Peerless Immortal

Chapter 3735: Tianmen City

Chapter 3735 Tianmen City

Chapter 3732 Tianmen City

"Speaking of which, it seems that the situation is indeed like that, but my junior has misunderstood the son!"

Xuanyuanxue's third aunt could be considered reasonable, and turned her head to signal the two young women to apologize to Ding Hao.

"Sangu, why do we want to apologize?" The two young women said in dissatisfaction. "Even if it proves that what he said is true, it is because of his inability to save Xiaoxue. This made Xiaoxue dementia! Xiaoxue went back and we I don't know how to explain to the clan!"

Xuanyuanxue's third aunt said with a stern face, "Not for anything else. At least he helped Xiaoxue at the time, and after Xiaoxue's mental power was damaged, he didn't do anything to Xiaoxue? This is character, I believe in this person's character!"

Xuanyuanxue’s third aunt could see clearly that if Ding Hao was a bad-minded male cultivator, he would definitely take advantage of Xuanyuanxue’s mental energy damage, have a relationship with Xuanyuanxue, dominate Xuanyuanxue for a long time, and cultivate Xuanyuanxue as his own thug; But instead of doing this, Ding Hao took the initiative to contact the Xuanyuan family. The Xuanyuan family would like to thank Ding Hao for their feelings and reasons!

Ding Hao waved his hand and said, "You don't need to apologize, you just take Xuanyuanxue home. Also, this Nine Underworld Yin Shui will be useful to me in the future, and I will not go to Di Lintian to ask for some! Let Xuanyuan Xue remember to leave some for me !"

If Ding Hao wants to rescue Xiao Bi, he must use Jiu Ming Yin Shui, but he does not have the Immeasurable Wood to hold this thing, so he can only ask Xuanyuan Xue to take away all the Jiu Ming Yin Shui, and wait for him to find a trace of Xiao Bi. Soul, go to Emperor Lintian and ask for Nine Underworld Yin Water.

As for the two young girls from Xuanyuanxue’s family who apologize or not, they don’t care about Ding Hao. For girls like this kind of grateful and unreasonable girl, Ding Hao doesn’t even know their names. They are not on the same level at all. Ding Hao is totally inappropriate. Going on.

However, Xuanyuanxue's third aunt still made the two women apologize.

After the two women reluctantly apologized, they went up one left and the other right now Xuanyuan Xue, wanting to take her away.

Who knows, after Xuanyuanxue's mental strength was damaged, she didn't know anyone at all, she only knew Ding Hao, and she didn't want to leave at all. She pulled her forcibly, and she even drew out double swords in anger.

"Sangu, what can I do?" The two young women dared not go to Xuanyuanxue again, staring at Xuanyuanqing in amazement.

Xuanyuanqing was also a little surprised. When she was at home, Xuanyuanxue was the closest to her, because Xuanyuanxue was the one she grew up; but who knew that after Xuanyuanxue's mental energy was damaged, she only recognized Ding Hao and listened to Ding Hao. command.

"Look at the son..." Xuanyuan Qing said again, dumbfounded, "How can this be good? She started muddy, we can't beat her! Or let her follow the son."

The two women suddenly yelled, "Sangu, how can that be?"

Xuanyuanqing asked back, "Then what do you think?"

The two women suddenly had nothing to say. Xuanyuanxue was like this, and Ding Hao depended on Ding Hao. They couldn't pull it away, and couldn't beat it. What else could be done?

Ding Hao smiled bitterly at Xuanyuanxue who was not leaving here. He had no idea about Xuanyuanxue, and he still had things to do. How could he have the energy to take her?

I don't know whether this powerful woman will be embarrassed to think of the current scene after she returns to normal. Ding Hao shook his head and smiled, "Xuanyuanxue, I now order you to follow your third aunt for treatment! Get well soon! After you recover, I will go to Dilintian to see you when I have time. We will meet again when you are free."

Not to mention, Ding Hao's words are really useful. Xuanyuanxue didn't resist after hearing this, she looked at Ding Hao reluctantly, and followed her third aunt.

Xuanyuanxue’s third aunt was also quite speechless. The girl Xiaoxue had a strong opinion since she was a child. Later, she had a chance to become stronger and stronger. She was very domineering and unconvinced in the family, not to mention the young man in the family. Even the middle-aged elders were honest in front of Xuanyuan Xue.

Who has seen Xuanyuanxue look like this today? Ding Hao is probably the only person who can order Xuanyuanxue like this.

Seeing Xuanyuanxue being taken away, Ding Hao was relieved, and left a message to the gold merchant through the six-vein lotus, and then he continued to study the map of Juliutian and the underground root system.

In a blink of an eye, another few days passed. On the day of the appointment with Tian Yu, Ding Hao left the residence and set off for Tianmen City.

When he came outside the city, he found an old man in plain clothes standing at the gate of the city. The old man looked around and saw Ding Hao about to enter the city. Then he came up and asked, "Dare to ask but Senior Ding Hao."

"Are you?" Ding Hao noticed the old man just now, his eyes picked up.

The old man took out a black bag and handed it to Ding Hao, "I am the butler of the Domination Mansion. This is what the Domination asked me to give you. It is not convenient for him to leave. He also asked me to tell you that when the piano sounded, you You can act! The more intoxicated the piano sound, you can be bold; if the rhythm of the piano sound changes, you must be very careful! When the piano sound stops completely, you must not continue to move!"

"I know."

Ding Hao nodded without saying much, took the black bag and walked directly into the city.

Tianmen City is only the outermost city controlled by the main roots of the Julius Emperor. The control of Julius is not very strong here, and the city is quite desolate; Ding Hao entered it, walked on the remote road, raised his hand to open the black bag.

In the black bag, there was a simple-looking jade medal.

Ding Hao took the jade card to urge him, and suddenly the aura on his body changed. What a cultivator can hardly change is not his appearance, but his aura; Ding Hao's figure shook, and his face changed, so it seemed that he did not care about his aura. Still, his appearance has become so mediocre, no matter how strong the main root of Julius is, he can't recognize Ding Hao!

There was another thing in the black bag, which was the treasure hunting compass that Tian Yu said.

This is a square treasure. Unlike the compass that Ding Hao has seen before, this thing is a soul-level treasure, which is put into the soul after refining. When using it, just open your soul to the outside world. Can immediately sense whether there is a baby.

The advantage of this is that no one can tell that he is hunting for treasures, and only he knows where the treasures are.

"Tianyu guy has a lot of good things." Ding Hao murmured to himself, put away the black bag, and walked into the street with a relatively large number of cultivators, wandering around, just like other cultivators.

In the evening, the sky was full of red clouds. Under the red clouds, the willow trees in the city were tilted their heads, whirling along the street. The scenery was beautiful, and in this beautiful scenery, suddenly there was something coming from nowhere. The sound of the piano came. The sound of the piano was beautiful and spread all over the world. The people of the giant willow sky heard such intoxicating sound of the piano, and the willow trees in the city seemed to be completely intoxicated...

(End of this chapter)

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