Peerless Martial God

Chapter 2066: wake?

The entire holy city of Zhongzhou is discussing the matter of the family, the powerful and powerful ancient saints, the people who have been murdered by the imperial family, and the things that have never happened before in the holy city. Obviously, this is a revenge, killer, It is bound to have deep grievances with the family.

Everyone is speculating, who is the murderer, and at the same time, the family began to launch the martial arts figures of the emperors to guard out the family, instead of relying on the guardianship of the gods, but the characters in the emperor personally accompany the left and right, but Even so, some people are still killed by the flying swords in the lively streets. It is the weak Wuhuang. When the flying swords pass, they are too late to escape and they are annihilated, and those hidden in The people in the dark did not have time to take the shot, but after that, the murderer finally died down and did not appear any more, letting the family get busy, but it seemed to suddenly disappear.

On this day, the genius character of the family came to the people's palace, and threatened to kill the villain who did not dare to show up.

However, there is still no response.

Just as the crowd may come to an end for this matter, there is another big event. One day, the holy city of Zhongzhou, the 25th strongest of the Ji’s family, was killed in the holy city of Zhongzhou. It seems that it is not the same person who started to swear. In an instant, Ji Jia, like the family, began to panic. After Ji Yu’s death, Ji’s family was once again shamed and suffered huge losses.

At this time, the Ji family was completely shaken. They met with the strong people of the family. Some people retaliated against the two families, and the man was still in the realm of the emperor, but the fighting power was terrible and he could kill the emperor. It seems to point to one person, Lin Feng.

It seems that only Lin Feng is the enemy of their family and the family.

Ji Jiahe’s voice came out, and Lin Feng killed his two young strongmen. The two ancient saints would marry Lin Feng, which made everyone in the holy city tremble, killer, Lin Feng, no wonder so strong.

However, in the Wangwang Academy, there was no echo, and after disturbing the family and the Ji family, Lin Feng seemed to be quiet. It seems that he also knows how deep the hatred of Ji Jiahe’s family is now. When I arrive, I am afraid that I will be able to slap him. Even if I dare not kill, it is entirely possible to abolish it. It is already a dead end between them.

During this time, Lin Feng’s peace of mind and the brothers and sisters of the Tiantai Institute studied the martial arts, and successfully passed the sixth demon robbing, and once again succumbed to the heart, the two demons disintegrated, and his body and spirit once again rose to a horrible At the same time, Lin Feng could not know where the limit was, but he knew that the strong man of the Great Empire could not help but hit him with a punch. If he was hit by him, he would die.

Whether it is the annihilation of the magical magic or the disintegration of the demon *, the more backward, the more overbearing, especially when the two magical exercises are combined with cultivation, it can reach a horrible degree.

Just when everyone thought that Lin Feng would not appear again, in one day, the holy city of Zhongzhou fell three strong people in the great emperor, the two emperors of Ji family, the emperor of a family.

This has caused countless people to sigh in their hearts. Although it is just an ordinary emperor, Lin Feng’s killing of the emperor is like killing an ant. This is a bit of a sensation... It’s a feeling of silence. It’s a high-ranking emperor, even if it’s not enlightened. The great emperor is also a strong person, but it is so easy to die, so sudden death, is the emperor too weak, or Lin Feng too strong?

Sometimes many people will ask themselves in their hearts, killer, is it really only Lin Feng?

On this day, Ji Jiahe’s family could no longer hold back. If they went on like this, they both, I don’t know how many people will fall into Lin Feng’s hands, and now, no matter who they are or in the holy city, they are beginning to doubt. There must be War King College behind the back for Lin Feng, providing clues, otherwise, the great holy city of Zhongzhou, why Lin Feng can find the active place of their two people, and kill? This is not because of the terrorist intelligence capabilities of War King College.

Ji Jiahe and his family began to lobby other ancient saints to deal with Lin Feng. However, this time, neither Yu Wenjia nor the winner will go to join in the excitement. At this time, the fool will go to provoke Lin Feng and only look at him. Killing, the same realm, in addition to Chu Chunqiu that metamorphosis, I am afraid that Lin Feng is already invincible today, you dare to send the strong to deal with Lin Feng, is to go to War King College and the ten old immortals can not go.

Now everyone wants to know Lin Feng and Chu Chunqiu, who is stronger, they can't wait for the first and second seats of this emperor to come to the strongest collision in the true sense.

Of course, this is just a kind of expectation. On this day, Ji Jiahe’s family has sent many strong people. Once again, they have come to the outside of Wang’s College. It seems that there was a last oppression, but there was no last oppression. The prestige, the two ancient saints, obviously does not appear to be so strong, the War King College, has the ability to face.

