Peerless Immortal

Chapter 3708: Deal with Xuanyuanxue

Chapter 3708 Dealing with Xuanyuanxue

Chapter 3705-Dealing With Xuanyuan Xue

"Boom boom boom!"

The huge chimney composed of countless bright white runes was crushed layer by layer by a **** iron pot!

Although Ding Hao had already used all his formations and runes to accumulate this huge "chimney" that soared to the sky, it was simply not enough to withstand the big iron pot above!

In fact, the weight of the **** of good fortune is negligible. The really heavy ones are the 392 nine-character runes on the inner wall of the iron pot!

Ding Hao stood in this iron pan, and followed the iron pan continuously to smash down, and he was also hurriedly peeling off the runes.

The peeling of the nine-character rune is much easier. You only need to lay some magical power barriers according to the means of the gold merchant. When the starting point is lit, the nine-character rune will also light up! At this time, Ding Hao, according to the technique given to him by the gold merchant, created a blue light curtain, and this light curtain should be placed on the lit rune below, and this nine-character rune would be projected in front of you. On the blue light curtain!

After the nine-character rune is projected, the rune on the iron pan will disappear, and the weight of the iron pan will also be reduced.

While Ding Hao was constantly peeling off and collecting runes, the gold merchant flew into the iron pot from one side, and helped Ding Hao to collect the nine-character runes!

The two started at the same time, and the collection speed was immediately doubled, only listening to the loud noise, one rune after another was peeled off.

Ding Hao collects the runes, he will take out a crystal clear jade plate, this jade plate can inhale the nine-character rune into it, and the text will be lit up on the jade plate; one jade plate corresponds to a nine-character rune , When the quiet blue light curtain is free, you can collect another nine-character rune!

The merchant of gold had already obtained the three-cut rune, so she installed the nine-character rune she had collected in the jade medallion, and then shot it with a white light and threw it to Ding Hao. She didn't need it.

The movements of the two were very fast, which can be said to be fast, but even so, they soon discovered that the speed was not enough!

"Not good!" Jin Merchant's face changed, "We are not running fast enough now!"

At this moment, the rune chimney built by Ding Hao has been crushed in half, but the nine-character rune on the inner wall of the iron pot has just collected a third! Even if it goes later, the iron pan's pressure is weaker, but at this speed, they still can't stop the iron pan from falling!

"Collect some more! Then, destroy these runes!" Ding Hao's face sank.

Although he really wants to get all the runes here, he wants to get this big iron pot even more. If this big iron pot falls into the void and its whereabouts are unknown, his loss will be huge!

Therefore, the two were collecting quickly again. When the big iron pot was about to reach the bottom of the rune chimney, Ding Hao said, "It can be destroyed!"

Ding Hao calculated it. They had already got 288 runes just now, and there were about a hundred runes. It was definitely too late to collect! It's better to destroy it, as long as he can get this big iron pot, he is enough!

"it is good!"

It is difficult to collect these nine-character runes, but it is much easier to destroy them.

The gold merchant just raised his hand and sprinkled a large amount of silver light water into the big iron pot. The silver light water was really a piece of cake to deal with the nine-character runes. One rune after another was instantly corroded and emptied in the void. Like a bubble, it exploded to pieces, and in a blink of an eye, all the remaining one hundred nine-character runes disappeared!


When all the runes were lost, the iron pot made by the gods of good fortune suddenly became completely lighter, and it was impossible to crush the rune formation created by Ding Hao. With only a click, the iron pot was stuck in the most. In the rune formation below, motionless!

"Successful!" Ding Hao's expression was joyful, and he raised his hand with a move, and the iron pot was instantly in his pocket.

The golden merchant said, "Brother Ding Hao, this piece of good fortune iron is too big and precious! The best way is to build a weapon for yourself, but this thing is extremely hard and ordinary flames cannot be refined!"

Ding Hao laughed and said, "Don't worry about this, I can definitely refine it! If I can't refine it, what use is it for me to accept this? Although there is an emperor-level God Emperor's anger in my hand Sword, but this weapon was not made by me!"

For the real strong, the best weapon is to build it yourself!

Weapons built by others, even if they are big experts, contain the ideas and will of others, and will never be connected with the heart of the user of the weapon; but the weapons built by yourself are different, this one Weapons from tempering metal, to forging and shaping, and finally empowering them, every step is done by themselves, just like their own children!

Therefore, the weapons built by yourself have a natural advantage. No matter how good the God Emperor's Fury Sword is, it cannot compare to weapons built by yourself!

What's more, the God Emperor's Wrath Sword is only an emperor-level weapon. Ding Hao will definitely go higher and higher in the future. If he really reaches the strength beyond the emperor-level, then this weapon is not worthy of him! Therefore, the **** of good fortune will be used in the future, Ding Hao will build it himself, even if he reaches the top, this weapon can still be used!

"The weapon is of course the best made by yourself!" The gold merchant smiled, "Since you have precious flames, I won't say anything. I will have the opportunity to help you find some illustrations of refining weapons! Those ancient weapon illustrations are comparable The weapons created now are much stronger!"

"This is okay," Ding Hao said, "Since you are a businessman, help me look at the weapon illustration books such as long spears. If there is a suitable one, tell me through the six-vein lotus!"


The two exchanged a few words, and the merchant gold sighed, "Although I really want to be with my eldest brother for a long time, I have to leave! Miss Xuanyuan is amazing. I've gotten into her body and it's too bad for the world. If I stay in her body, I will die."

When Jin Merchant said these things, he showed a hey smile on his face, not looking so scared.

Ding Hao could also guess that the Golden Merchant's family might not be of ordinary strength in Di Lintian. Even if Xuanyuanxue finds her door in the future, she will not be in danger of life or death, so there is some playful laughter in her words.

But even so, Merchant Gold really didn't dare to stay on Xuanyuanxue for a long time, and said, "Brother Ding Hao, I'm leaving now! But I want to ask you, what are you going to do with Xuanyuanxue like this? "

When asked by the gold merchant, Ding Hao was stunned. He was busy collecting various treasures and benefits just now, and he didn't even think about handling Xuanyuanxue's affairs for a while; this woman is like a fool, if she falls into someone else's hands. , She is done!

"Can you inform the Xuanyuanxue family and pick her up?" Ding Hao asked.

(End of this chapter)

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