Peerless Immortal

Chapter 3709: Qing Sha Tian

Chapter 3709 Qing Shatian

Chapter 3706 Green Fiend

"Notify the people in his family..."

The Golden Merchant thought for a while and said, "I can go back and try, but I am not guaranteed to find someone! Xuanyuanxue's family is huge. In fact, in the ancient Five Emperors, each big family is very large and has many branches! Some families People from, not only have a bad relationship, but also have hatred! So after I return, I must first understand Xuanyuanxue’s situation in the family. After all, I don’t know much about the situation within his family..."

Speaking of this, Ding Hao frowned, waved his hand and said, "I know Xuanyuanxue's subordinate and my brother Mo Fei. Mo Fei is in Heaven these days. If you can find Mo Fei, you can know where to find it. Who is the most suitable?!"

"That's fine too." The Golden Merchant said, "After I go back, I will go to Tianditian to look for Mofei. When there is a situation, I will contact you through the Six Vein Lotus!"

"That's good."

After the two agreed, Gold Merchant's mental power passed through the deep black door and disappeared. Ding Hao helped him untie the mental power blockade, and Xuanyuanxue's face showed some demented smiles.

"I will take this guy with me before Lao Jin finds Mofei!"

Ding Hao smiled bitterly and asked back, "Xuanyuanxue, we will leave this dimension in a moment. Outside is the collapsed Lihuotian, where flames are everywhere. When you are in your cultivation base, Of course those flames can't help you, but you now...can you still fly with treasures?"

Although Xuanyuanxue was stupid, some things were fundamentally conditioned, and she also listened to Ding Hao's words.

Hearing what Ding Hao said, she immediately took out a small umbrella-like flying treasure from her soul, raised her hand and threw the small umbrella out. The colorful small umbrella was spinning around, and she was standing on the surface of the small umbrella.

"Well, since you can fly, follow me!"

When Ding Hao took Xuanyuanxue back from the original road and walked out of the dimensional space, a heat wave suddenly hit outside, and Ding Hao's body was suddenly covered with a protective mask. He just wanted to turn his head to remind Xuanyuan Xue, but found that she had already covered her body with a blue light curtain.

"She doesn't seem to be stupid yet."

Ding Hao smiled bitterly, then turned around and said, "You can fly behind me."

When Ding Hao came to Lihuotian this time, he not only visualized and realized the way of fighting beyond the law, and named it Dakaitian Jue; he also got the super-ninth-level flame that combines Lihuo and anger, the fire of burning the sky; In the end, he got another iron pot made by the **** of good fortune, which was full of harvest and in a good mood.

During the flight, he constantly used the big wayfinding technique to find the way to leave.

When he entered Lihuotian, he took the road of Shuiyuntian; but he offended Shuiyuntian's ruler, Tian Chi, and now he is carrying Xuanyuanxue with dementia, so he is unwilling to do so. Way back, but want to go another way.

"There is a way here."

Ding Hao quickly found another exit, which was closer, but very suitable, but he didn't know which world he would lead to.

"No matter which world you lead to, it is always better than going to Shui Yuntian." Right now Ding Hao changed direction and flew towards the exit with Xuanyuanxue.

After flying for three days, he used the big wayfinding technique again, his face was happy, "The exit is not far away."

However, just as Ding Hao flew towards the exit, two powerful men and a woman passed by.

At this moment, Lihuotian has reached the peak of its collapse. It is very dangerous. All kinds of strange flames are emerging in an endless stream, and there are not many treasures in this world. Therefore, every powerhouse who continues to stay in Lihuotian has extraordinary strength.

These two powerful men are flying at high speed, obviously chasing something.

But when the two passed Ding Hao and the others, the woman's eyes moved, "Xuanyuanxue."

The man whispered, "It's important to follow the fragments of the law of the world, go!"

The woman's eyes dimmed and she quickly passed by with her head down.

"Shards of the laws of the world!" Ding Hao's eyes moved.

Before, Tian Chi asked all the treasure hunters who entered from Shuiyuntian to Lihuotian to swear an oath to establish a jade card of essence and blood, and if they find the world law fragments, they will give him! This shows how precious the fragments of this world law are!

"It's just a pity that I took this oil bottle with me, otherwise I will come and have a look!"

Now Ding Hao brings a demented Xuanyuanxue, it is definitely impossible to compete with others for treasure, only to give up temporarily; but these two people reminded Ding Hao, Xuanyuanxue is too famous, if you follow Ding Hao, then She was found to be stupid, so there must be a lot of trouble to come to her!

Therefore, before entering the passage, Ding Hao raised his hand to take out some metal materials, and then opened his mouth to spit out the burning sky fire.

In a short while, a white silver mask was refined, and he threw the mask to Xuanyuan Xue, "Put this thing on."

Xuanyuan Xue was also very well-behaved. She took the mask and put it on her face. The mask concealed most of her face, leaving only big eyes and pearly red lips. She still looked very beautiful, but ordinary people He couldn't even recognize that this was Xuanyuanxue.

"Not bad." Ding Hao then took Xuanyuanxue into the passage.

Light and shadow flashed, and the figures of Ding Hao and Xuanyuan Xue were already standing on a piece of scorched earth.

"What's the situation?" Ding Hao raised his brows. As far as he knew, the worlds around Huotian should be inhabited worlds. Otherwise, Tianji had reached a blockade agreement with several world masters. Is there a scorched earth in front of you?

When he was puzzled, there was a bang not far away, it was obvious that someone was fighting.

"Let's take a look. Be smart and see me running away. Just follow me!"

Ding Hao exhorted Xuanyuanxue again, and then he flew to the direction where the battle took place. After a while, he saw the scene of the battle in the distance. It turned out to be a large group of people besieging someone!

This large group of people consists of males and females, Yin people and demons, and the one being besieged is a huge demon with a stature of three feet. The body of the demon is blue, and there are two fire clouds under his feet. A large group of people were trapped in the center, but they did not let the wind fall. They raised their hands and slapped them on an opponent's body, and immediately smashed it to pieces. The flesh and blood in the flesh were directly torn apart, which was quite tragic!

Seeing such a terrible sight, Xuanyuanxue, standing behind Ding Hao, exclaimed, "It's terrible."

When she opened her mouth, she immediately cast her eyes on both sides of the battle, and someone on the crowded side shouted, "Friends, come and help! The Rubik's Cube of Qing Shatian refining the world law fragments has become a demon. Blinking demon! Now Qing Sha Tian has been destroyed by it seven or eighty-eight, as long as I kill it, I have a chance to get the law spar! Come!"

(End of this chapter)

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