Peerless Immortal

Chapter 799: Nine billion!

Chapter 799 Nine Billion!

Chapter 797: Nine billion!

"Although this earth-level mantra has been used, it is of good quality. It should be identified as a second-hand second-class earth-level mantra, and it can be recovered as 200 middle-grade spirit stones."

"This earth-level mantra is also okay. It is also a second-hand second-class earth-level mantra, and the price is 170 middle-grade spirit stones.

"This ground-level mantra is slightly inferior..."

The banshee called a steward of the eight-character Hu, and began to give a price for the ground-level mantra.

Compared with the Mantra of Heaven's Secret, which cost hundreds of millions at every turn, the Mantra of the Earth Level is much cheaper.

The recovery price is generally more than one million.

Ding Hao frowned.

To be honest, the price offered by Tiande Company is not high.

The price of a good prefecture-level mantra outside has to be sold for five million, but here only two million. However, Ding Hao's mantra is second-hand after all, and after use, its power has been lost.

But no matter what, the price given by Tiande Company is still slightly lower.

Maybe the banshee felt this too, she giggled and said, "Elder Ding, our Tiande firm mainly deals with valuables. These prefecture-level mantras may offer lower prices. Wait a minute and look at your good baby. . If it is really a good treasure, then our price can be appropriately increased."

Ding Hao shook his head and said, "One yard goes to one yard. I can't feel sincerity for your prices."

Ding Hao picked up a mantra and said, "This mantra is a very good water system mantra. It is rarely seen outside. If it is brand new, it will cost at least five million spiritual stones. Even if I am second-hand, four million spiritual stones must be It’s not difficult to sell! And you give me a reclaimed price, only 2 million spiritual stones, you earn twice as soon as you change hands, it’s too dark! You make me lose my sincerity, and my big baby doesn’t want to be with you. sold."

Liu Zhijian smiled bitterly, "The treasurer of the palace, I was specially introduced by Elder Ding to your house. I didn't expect you to be so shameless. It seems that we have to look for another seller. Mantra is something that you don’t have to worry about selling. It doesn't sound good. Take it out and stand on the market, yelling casually. It will take two or three days to sell it clean, and the selling price is definitely not lower than yours!"

The female fairy said, "After all, we are a formal business, and we can solve it all at once. Elder Ding is also a big elder. It's not proper to go out and shout? So let's increase the purchase price of all mantras by 30%, one transaction."

Ding Hao shook his head, "50%!"

If it increases by 50%, the original mantra of 2 million will be purchased at 3 million. Tiande's business can be sold for 4 million, but it is still very profitable.

The banshee hesitated for a while, and finally agreed, "Okay, at this price!"

In fact, she was reluctant. Tiande Company was used to doing big business, and a mantra made a million or less, she was quite unhappy. But she was unhappy, and she still had an idea in her heart, that is, the big baby that Ding Hao said, she wanted to do the big baby business.

Of course, Ding Hao couldn't really go to the street to shout. He had five hundred ground-level mantras, and decided to sell four hundred. This is also a huge number, and you can't get so much money when you switch to other companies.

There are four hundred mantras, there are times, and the final average price is around two million each.

The eight-character Hu was in charge of the calculation and said, "Elder Ding, according to my calculations, all these mantras can be valued at 86,425 million spiritual stones. I wonder if you are willing to make a move?"

"Eight billion spirit stones!" Li Zhijian already felt gulping.

He said in his heart that Elder Ding Hao was really amazing, and he didn't know where to get so many mantras. Did you really find any ancient immortal relics in the magic rain world? Earn 800 million spiritual stones in one go, which is amazing.

Eight billion spirit stones can actually buy a relatively inferior second-class heavenly mantra. The price is not fair, but it is what Ding Hao expected.

He thought for a while and nodded, "Just at this price."

Four hundred mantras were sold, and eight crystal clear top-grade spirit stones were placed in front of Ding Hao. They were purple and white. From different angles, you could see different brilliance, like diamonds. Next to the high-grade spirit stone, there are some scattered spirit stones, and the other is a VIP brand of Tiande Company.

If Tiande Company sells all these four hundred pieces, it can also make two to three billion yuan. This business is a win-win cooperation for everyone.

Ding Hao accepted the Lingshi, and Bazi Hu left the room, leaving only three people in the small room.

The female fairy palace manager smiled, "Elder Ding, I don't know the big baby you mentioned, can you take it out?"

The Tiande firm deceived its customers, Ding Hao felt that 800 million sold 400 mantras at a loss, and Gong Guan felt that he was at a loss. If it weren't for this last big baby, Gong Guan might not be able to agree to Ding Hao's price.

"Okay, I'll show you." Ding Hao lifted his wrist and took out a square jade box.

"This is..." The female fairy is a businessman, and her eyes lit up, "Sky Magic Crystal!"

The Heavenly Fantasy Crystal is already a rare treasure of heaven and earth, and now, Ding Hao actually uses the Heavenly Fantasy Crystal to make a box, so the items in it must be precious and extraordinary.

