Peerless Martial God

Chapter 2065: Family panic

Haoyu is a newly-raised genius of the family. The talent is absolutely unique. In just over a year, it has been straightforward. It ranks as a thirteenth seat in the Imperial List. It is a very popular event. Many people expect him to have a chance to attack the future. The five seats can be compared with the East, and the key training of the family.

However, the paintings in the lake were killed by a sword, killing people, killing people, leaving the lake to go, genius, and even a trace of counterattack ability was not killed.

Although this matter is far from enough to compare with Lin Feng’s annihilation, it also caused a small wave in the holy city of Zhongcheng. For the family, it is like an earthquake. This is the most outstanding person in his family in recent years. Just after entering the world, it appeared in the eyes of everyone, and it was smashed by a sword. What a shameful thing, and the opponent is also a strong man of the imperial power.

What makes the family even more shocked is that this matter is only the beginning.

Three days later, the youth of the family, Dong Qing, was smashed by a sword while drinking in a restaurant.

Five days later, the eight talented figures of the family were all annihilated on their way to somewhere. They were all swords, a sword that was crisp and neat, no exception, but the family, but even the enemy. know.

Finally, the young strongmen who went out of the house, all with the characters of the emperor, or with the emperors on their bodies, are ready to find the culprit.

However, two days later, in the lake, the two great emperors and the four great emperors were all annihilated. They also had emperors, and the murderers were still in white. Carrying the ancient sword, according to the person who saw it, the person looked yellowish and seemed to be unhealthy, but the strength was so powerful that it was terrifying and terrible.

Within a month, there are already eight great emperors and thirty-six strong emperors who have been killed. This incident is no longer a shock, but the entire holy city is shaken. The strength of the strength, when their family was continuously killed, the characters in the realm of the Emperor began to pay attention, ready to shoot at any time, but in a month, there are still such fierce slaughter, this is simply It is unimaginable. Only once when the other party was almost confronted by the Emperor of Heavenly Emperor, but only because of a late step, the other party was mixed into the crowd, and the strongest of the Emperor’s territory could not find out the other party. The emperor was angry and angered, and he shot a lot of innocent people.

At this moment, the entire state of the holy city is discussing and speculating, who is the horrible swordsman of the family, and it is said that his cultivation is only the realm of the emperor, but his sword is an irresistible sword, and the sword will be killed. Infinity, the strong man of the realm of the Great has eight fallen. Of course, this is the eight unexplained emperors, and the other side seems to deliberately find such a weak Emperor.

The crowd also began to speculate that this person could not let the emperor have no way to escape, indicating that his sword would either kill one shot or be fast, faster than the ordinary emperor.

In the house, in a large hall, the atmosphere is suppressed, and everyone is ashamed, no one is open, and the eyes of all are looking forward to the strong.

This incident, even the homeowner who was in the retreat was alarmed.

A few of the strongest martial artists in the royal family will not care, but dozens of them? If you add a few great emperors? Moreover, the matter is not finished yet. Who knows that there will be many assassinations of people who do not deal with this matter. If the characters of the Wuhuangjing are all destroyed, the family will have a terrible fault.

"Who is my family recently provoked?" At this time, the owner of the family asked coldly, he could not understand, who is targeting the family.

"In recent years, I have been offended by my family. I only have the Warlord Academy." The person who started the game said that the four ancient saints in the past had encircled the Warlord College and wanted to take Lin Feng, which was to offend Wangwang College.

"If it is specific to people, then it is Lin Feng, who offended Lin Feng. Naturally, he also offended the forces behind Lin Feng. However, this person who deals with our family is said to be only a person of the Emperor, who can kill the emperor and a sword. Hao Yu, his talent is self-evident, I really don't understand, except for Lin Feng."

At this point, someone said in a cold voice, and suddenly the look of the people condensed.

"What do you mean, that person is Lin Feng? But I heard someone reflected that this person is not Lin Feng."

"The land of the state of the Holy City, the skill of Yi Rong is not surprising enough. Although this person only uses swords, you should not forget that Lin Feng’s accomplishments on Kendo are also very powerful."

The family of the family was silent for a moment, and immediately said: "In this case, you are going to call some of my martial artists and the people of the great emperor, and we will engrave God in their minds."

