Peerless Immortal

Chapter 3714: Altar of worship

Chapter 3714

Chapter 3711-Worshiping Altar

The Rubik’s Cube’s Great Prayer Technique, at most, is to ask the ancient gods and demons to help him. Now the ancient gods and demons have met their opponents, so no matter how he kneels and begged, the ancient gods and demons no longer appear.

Ding Hao snorted coldly, "It's useless! I see where you run away!"

He raised his hand and waved, the God Emperor's anger sword was released again, this time with a powerful anger on the sword, a sword cut out, and a black trace suddenly appeared!

"I also made Dao marks!"

Ding Hao saw the black traces drawn from the sword light in front of him, and his face was immediately surprised. He visualized under Xuanyuanxue's battle traces for nine years, at most he could only perceive the fighting methods that transcended the law, but he couldn't make Dao marks at all.

And now, when his anger reached the extreme, he shot with all his strength, unexpectedly hit the Dao Mark!

"You..." Rubik's face darkened, even a fool could see that Ding Hao's current combat level was much stronger than before.

Originally, he was not Ding Hao's opponent. Now Ding Hao's strength is strong again, and there is still a Xuanyuan Xuehu staring at him. He immediately shouted, "Break me!"

In his voice, he brought a strong mental power attack again, the sound wave formed a sound wave, turned into a power aperture and shook out, launching a crazy attack on the human mental power.

This kind of mental power attack actually didn't have much effect on Ding Hao. The reason why the Rubik's Cube was still used was because he wanted to harm Xuanyuan Xue.

Sure enough, under such an attack, Xuanyuanxue screamed at the back, unable to control the umbrella-shaped flying treasure under her feet. One person and one umbrella fell directly from the air. The scene was extremely critical.


Ding Hao hurriedly went back to catch Xuanyuanxue and put it directly on the ground. Looking back, he found that the Rubik's Cube had fled in a hurry.

"This kid escaped very quickly." After all, the Rubik's Cube is the master of this world, and the figure can be teleported to many corners of the world with the move. It is almost impossible for Ding Hao to catch the Rubik's Cube.

"This guy is dead!"

Ding Hao was not in a hurry to chase the Rubik’s Cube. The Rubik’s Cube had been practiced to worship the heavens. He invited the ancient gods and devils to help him out. Now even the ancient gods and devils have no choice. Law has become a waste product.

He looked into the distance, where there was a very huge altar, "This is where the Rubik's Cube uses the Great Prayer Technique! If I destroy his altar, he will never be able to make such a terrible Even if the Rubik’s Cube is completely finished!"

Thinking of this, Ding Hao immediately flew over the altar, and when he came to the altar, his face was shocked.

I saw this super huge altar like a super huge black pyramid. There was a very huge base below the pyramid. On this base, millions of people lived.

And on this base, there are a full 100 floors of buildings, and each floor of the building is also home to millions of people. The higher the upward part, the fewer people live, but the higher the level of cultivators. high!

The Rubik’s Cube didn’t know what kind of coercion and lure was used to drive so many people into this altar. Now all the portals of the altar have been shut tightly, and the cultivators living in it are also All live in a cage.

And at the top of this dark pyramid, there are some powerful people captured by Rubik’s Cube. These people have good cultivation skills. They are powerful people from other worlds. Rubik’s Cube is precisely the sacrifice to put these people at the highest point. On stage.

Ding Hao immediately walked over and released these people from the iron cage, and these people were also grateful. Among them was the group of powerful people from the outside world that Ding Hao and the others had encountered before.

"This fellow Taoist, thank you for your life-saving grace. You didn't help us just now. We were so ridiculed. Now thinking about it, it is us who are stupid..." These people thought that more people defeated fewer people, and wanted to make the Rubik's Cube. Take it down and get the law spar.

Who knew that they were all trapped in a cage. If Ding Hao hadn't saved them, they would be sacrificed to the ancient gods and demons. By then, they would not know their life or death, and they would not even have a chance to enter the cycle of reincarnation.

Ding Hao clasped his fists in his hands and replied, "You don't need to be polite. I was forced by this guy to fight this battle. Everyone is so polite, but I am embarrassed."

Then everyone smiled and said, "This altar is so dark that it is not a good place at first glance. Let's destroy this altar for him!"

Ding Hao said, "This altar must be destroyed, but before it is destroyed, I ask you to help and release all the cultivators of all levels related to the upper and lower 100 floors, otherwise we will destroy the altar. Everyone has a dead end."

"Fellow Daoist's statement is reasonable, we will go and rescue all the cultivators who are imprisoned."

At the moment, these Outland Cultivators all set off, rushing to the lower altar, and then the next altar, holding hundreds of cultivators.

These people went down to rescue these hundreds of people, and then asked these hundreds of people for help, and went to the next level of the altar, where thousands of cultivators were detained, and they kept saving people like this, and kept saving them downward. People, the cultivators imprisoned in the 100-story altar, will be rescued sooner or later.

Ding Hao didn't act with these people, but he moved towards the higher part of the altar.

At the top of this altar, there is a main formation eye that rises like a tall building. Presumably after Xuanyuanxue is captured alive, it will also be placed in this main formation eye.

Ding Hao wanted to destroy this altar, and at the same time, he also wanted to study the connection between the ancient gods and demons that this altar could summon. He walked higher and higher along the passage like a tall building, and walked to a high place, where the cold wind was bitter. , Yin Qi is deep, already standing at the top of this world, extremely close to the top of the world.

"Although I am the existence second only to the ruler in the outer world, I have not yet been to the top of a world. I really don't know what is beyond the top of a world?"

Ding Hao raised his head and looked at the sky. Although he has reached the top of the blue evil sky world, he feels that he is still far away from the limit of the sky. "It seems that the top of this world is endless and endless!"

Ding Hao didn’t pursue it, but watched from left and right. In the eyes of this main front, there was a small platform with a small area. In the center of this small platform, there was a small iron cage, which must be used for sacrifice. The main front eye.

He came to the iron cage, raised his hand to cut the iron cage with a sword, and suddenly the main line in front of him cracked open. A crystal clear fragment the size of a palm appeared in front of his eyes. Hundreds of millions of runes diverged outwards. These runes were runes that Ding Hao had never seen before, and they would be instantly forgotten at a glance.

"Shards of World Rules!"

(End of this chapter)

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