Peerless Immortal

Chapter 800: Meet the emperor again

Chapter 800 meets the emperor again

Chapter 798 meets the emperor again

"Yes, bartering fairs are often held between decision makers!"

"If I put it this way, I can trade the Heavenly Lotus for the powerful ancient mantra. Why sell it as a spirit stone here?"

"It should be noted that it is easy to exchange treasures with spirit stones, but it is difficult for spirit stones to buy treasures."

Ding Hao thought of this and didn't want to sell it.

At the moment, he raised his wrist, swept across the box of the sky phantom crystal, and put away the treasure.

The banshee palace manager asked suspiciously, "Elder Ding, what are you?"

Ding Hao said, "I am here this time mainly because I want to exchange an ancient mantra with Heavenly Lotus. But unfortunately, your ancient mantra here does not meet my requirements. It seems that I can only cooperate in the future."

"What?" Guan Shi looked anxious and said quickly, "Elder Ding, otherwise, we will spend 8.5 billion yuan, no, 9 billion yuan for the purchase! How about you offer a price?"

Ding Hao directly stood up and said, "No, no, no, I still want to change the ancient mantra. If your firm has a suitable ancient mantra, you can always go to Ziwei Tianmen to find me."

"But..." Guan Shi said for a long time again.

But they really didn't have what Ding Hao wanted, and Ding Hao didn't want to sell Tianyilian for money, so he left with Liu Zhijian.

The two walked out of Tiande Company.

Liu Zhijian followed up and said, "Elder Ding, you didn't say it earlier, it's such a top treasure!"

Ding Hao said, "I told you it is a precious treasure."

"I didn't think it was so precious." After Liu Zhijian finished speaking, he looked back and said again, "Elder Ding, you have offended Tiande Company this time."

Ding Hao felt that Tiande Company might have some background, and asked, "Whose business is Tiande Company?"

Liu Zhijian smiled bitterly, "It is the private property of the Emperor."

"Huangba?" Ding Hao thought of the name.

When Hongyi wanted to give Ding Hao the identity of the decision maker, everyone else agreed, but the emperor had always disagreed, and finally abruptly blackmailed Ding Hao one hundred drops of Lingquan! Ding Hao kept remembering this matter for him, but he didn't expect to meet the Emperor again this time.

Ding Hao sneered, "It turns out that he can drive, so it would be better! Even if he has an ancient mantra, I don't want to change it with him!"

Liu Zhijian said, "Elder Ding, you still don’t directly conflict with the Emperor. He is the first elder of the Eight Sect Alliance Presbyterian Church and the holder of the most authority among the decision makers. If you offend him, I am afraid he will deliberately target you."

"Does he still dare to kill me?" Ding Hao chuckled.

The decision maker has extraordinary powers in the second heaven. If a decision maker is not expelled from the presbytery, no decision maker is allowed to kill! If someone else kills the decider, the entire elders will regard him as an enemy!

Therefore, even if the Emperor is the holder of the most authority among the decision makers, he dare not kill Ding Hao!

Moreover, the forces in the Eight Sect Alliance Presbyterian Church were very complicated, and it was impossible for the emperor to expel Ding Hao.

So Ding Hao was not very worried.

"Well, anyway, be careful."

"I see." Ding Hao came out of the Union City and went straight to Ziwei Tianmen.

Ding Hao was still quite cautious, and went to Ziwei Tianmen to hide in the star-absorbing stone to prevent someone from trying to kill him halfway. On the way back to Ziwei Tianmen, Ding Hao also sent out a message in the decider token, and after inquiring about it, he found that there was indeed a treasure exchange meeting between deciders, and the scale was not small!

"It is said that this time, there will be a batch of treasures obtained from the Zhongsantianbao treasure hunters who will be auctioned for exchange. You must participate in that time."

Ding Hao hurriedly sent out a message, "Everyone who decides, my younger brother Ding Hao will also participate at that time. I also have some good treasures here. I believe you will like it then."

"I'll see you then." The monks who were willing to participate in the treasure exchange meeting exchanged locations with each other, but they were not very far from Ziwei Tianmen.

Just when Ding Hao rushed to Ziwei Tianmen, Tiande Company.

The female fairy-like palace steward was so upright at the moment, "Asshole, let this little boy play this time! Damn it, so angry! That heavenly lotus just disappeared before my eyes!"

The steward who kept the eight-character Hu said bitterly, "This Elder Ding is really not in the Dao! If it weren't for him to say that there is a big baby, we would not pay such a high price for those second-hand mantras! Now we have suffered a loss, he actually It's really maddening to say that Tianyilian will not be sold!"

Guan Shi said, "This breath must not be swallowed like this."

The eight-character Hu Yin smiled, "He is just an early stage of the infant transformation, should he send a few strong people... hehe." He didn't say directly, but the meaning was very clear, let the palace officer send a few strong people to kill Ding Hao .

But Guan Shi shook his head and said, "He is the decision maker, it's not easy to start!"

"He turned out to be the decider!" Hu frowned.