They are still the characters of the four great emperors. They stand outside the college and want to give an account to the Wang College.

"These guys are too arrogant, and they dare to oppress me again. I hope that the ancestors will be able to shock these two ancient saints."

"The powerful ancient saints were forced to be so miserable by one of Lin Feng's brothers. They need to rely on the characters of the emperor to come out. They really lost their faces. The strength of Lin Feng's brother is really terrible."

Seeing the same scene as the original, War King College did not have the feeling of the past, but felt that these people were somewhat ironic. Of course, they also worshiped the power of Lin Feng. The holy city of Zhongzhou was able to force the ancient saints to such a degree. Only Lin Feng.

At this moment, there was a figure in the college. When the figure came out, everyone’s eyes were solidified, including the disciples of the Central City. They saw a giant, as if from ancient times, full of infinite power. The feeling, that is the ancient atmosphere.

The four great emperors saw the giants, their hearts trembled, the holy body, the terrible rumors were true, Lin Feng was free to use this horrible sacred body, they also had a hint of fantasy, Lin Feng used the power of the saints in the sacred heavens. It was only accidental. Otherwise, Lin Feng did not use it when the second Xue people were oppressed. However, the appearance of giants at this moment completely broke their expectations and fantasies.

The ancient saints, reappear, their hearts, trembled, and if the ancient saints airborne their family or family, the consequences would be fierce.

"Hey!" I saw the giant stepping out in a step, and there was a deep crack in the earth in an instant. The four great emperors breathped out to the extreme, ready to escape, and the powerful atmosphere from the ancients gave them a shudder from the soul.

"The emperor oppressed, is it fun?" The calm and indifferent voice spit out from the giant's mouth, causing the emperor's heart to tremble. One of them said: "Are you Lin Feng, or the ancient saint?"

"I only remind once, don't have this situation again. Otherwise, I don't guarantee that I will not go to Jijia and my family and directly carry out the massacre. At that time, it is not the Lin Feng shot of the Wuhuangjing, but the ancient holy Qinshan. Shooting." The sound of the cold filled the void, making the surrounding people tremble, Gu Sheng, Qin Shan.

Is Lin Feng, also Qinshan, you Jijia and Yujia, do you want to face Lin Feng, or face Qinshan?

"Roll!" A voice spit out, the voice fell, the four great emperors turned into a hurricane, did not leave any sound, so sneak away, the speed is as fast as lightning, as if afraid of the saint repentance.

"Ji Jiahe's family is miserable." The crowd said in the dark, they seem to be able to imagine how wrong the Ji family and the family are, the younger generation can't win, the older can't fight, only watched being killed.

The ancient saint turned and immediately left, and went to the War King College. Soon everything subsided. Lin Feng certainly would not really use the ancient holy to kill. Although Qinshan’s consciousness was restored, he would borrow the ancient holy. Qinshan to launch a terrorist war, I am afraid that Qinshan is really difficult to support, but, out of breathable movement, and Qinshan consciousness of the integration of Lin Feng soul, can still be easily controlled, and will not consume anything.

Therefore, the Ji family and the family who are wronged can only fight against Lin Feng in the air. For example, Jidong is going to ask for Lin Feng in the place where the Taoist station is located. The genius of the great emperor of the Ji family also invites Lin Feng to the air. This has caused countless people to despise, and the enlightened figures of the emperor invited Lin Feng of the imperial court to actually make the city full of wind and rain. The holy city is well known. It is indeed not a long-faced thing, but Ji Jiahe’s family is helpless, except for dispatch. Who can move Lin Feng to the powerful people of the Great Empire?

Lin Feng, did not pay attention to Jidong to their invitation, this is meaningless for Lin Feng, he wants revenge, now, this is just the beginning.

In the world of Wuhun, Lin Feng’s body squatted on the ground, watching the woman lying in front of her face, showing a peaceful smile on her face, reaching out, Lin Feng gently caressing Tang’s faint face, softly saying: “Fabulous, now I have not yet strangled the strength of the Holy Emperor. In the future, I will definitely settle the Ji family."

Every time Lin Feng thought of Tang secluded with three thousand illusions blocking the attack of the Jijia Shengdi again and again, he felt his heart twist like a knife. The scene often reverberated in his mind, he hated not to bear himself, he hated He didn't even know that it was faint.

"I know that I used to ignore you deliberately. You feel it yourself. So, you have never seen me, but you have been guarding me silently, guarding with life. If you wake up, I will apologize to you. I will tell you, in fact, I always have you in my heart."

Lin Feng caressed the sly cheeks of Tang, and smiled softly. At this moment, Tang’s faint hand seemed to move slightly, with a slight movement.

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