"How is it possible!" Xuanyuanxue looked at this scene in disbelief, but she soon realized that if Ding Hao could really refine a Lihuo, then she would get out of trouble easily!

(End of this chapter)

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