Peerless Immortal

Chapter 801: Hongyi crossing the robbery (200 votes plus more)

Chapter 801 Hongyi Crossing the Tribulation (200 votes plus more)

Chapter 798


Near Ziwei Tianmen, a figure flashed, and Ding Hao walked out of the star-absorbing stone.

This time, Elder Hongyi crossed the midst of the catastrophe, which was a great joy. Ziwei Tianmen has been in a downturn these years, and there is no such thing as a god-transforming **** among the strong in the world!

Among the eight sect alliances of Erzhongtian, Ziwei Tianmen already belonged to the bottom sect. If the red bean ancestor was still alive, he would have been kicked out of the eight sect alliances.

After the red bean ancestor died, Ziwei Tianmen was in danger.

But fortunately, there are legends in the rivers and lakes that the Ziwei Tianmen is in favor of the two gods of the Triple Heaven's Qi and Blood Demon Sect. Therefore, the Ziwei Tianmen can continue to stay on the table calmly.

Although it is an outside legend, the legend is after all a legend. A sect does not have a **** to sit in, isn't it the same as the sect of the lower realm?

It happened that Hongyi got the Seven Magic Heart Pagoda of Red Bean Patriarch, and he had his own fairy relationship. After more than a year, he finally realized his own avenue!

The Jinding inscription is about to be opened recently!

If Hongyi succeeds in crossing the catastrophe, he will become the living **** of Ziwei Tianmen, which is a pillar of Ziwei Tianmen!

Of course, not everyone wants Hong Yi to succeed.

For example, some heavenly gates are expecting Hongyi to fail in their hearts, so that Ziwei Tianmen will slowly decline, and they will have the opportunity to replace it!

This world is very cruel. If you don't advance, you will retreat. If your strength is no longer good, someone will step on you!

"Elder Ding, you are back, please."

Ding Hao is already the guest elder here and has privileges. All the sect disciples must nod and bow to Ding Hao.

He also has his own cave mansion here.

It was the cave house of the elder Fan, in the small courtyard in the middle of the pool, the environment was very good, now it belongs to Ding Hao. Elder Fan hasn't caught it so far, and Ding Hao has basically forgotten this person.

"This time Elder Hongyi crossed the robbery, there are a few very good visualization locations."

"It's just that these places are arranged by Ziwei Tianmen for VIPs. We geniuses in the lower realm have no part."

After Peng Guan and the others returned to Ziwei Tianmen, they have been worried about this matter.

Elder Hongyi crossed the catastrophe, and the spectator might also get a certain chance. But where to watch it is very important. If it is too close, safety is fine, but the effect is not good; if it is too far, of course it is not good.

It is said that for this matter, Old Demon Li came up personally and took Li Shaotian into the guest area to watch.

Other geniuses in the lower realm do not have this kind of treatment. They are arranged at the farthest point.

Viewing in this position, the probability of gaining benefits is basically 80% lower.

"Ding Hao is back!"

At this time, Ding Hao came back and let them see hope.

Thinking of Ding Hao, the Black Wind Witch couldn't help but smile.

Originally, she thought that she could not take too much advantage of Ding Hao, otherwise she would feel a sense of indebtedness psychologically. In the future the two encounters in the ring, this feeling is definitely not good for her.

But now it seems that it is not enough not to take advantage of Ding Hao.

Just say this time, if it weren't for Ding Hao, they could only watch from a distance.

After Ding Hao heard about it, he smiled and said, "Don't go to the VIP area, just go to my cave!"

That elder Fan’s cave is an excellent location in Ziwei Tianmen! Right next to the VIP area! It can be said that this is the VIP area of ​​the VIP area!

"Second brother, you can do it. He became an elder at Ziwei Tianmen and his own cave mansion." Zhang Shasha walked through the promenade on the pond and came to the small courtyard in the middle of the pond.

Ding Hao smiled and said, "The VIP area is not far away. It is a platform built on the water, and you can pass by a few steps."

Leng Xiaoyu chuckled, "We won't go there. The viewpoints over there are not necessarily better than us, and there are so many people over there, how can there be quietness here? Quietness here is the best visualization. location."

While they were talking, the white-haired sovereign came.

"Elder Ding, take a step to speak."

Ding Hao followed Ziwei Tianmen Sect Master to one side and asked, "When will Elder Hongyi overcome the catastrophe?"

Sect Master Baifa said, "It should be in these two days."

Ding Hao nodded, he came back in time.

Sect Master Baifa said again, "Before crossing the Tribulation, please also invite Elder Ding to sit in the VIP area."

Ding Hao originally wanted to hold Leng Xiaoyu in his cave with his good friends, and then watched Hong Yi cross the catastrophe. But now that the White-haired Sect Master requested this, Ding Hao only nodded, "Okay."

Sect Master Baifa hesitated for a moment, and then said embarrassingly, "At that time, some sects may speak against my Ziwei Tianmen, and then Elder Ding must not forget to indicate his identity."

"Should I show my identity?" Ding Hao was taken aback for a moment, and suddenly understood.

Sect Master Baifa didn't want him to show his identity, but Ding Hao to talk about his backer! Ziwei Tianmen is not working now, and it is inevitable to be ridiculed. He hoped that Ding Hao would say that there is a blood demon sect behind him by the time, so as to shock Xiao Xiao.

"Let me carry the brand of "Langzun" to scare people?" Ding Hao smiled bitterly. Although Ziwei Tianmen is one of the Eight Sect Alliances, it seems to be living very tired.

