Peerless Immortal

Chapter 3736: Qin Se He Ming

Chapter 3736 Qin Se and Ming

Chapter 3733

Throughout the huge willow sky, the sky is full of red clouds, and the sound of the piano is curling.

In the sound of the piano, all the willow branches in major cities sway with the wind, indulging in the music.

From a distance, the willow branches under the red clouds are like beautiful women after another, swinging their bodies, or shaking their long hair. Accompanied by the rhythm of the piano, people are intoxicated. It can be described as magical and amazing. beautiful.

Almost all the people from the Outland who came here were intoxicated by the beauty and the sound of music; only those local people who lived in the Julius Sky all year round would ignore all this and be busy with their own affairs.

"it has started!"

For everyone in Juliutian now, everyone knows that this is the moment of harmony and harmony, and it is also the moment when the Emperor Juliu and Juliutian dominate Tianyuxiu's affection! The sound of the piano is accompanied by the beating willow branches, but everyone in this world thinks that Tianyu and the Julius Emperor are loving partners!

Only Ding Hao knew that it was nonsense at all. Tianyu came to complete the test of Tudor!

Don't look at Tian Yu's weak writing. In fact, Ding Hao's ambition is not small. Ding Hao is a little worried. If he helps Tian Yu complete the task by himself, wouldn't it put pressure on Tianyou? However, these are not within the scope of his consideration. If he can obtain the world's original fragments and nourish his world of good fortune, this is what he will do!

If he is not strong enough, God will not give him a face at all!

Being strong is the most important thing!

Ding Hao thought of this, and immediately moved on foot. He raised his hand to release a flying treasure that was not very large, then stood on the flying treasure and rushed to the depths of the Julius Sky!

Although Tianyu said that within the area where the giant willow grows, any place may become a treasure spot!

However, Ding Hao selected hundreds of most likely treasure locations in the map research in the previous few days!

Ju Liu takes this treasure so seriously that it is impossible to place it casually. Even if the most dangerous place is the safest place, it is impossible for Ju Liu to put such a precious thing on the street? So Ding Hao has screened out hundreds of hidden treasure locations in the previous time!

Some of these locations are above the ground, some are below the ground, some are small caves, and some are huge lakes.

Ding Hao felt that the target must be within these hundreds of locations, but he didn't make a big deal. In addition to setting up these hundreds of treasure locations, he also set 48 exploration routes, within 12 hours, Not only do you have to walk through hundreds of hidden treasure locations, but you also have to pass through these 48 exploration routes, which is almost every half an hour!

Within a thousand miles of this exploration route, he is exploring with his compass!

At the moment Ding Hao opened his soul to the outside while flying fast, so that the treasure hunting compass placed in his soul could sense the outside, within the range of the treasure hunting compass for thousands of miles before and after him.

"If I can walk through all the treasure locations and exploration routes within 12 hours, then I will definitely be able to find the treasure!"

Ding Hao soon came to the first treasure treasure spot on the first route. This is a small town near Tianmen City. For a while, everyone will worship a god. It is said that if you pray in that temple, you will see A miracle appeared.

It is certain that there will be some strange scenes in the storage of precious treasures of the level of World Origin Fragment, so Ding Hao regards this as a possible location.

But when he came here, he shook his head suddenly.

Not only did the treasure hunting compass in his soul fail to respond, but even he could see that this so-called **** was just a cunning cultivator who wanted to deceive some incense power. The incense power he possessed was inferior to that of the Vatican Bodhisattva. Far!

"The first treasure location, rejected!"

There is a light curtain in Ding Hao’s spiritual starry sky. This light curtain records all possible locations and 48 exploration routes. When he completes a location or route, a black light suddenly appears, erasing the location or route. .

"Continue running to the next place!"

Soon Ding Hao came to a huge lake. This huge lake also has a vision. That is, whenever the piano and the willows are mingled together, and the willows' control power is weakened, there will be huge waves on the lake, as if coming. The wind is like the sea!

So Ding Hao suspected that this place might suppress the World Origin Fragment. When the Julius Emperor's control power was not enough, the World Origin Fragment was causing waves!

It’s the same today. When Qin Yin and willow trees decorate the world, this vast lake has become the end of the world. The waves are overwhelming, rolling back and forth, and many huge and delicious fish in the waves are thrown into the air. !

The cultivators living nearby rushed into the lake one after another, trying to catch some fish, eating or selling it is very good.

However, when a large number of cultivators entered the waves, many people were suddenly dragged into the bottom of the water by the danger under the waves, and soon blood poured up. The cultivator died immediately, with no bones left!

"The treasure hunting compass has no response!" Ding Hao used his mental power to strike down again, and immediately shook his head, "This is not the place where the treasures are stored! This is just a monster that was suppressed by the willow. This monster usually doesn't dare to eat people. When the Julius Emperor and Tianyu Qinse were in harmony, it only found the opportunity to come out with a terrifying view!

Before Ding Hao left, he raised his hand and shot down!

It can be seen that a huge palm almost as big as the surface of the lake suddenly appeared on this vast lake. The palm hit the surface of the lake. Because the palm was too big, the water of the lake could not leak out. Instead, it all pressed downwards, forming a force. The hydraulic machine is normal, and it is crazy to suppress under the lake!

The monster hiding in the cave at the bottom of the lake is eating people and enjoying it. Unexpectedly, the huge pressure is crazily pressed over. Under the theory of hydraulic presses, Ding Hao’s force exerted countless times on its body, suddenly The monster was crushed to pieces, the bones were all broken, the muscles were pressed into the fragments of the bones, and he spurted to death on the spot. There will be no abnormalities on this lake!

"Wait my time, **** it!"

Ding Hao cursed, and rushed to the third place that might appear.

This possible place is an ancient temple. The temple has long been dilapidated and is usually not inhabited at all. I don’t know which gods it is dedicated to. Ding Hao came to the top, neither the treasure hunting compass nor the spiritual power can feel this. There is any trace of life in the temple.

"A dead place without no one, rule it out!"

Ding Hao ruled out another location and rushed to the next location. The next location was not only a location that Ding Hao felt very pitiful, but also a turning point in his two exploration routes. It was an old city with a large scale!

(End of this chapter)

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