Peerless Immortal

Chapter 3713: Ancient Gods and Demons

Chapter 3713 Ancient Gods and Demons

Chapter 3710 Ancient Gods And Demons

"Bye! Bye! Bye again!"

As the Rubik's Cube continued to kneel down, the sky cracked again with a bang, and a long leg covered with golden scales slammed directly down from the cracked sky!


Ding Hao paled with fright, and for a while, he fled quickly. He could feel the power of this foot in the sky, which he could not resist!

"What kind of monster is this? The Dabaitian technique used by Rubik's Cube, why does such a monster appear? How tall is this monster? This leg is scary! What is this?!"

Ding Hao had a million questions in his heart, but he dared not stop one step, and fled quickly.

However, this long leg in the sky is amazing in size, and that big foot can cover thousands of miles. How Ding Hao escaped can't keep up with this foot!

"not good!"

Ding Hao was shocked and raised his hand to take out the life-saving wooden fish. At the critical moment, this wooden fish could save his life.

However, he suddenly saw Xuanyuanxue who was also panicking and fleeing not far away, and he suddenly felt anxious, and there was nothing to do!

Even if he uses the life-saving wooden fish that the Bodhisattva Freedom gave him, he can only keep himself alone, what about Xuanyuanxue?

"After all, I brought Xuanyuanxue here. I can't give up on her!" Thinking of this, Ding Hao's figure quickly swept back, catching Xuanyuanxue who was leaping over, and at the same time, there was a wave from his body. The powerful crimson flames soared into the sky.

"The fire of burning the sky, my super ninth level sacred fire, I will use this fire to block your feet! If you want to trample me to death with one foot, then your feet will be ignited by my flame! I don't care if you are heaven and earth. Or something sent from the ancients, I will burn your feet when I die!"

Thinking of this, the anger in Ding Hao's heart soared to the sky, making this super-ninth level burning sky fire even more blazing, and the crimson flames swimming in the sky, like a Tianhe arranged by flames, blocking Ding Hao's head!

Sure enough, the sacred fire that surpassed the ninth level, even if the scales and long legs in the sky could not help but become jealous, that giant foot hung not far above Ding Hao and their heads, and they did not dare to step down!


Ding Hao let out a sigh of relief. It seems that this flame beyond the ninth level is indeed very strong, and the helper invited by the Rubik's Cube using the Dabaitian Jue cannot ignore his own burning fire!

However, this mysterious life in the sky is not so easy to deal with. Although the giant feet covered with scales are stopped in the air, from the cracks in the sky, there are countless runes scattered like raindrops.

These runes gleamed with white brilliance, which looked like snow from a distance, but in fact they were all shining runes.

When these runes fell on the burning sky fire like the crimson Tianhe, the flame was immediately frozen by a strong ice force. When more and more runes fell, the burning sky fire was frozen one by one, forming Pieces of huge crimson ice cubes!

"No!" Ding Hao's face changed suddenly. He didn't know what these fallen runes were, but they looked a bit similar to the three-cut runes taken away by the gold merchant. They should be powerful ancient runes of the same level!

"Burning the fire, open it to me again!"

Ding Hao released the fire of burning the sky again, and the blazing fire was ignited again. He wanted to melt the Tianhe above and block the falling rune rain!

But soon he was desperate. No matter how many fires he released, he encountered this strange rune, and the final result was the same, completely frozen!

In a blink of an eye, above Ding Hao and their heads, a fiery red ice sheet formed, and many beating flames were frozen at that moment, and the scene was vivid!

However, these flames no longer have any destructive power, and the giant scaly foot in the sky slams on once again!

When this foot stepped on the flaming red ice sheet above Ding Hao and their heads, there was a clicking sound, a terrifying crack madly spreading in all directions, this golden scaly giant foot once again increased its strength, only to hear a boom, the sky The fiery red glacier in it was stepped on to pieces instantly!

"Hahaha! You are dead!" The Rubik's Cube laughed loudly when seeing this scene.

But he suddenly thought of something and shouted, "My master, you just need to trample that man to death! I am going to put that woman in the eyes of the main line of the altar, and when the time comes, her life will be Sacrifice to you!"

Even though the Rubik's Cube shouted like this, it was too late. The giant golden foot in the sky ignored him, but still stepped on it, trying to trample both Ding Hao and Xuanyuanxue directly. , No superbirth!

At this moment, Ding Hao also felt that he was finished. At this moment, even if he gave up Xuanyuanxue, it was too late to take out the wooden fish. The giant foot above his head could kill him in no time!

But at this dangerous moment, Xuanyuanxue's body suddenly had a terrifying force oscillating out, and then, I don't know where a giant hand covered with black hair appeared, and the fingers were covered with sharp nails!

This terrible and ugly giant hand violently caught the giant foot falling in the sky from the bottom to the top, and pushed it upwards, and then turned, unexpectedly trying to twist the giant golden foot!

However, this huge foot of Jin Lin was cunning, and he immediately retracted it, shrank in the air, looking for opportunities.

And the ugly black long-haired arm below did not continue to attack upwards, but hung there, facing the sky!

"What is this?!" Rubik's Cube was dumbfounded, standing in the distance, he did not expect such a sight to appear.

However, he suddenly laughed and said, "Xuanyuanxue, I said you are so strong! It turns out that you are about the same as me, and you also used the power of the ancient gods and demons! Hahaha! Xuanyuanxue, I discovered your secret!"

"Ancient gods and demons?" Ding Hao had never heard of this thing, but he looked at the golden scaly feet, and then at the arms covered with long black hair. He faintly felt the so-called Baitian tactic of Rubik's Cube. Not heaven and earth, but this weird power! Weird life!


After the two sides confronted each other for a while, the golden feet in the sky felt that it was impossible to trample Ding Hao and Xuanyuanxue to death, and finally slowly retracted upward, and the terrifying cracks in the sky slowly closed!

The long black arm also shrank back slowly, getting smaller and smaller, and finally disappeared.

Ding Hao noticed that the direction that the black long-haired arm finally took away was an ancient jade pendant Xuanyuanxue carried on her body. The strength came from this jade pendant!

"My master, you can help me again!" The Rubik's Cube was taken aback for a moment, then woke up, and quickly bowed to the sky, asking the gods and demons for help. However, this **** and demon has failed, and he doesn't want to help anymore. He bows down for a long time, and the sky is not strange!

Ding Hao laughed, "Cube, what do I think you can do now?!"

(End of this chapter)

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