The so-called decision maker is one of the highest decision makers in Erzhongtian. In other words, he is one of the masters of the Second Heaven. Who dares to act boldly and kill the master? Moreover, the authority and status of the decider is very high. If Ding Hao is really killed, this matter will most likely be smashed into the decider's meeting, and the Emperor will not be able to keep them.

Guan Shi thought for a long time, but there was no good way. Then he said, "You quickly send someone to Ziwei Tianmen to inform the emperor and goddess there, and let the gods to overpower this guy! I want to see, emperor. The gods go out in person, does this kid dare to refuse?"

"Yes! Since he is the decision maker, he dare not listen to what the First Elder said."


Ziwei Tianmen is a good season.

Under the clear sky, a giant tree, white as jade, rose to the sky, reaching a height of kilometers.

Among the sects under this purple fairy wood, it was also lively and busy at the moment.

"Elder He, long time no see, I didn't expect you to come this time."

"Elder Emperor, what you said, what can I not come, brother Hongyi, how can I not come? Maybe I also have a coincidence, and I have some insights, and I can enter the deity stage in the future, hahaha ."

"That's sooner or later. Don't be in a hurry." The emperor laughed loudly. He was extravagant. He was dressed in a golden robe all over his body. His hair was also golden with golden light, which was very eye-catching.

After dealing with Elder He, several people came over there, and one of them was an acquaintance.

"Oh, isn't this Master Zhang? Master Zhang has personally arrived. What works has Master Zhang have recently?" Huang Ba smiled and walked over.

The master Zhang was a red-faced man with a rather bold look. He smiled and said, "I have no recent works. Everyone knows by nature. I am relatively lazy. Apart from making a fan for my juniors, there is nothing else to do. That's it."

"Junior Brother?" Huangba looked at Master Zhang's side.

This master is an important figure in the third heaven, and has a deep relationship in the third heaven and even the fourth and fifth heavens. The emperor is very fond of this person. Although this master has a good craftsmanship, he has a lazy personality and has never liked work, so he can create it himself. This person should have some background.

Next to Master Zhang is a tall and mighty man, who is quite similar to Master Zhang.

"Who is this……"

Master Zhang smiled, "This is my junior, named Li Kunlun, the great elder of the Lower Realm Demon Sect."

The great elder of the lower realm sect is nothing but Master Zhang’s junior. The emperor must laugh with him, "Elder Li, how are you."

Master Zhang also introduced, "This is the emperor elder of the Xuanwu Tianmen, and also the great elder of the Erzhongtian Eight Sects Alliance Presbyterian Association, the one with the most authority among the decision makers!"

Hearing this, Li Kunlun laughed quickly, "I've seen senior Huangba, I have heard of it."

There was a young man who followed Li Kunlun. He heard that Huangba's identity suddenly brightened his eyes. He knelt down and said, "Junior Li Shaotian, I have seen the Huangba senior!"

Li Shaotian knew that Ding Hao was the decider, so he moved his mind, and in the future, he would also play with a decider. So now, let's impress the emperor first and knelt his head directly.

The emperor was also taken aback, and then smiled, "This kid is very polite, good, good."

Master Zhang smiled, "Take care of the emperor in the future."

"It's easy to talk."

While talking, a disciple of Xuanwu Tianmen waved to the emperor from a distance.

"Everyone, I have something wrong, let me lose my company."

When the emperor came to the distance, outside the secluded woods, he asked, "What's the matter?"

"It was the company who asked me to send it over."

Huangba took a piece of jade ribbon, swept it with his heart, and his face suddenly moved, "There is such a big heavenly lotus in the world!"

The disciple said, "The steward of the palace said, this person is quite abominable. He obviously didn't want to sell, but he got our company to check the price. Finally, he bought a lot of **** mantra at a high price. This kind of good thing is resolute. He won’t buy it if he doesn’t sell, or even bid to 10 billion."

"He won't sell 10 billion?" Huang Ba said with a gloomy face and sneered, "That's because you don't have enough face! I know, you go back."

Huangba also remembered that this Ding Hao had asked Hong Yi to bribe him a hundred drops of Lingquan in order to be the decision maker! In the feeling of Emperor Ba, this Ding Hao should be a soft persimmon! Last time I blackmailed it, and I got what I wanted! If you do it again this time, I believe this kid should still pretend to be a grandson.

"Boy, I don't think you have a lot of treasures. Since you don't sell 10 billion, then I will give you 3 billion at most!" After the emperor finished, he laughed. He didn't do this kind of oppressive thing less.

From the perspective of Ziwei Tianmen, even if Hongyi survived the tribulation and entered the transformation of God, the strength of Ziwei Tianmen is not very strong. After all, the Red Bean Patriarch is dead, this is a huge blow to Ziwei Tianmen, making Ziwei Tianmen unable to lift his head.

Besides Ding Hao, his cultivation is not that great.

Such a weak sect, a weak monk, who does not oppress them?

Thinking of this, Huang Ba was in a good mood, "This heavenly lotus is mine!"

The second update will be sent, and there will be a third update later. At the same time, please ask for monthly ticket recommendation and female ticket.

(End of this chapter)

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