Sect Master Bai-haired smiled bitterly, "There is nothing we can do. We don’t have a living deity. We can only use this method to make those unwilling sects be more careful." He finished, "There is still Ding Elder, a lot of decision-makers of the Presbyterian Church have come this time. Then you can communicate with them and get to know some strong people as much as possible. This will benefit our Ziwei Tianmen."

Ding Hao nodded.

But Ding Hao said again, "Actually, you don’t have to worry too much. When Elder Hongyi succeeds in crossing the catastrophe, he will be a genuine living deity! And with Elder Hongyi’s lifespan, he can cultivate to the later stage of the deity in this lifetime. I believe no one will dare to provoke Ziwei Tianmen."

Sect Master White Hair sighed, "Actually, you don't know that Elder Hong Yi's success rate in this triumph is not high!"

Ding Hao glanced up, "Why?"

Sovereign White Hair said, "Elder Hong Yi realized that Di Ninth Avenue!"

"Di Nine Avenue?" Ding Hao didn't know what it was.

The voice of Jiu Slave heard in his ears, "After the monks are enlightened, they can transform themselves into gods and truly find their own way! As you said, all roads lead to Chang'an, and all kinds of roads are different. Among them are powerful roads, There are remote avenues, there are soft avenues, and there are **** avenues. They are all different. Of course, different avenues bring about different calamities! The most difficult avenues are summed up and divided into heaven, earth and people. On the third floor, there are ninety-nine and eighty-one avenues on each floor.

"There is still this statement." Ding Hao nodded clearly.

Sovereign White Hair sighed, "The perception of the nine avenues is a good fortune to Elder Hong Yi, but it also carries a great risk! If he perceives the avenues that are not in the number, it will be easy to cross the catastrophe, but the future will be limited; And now it is one of the nine avenues of the earth, and the future achievements will be extraordinary, but the catastrophe in front of you!

Ding Hao said, "No matter what, I think this is a good thing. This is the good fortune of Elder Hongyi, is it happy to get a sense of garbage? I believe Elder Hongyi will do it!"

Sect Master Baifa said, "I also hope he succeeds."

Ding Hao asked again, "How can we help?"

"We can't help."

It is difficult for outsiders to help with things like crossing the robbery. If it is a small catastrophe, you can still ask the strong to help. But Zhongtian Tribulation is even more terrifying, so what kind of powerful can you ask for help? As for the Great Tribulation, it is even more impossible for others to help.

Everyone can't help, only Hong Yi himself.

The time when Jieyun came was very accurate with what everyone had calculated. At noon the next day, a black cloud suddenly floated in the clear sky, and then black clouds from all directions quickly gathered.

"Tribulation is about to begin!" All the disciples became nervous.

In the cave, Ding Hao made arrangements for Leng Xiaoyu and others, and then he walked out of the cave and ran towards the VIP area.

Ding Hao walked over and found that there were a lot of pads here. The VIPs sat on the pads and placed some tea and spirit fruits on the small table in front of them.

"Ding Xiaoyou." Old Demon Li said hello.

Before Ding Hao met Old Demon Li, he walked over and hugged his fists.

Old Mo Li smiled, “I told you last time that the Abyss Treasure Quest came to me after the end, and it has been a few years in a blink of an eye. I didn't come to me.” Although Old Mo supported his grandson, Li Shaotian, he was the enemy of Ding Hao. But I have to admit that Old Demon Li is still a very reasonable person, very righteous, and very prestigious in the demon way of the lower realm.

Ding Hao didn't feel sick to Old Demon Li, and smiled, "Isn't this busy? When Elder Hongyi succeeds in crossing the catastrophe, I have to talk to Senior Li."

They chatted here, and someone not far away sneered, "Elder Hongyi succeeded in crossing the Tribulation? How easy is it? I said, Hong Yi felt it was one of the nine avenues! It is not so easy to get through!"

As soon as this person spoke, many people nearby exclaimed, "Di Nine Avenues, the eighty-one avenues second only to Tianjiu Avenue, each of them will attract a powerful calamity, this time fellow Hongyi Daoist is really dangerous Up."

The man said loudly, "That’s why I said that Hongyi’s crossing of the catastrophe will probably be difficult to succeed. Ziwei Tianmen is also desperate this time. If Hongyi fails, I am afraid that the position of the Eight Sect Alliance will also be lost. Oh, Ziwei Tianmen was going to be finished, Hong Yi failed, how good is this!"

Ding Hao looked up and saw that this man had a sharp-mouthed monkey cheek and looked awkwardly speaking. He should have been coveting some of the sects of Ziwei Tianmen.

At the moment, Ding Hao walked over with a sneer and clasped his fists, "Senior, since you said that Elder Red is likely to fail in crossing the catastrophe, then we might as well take a gamble!"

The man with sharp-mouthed monkey cheeks stared, "Am I afraid of you? How to bet?"

Ding Hao said, "It's very simple. If Elder Hong Yi succeeds, then you will kneel in front of Elder Hong Yi and slap yourself in front of everyone, admitting that you have said something wrong!"

The sharp-mouthed monkey cheeks furiously, and replied, "Then if he fails, would you kneel in front of me and slap you in front of everyone?"

Ding Hao said awe-inspiringly, "Yes! Do you gamble or not?"

The man with the sharp-mouthed monkey-gill thought in his heart, and felt wrong. He was the cultivation base of the late Huading stage, and Kneeling Hongyi was very embarrassed; and Ding Hao was the infantile stage. Even if he lost, he would be fine. This bet, obviously, he suffered a big loss.

Ding Hao asked again, "Are you gambled or not?"

The man immediately stunned and waved his hand, "Where is the junior, I won't bet with you, get out!"

"Don't speak if you don't dare to bet." Ding Hao sneered, and there was a burst of laughter around him.

Three more sent!

(End of this chapter)

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