"Please see the palace manager."

Ding Hao put the box on the table and pushed it over.

The banshee smiled, "It can be pretended to be a phantom crystal, which already makes me look forward to it."

Liu Zhijian was also looking forward to it. Ding Hao kept talking about precious treasures, but he didn't know what precious treasures were.

The female fairy raised her bare hand, opened the box, and suddenly the white light reflected. I saw an unbelievable lotus floating on a piece of clear water!

White light illuminates the face of the banshee, and at the same time a strong fragrance hits. When the monk smells this smell, he feels so comfortable, as if he is under a quiet sky, the breeze is blowing, everything is reviving, and the dust in the heart Nian, swept away in one swoop, and entered an ethereal realm.

After a while, the banshee exhaled and closed the box.

Liu Zhijian didn't even dare to show up. Although he had been in a prosperous place like Alliance City for a long time, he had never seen such a treasure.

"This is the heavenly lotus, such a huge heavenly lotus, can be called the most precious." The female fairy finally saw the legendary big baby, and did not disappoint her.

She also made a decision immediately, no matter how much money, she must buy it.

"Elder Ding, you can make a price." She didn't make the price by herself, because she felt that the price she made was inappropriate.

Ding Hao actually had no experience. He asked, "How much can this kind of heavenly lotus sell for?"

Liu Zhijian smiled bitterly, "I haven't seen it before or heard of it. It's definitely a sky-high price!"

Ding Hao frowned, secretly saying that the price is not easy to open.

The banshee thought for a while, "The sky-high price goes back to the sky-high price, but some things have a price but no market, and some have a market and no price. Such a big goddess has never been sold, then we will find a price that can be compared." She spoke again, "The most precious mantra we have ever sold here is an ancient mantra of first-class heaven! It was sold for nine billion at that time!"

"Nine billion!" Liu Zhijian, who was sitting next to him, almost sat on the ground in fright.

He was a bit gulping when he saw 800 million just now. Now that he heard about 9 billion, he was really scared and pale. Xin said that Elder Ding Hao is really amazing, where did he get the treasure?

The banshee said again, "Of course, nine billion is the sale price, and the recycling price is slightly less. I think, compared to the price of the ancient mantra, our firm is willing to buy it for 8 billion. "

"Eight billion!" Ding Hao moved in his heart.

To be honest, this price also impressed Ding Hao. You know, the mantra of Tiger eating fire is only worth 3 billion! If eight billion are obtained, two and a half first-class heavenly mantras can be added out of thin air! At that time, the power of the Heavenly Star Nine Words Sword will increase crazily!

But at this moment, Jiu Nu's voice came in Ding Hao's ears, "Don't sell money, ask her if she has any ancient mantras."

Ding Hao suddenly moved in his heart again, feeling that Jiu Nu still had an idea.

Even if they sold eight billion, or even nine billion, Ding Hao could only buy mantras of the level of Tiger Devouring Fire! You go out with nine billion, and it is very difficult to buy another ancient mantra! It's not that if I have nine billion, I can go out and buy an ancient mantra!

People are not necessarily willing to sell.

But if you take the Tianyilian lotus to exchange an ancient mantra with someone, this person might be very happy!

Thinking of this, Ding Hao said, "Gong Guan, since you have ancient mantras here, you might as well take them out and have a look. I'm still more inclined to trade things for things."

Guan Shi suddenly looked embarrassed and said, "Elder Ding, let's not tell you, there are two ancient mantras in this account, but I am afraid that they will not be in your eyes."

Ding Hao said, "Take a look."

After a while, Ba Zi Hu came in with a tray, two jade crystals on the red Jinpa.

Ding Hao took a look, and finally shook his head, not satisfied.

This ancient mantra is broken, and the other is a defense mantra of the gold system.

Jiu Nu said again, "The ancient cultivation mantra of Jiuzhongtian is the most precious. They like to add their own font size at the end of the mantra. Look, see if there is any."

Ding Hao took a look and found that the broken mantra had a font name at the end, while the defensive mantra of the gold system had no font name at the end, it should be the ancient cultivation mantra of the lower realm.

With that said, Ding Hao became even more dissatisfied.

"Guan Guan, I am afraid that these two ancient mantras are a bit short. What I want to change is the ancient mantra produced in the Nine Heavens, and it should be offensive, preferably with fire attributes! Don't break things!"

Guan Shi said with a wry smile, "But the mantra you said is really hard to find! Our company has only sold it once! Otherwise, both mantras will be given to you, and you should be replaced by a godly lotus! I know, we are very sincere at this price."

Ding Hao frowned, "I feel the sincerity, but these two mantras are useless to me."

At this moment, Liu Zhijian suddenly transmitted to Ding Hao, "Elder Ding, if you are exchanging goods, why sell to them? You are the decision maker of the Eight Sect Alliance. It is said that the decision makers often hold exchanges of bartering. Yes, you can change there!"

(End of this chapter)

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