
The audience at the Silver Colosseum is obviously richer than the Bronze Arena. The one who saw Ye Fei appear was a tortoise, and many people sent it directly Boo.

“Get out, get out! A broken tortoise, I am embarrassed to take it out to show its ugliness!”

“Vajra, kill this tortoise! ​​Swallow it!”


The girl also looked at Ye Fei curiously, and kindly reminded: “Hey, that person, or you should give up. If my Vajra fights, I can’t stop it.”

“Don’t, just hit it. My tortoise was picked up anyway. I deserved it if I killed it. If I didn’t kill it, I made a profit!” Ye Fei kicked the slow Dragon Tortoise to Vajra. .

Now even the kind girl is speechless for a while, the broken tortoise you picked up, dare to challenge my Vajra, this is obviously underestimating her!

“Vajra, hit me fiercely!” the girl ordered.

“Da Hei, it’s up to you!”

Ye Fei was too lazy to command, and walked aside by himself. Only Dragon Tortoise was left, standing alone and working hard. Crawling on the ground, causing crazy laughter from countless people.

All kinds of stone eggs, crazy moved towards Dragon Tortoise greeted the past, but it is strange to say that no matter what people throw, they will always slow down and it is difficult to hit this turtle.


Vajra saw this one on the ground really dared to challenge it, and Vajra stomped on the ground in anger with his feet, stomping deep cracks in the ground.

“Martial Monarch 6th Layer’s Vajra?” Ye Fei shook his head and stopped paying attention.

Dragon Tortoise also shook his head, and before Vajra’s big feet stepped down, Dragon Tortoise suddenly jumped up; unexpectedly grabbed the steel wool on Vajra’s legs and slowly climbed up to Vajra’s thighs.

The martial artists who watched the game were all shocked.

“The tortoise was not trampled to death by Vajra?”

“Fuck, courting death was not so fast, it was still peeing on Vajra’s thigh!”



Dragon Tortoise’s actions stunned a group of people. The girl was also shy and angry. Fiercely glared at Ye Fei, and Ye Fei felt that she was particularly wronged.

It seems that this is none of my business.

roar roar roar!

The thin water flowed down the thighs to the ground, and Vajra’s puffed nostrils and mouths sprayed out three terrifying black smoke.

With a roar, Vajra suddenly lifted a huge beast bone stick, and moved towards the Dragon Tortoise lying on its legs in a rage and smashed it.


A shocking sound, the sound of broken bones resounded throughout the Colosseum, and then Vajra’s painful screams.

When Vajra’s stick fell, the tortoise snapped and fell to the ground from Vajra’s thigh in advance.

Vajra’s bone rod broke his thigh on the spot, and fell on the ground and roared in pain. Instead, it was the tortoise who continued to work hard to crawl on the ground, very hard. I want to turn my body over.

The girl opened her big round eyes on the spot.

Many of the martial artists who watched the game opened their eyes wide. They didn’t expect. The result would be like this. The tortoise that was beaten was okay, but Vajra who shot it was accidentally broken. Own legs?

Chapter IX: The Silver Slayer

Chapter IX: The Silver Slayer

The audience was shocked until Dragon Tortoise slowed down Tuntun crawled back to Ye Fei’s side, and many people reacted.

Then it was a scream.

“What a damn tortoise, if you can win the game even this way, it is clearly not a victory!”

“What kind of master there is, then what kind of Tortoise, don’t say, this tortoise will have such despicable means to win, and this kid must have instigated it in advance.”

Looking at Vajra breaking her leg by herself, the girl also burst into tears and stared at it. Ye Fei, accusing loudly: “Hello shameless!”

“Girl, it’s none of my business, it’s obviously that your Vajra is too slow to react.” Ye Fei spread his hands, Feeling very innocent.

When the girl heard this, tears of anger flowed down, and she hurriedly said to the referee in charge: “Referee, this battle is not counted!”

Ye Fei also looked at the referee and said, “There are no rules in the Colosseum. Ominous beasts can’t use tactics?”

The referee was nodded. Although the tortoise feels a bit invincible, the Colosseum does not require , Ominous beast cannot use small means.

“First Stage, Da Hei wins! Does Senior still continue to fight?” The referee declared brace oneself regardless of the boos around.

“Bi, why not, Da Hei, go ahead and look good on you!” Ye Fei kicked Dragon Tortoise again.

The martial artists who watched the game were also very speechless. Looking at the way Ye Fei treats Dragon Tortoise, we know that 80% of this tortoise is not a good breed, but it is just such a tortoise that actually defeated Vajra.

Besides dogshit luck, no one can find any other explanation.

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