"Well, good." The crowd nodded, only so, whether or not it was Lin Feng, the first one was taken out.

The vast city of the holy city, Zhongzhou, can be far more than the family to guess who the murderer is, everyone is waiting, waiting for the family to fight back, was killed by a martial artist, so many strong people, this for them Words are absolutely a shame.

On this day, many of the family members stepped out of the family and flew toward the central cities of the Holy City. One of them, the name of the bamboo, this person is also famous in the holy city of Zhongzhou, is another family. The strongman above the emperor's list, at this time, he is walking on a street, watching his eyes at random, as in peacetime, as if nothing happened.

"Oh!" Suddenly, a sword was filled out, and the sudden coming out of the crowd directly covered his body. At this moment, the bamboo face was slightly stiff, and he took a deep breath and appeared.

"Hey, hehe..." A swordmang seems to have penetrated from nothingness and killed him. However, he saw the palms and palms tremble, and suddenly a terrorist force came out. His whole body seemed to feel this. The power of the violent tyranny has shunned the concession. At the same time, all the invisible swords seem to emerge from nothingness, and they have turned to the bamboo.

In the distant place, there is a white figure, calm look, carrying the ancient sword, as if everyone's power is blooming from him.

"Appeared." The look of the bamboo was condensed, and a horrible breath of his eyebrows suddenly shot out, and the white man saw it and then walked away, lightning fast.

"Hey, where to go." The beam of light turned into a figure, and stepped straight out, stepping toward the white figure, killing the sky, and the crowd suddenly evaded concession.

The white figure fled wildly, as if to forget everything, and the bamboo will attack and sneer, his sneer sneered, the other party finally appeared.

However, at this time, a gust of wind whizzed past, and the face of the bamboo was stiff, and suddenly he looked toward him, and then he saw a phantom rushing toward him, and the speed was fast.

"Not good." The bamboo is pale, his body is mad, but it is useless. The speed of the other party is too fast, and it immediately rushes to his front. In an instant, the figure of the bamboo on the ground disappears, with the phantom It disappeared together.

In the other direction, the figure of a strong figure that has come out of the illusion has finally caught up with the white figure, and the opponent is smashed with a punch. However, he does not have a sense of accomplishment, but squats and turns. Looking away from the distance, the figure of the bamboo is long gone.

"Divided, bad." The man's face was stiff and his body rushed back. However, there was still a figure of 裴竹, which had disappeared without a trace.

"Blackmail." The man’s palm trembled, and the building’s crazy burst of collapse suddenly collapsed. This sacred mind turned into a strong body, showing how terrible his strength is, but Lin Feng is in front of him.裴竹擒 took it away.

Not long after, in another direction, there was also a family of young people strolling in the void, but at this time, the invisible swordsman was killed from the void, and the sword light seemed to be strangled from extremely distant places. The strong man of this family smashed the sword light. However, in the next moment, there seemed to be an inexhaustible sword in the void. It was a terrible sword, which made the body of the family blast.

"Hey!" There is another sword behind him as if from nothingness, the strongman of the family is pale, and the invisible Jianguang does not know from which direction to kill, can not see the source, finally, his eyebrows together The light flashed out and turned into a strong figure. However, at the moment when this person appeared, the young man of the family was torn apart by Jianguang. Immediately, everything disappeared without a trace, as if no one had ever appeared. .

"Who!" The strong man who turned into a sacred voice screamed, and the horrible gods pervaded all directions, but saw that many of the same figures flew away in different directions, he could only In a certain direction, chasing the past, defeating only one avatar, it seems that the deity is not out, just want to find a murderer with a glimpse of God, it is difficult.

There is also a family of people, because the strength is not strong, the sword that came from outside the sky directly into two paragraphs, even the reaction time is not.

Therefore, the next month's time, the nightmare of the family seems to continue, even if the family began to pay attention, still can not calm down, there are many young people in the martial arts, were killed, smashed, completely panic Among them, the characters of the younger generation do not even dare to step out of their homes. Otherwise, they don’t know if they can come back!

The family, in horror, trembling, they never thought about it, they will be forced to a degree by a person who is said to have only been repaired by the royal emperor!

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