“Damn it, I don’t believe that this tortoise can keep walking dogshit luck!”

“Yes, it was the tortoise that happened to fall just now, fighting head-on, this tortoise can’t stop Vajra. One finger!”

“Continue to bet, we must win back the money we lost!”

“I bet when this broken tortoise will die!”


Following Vajra’s “accidental” defeat, the martial artists who watched the game all lost a lot of money. They were red-eyed and wanted to win back the lost money immediately.

Of course this time, no one bought the Dragon Tortoise to win. Everyone is looking forward to the tortoise being killed by the ominous beast sooner.

Xia Jun also likes zi zi holding the 300 million Spirit Stone he won, and all bets: “300 million high grade Spirit Stone, continue to buy Dahei to win!”

“What, 300 million, my god!” Hearing Xia Jun’s words, the manager in charge of the betting almost fainted.

This bet is really outrageous, and the odds of the Silver Colosseum are one to ten. If the turtle wins, then the Colosseum will lose 3,000,000,000 Spirit Stone?

“Guest, your bet is too big, I am unable to help Lord, I am going to ask our owner…” The steward stood up and said.

“Let him bet!” A cold voice came from behind.

The owner of the Colosseum is a dark-skinned middle age person with a thick baleful qi in his majesty. He stared at Ye Fei coldly, and at the slow one. Dragon Tortoise took a look, coldly snorted, and turned to nodded to the steward.

The steward couldn’t help but hold onto Khan and accepted Xia Jun’s bet.

Such a huge bet has caused a complete sensation in the Colosseum.

“Owner, this is not right, if the tortoise wins again, we have to output 3,000,000,000 high grade Spirit Stone!” The cold sweat on the manager’s head was rolled out.

Looking at Ye Fei deeply, the owner shook his head calmly and said: “Don’t worry, he won’t keep winning. This time, let the black dog go up!”


“Black dog? Oh my God, the Colosseum sent the black dog!”

“Black dog, who is the black dog?”


There are also many new martial artists who don’t know any black dogs.

Immediately, friends around me explained to them: “Black Dog, the strongest silver rank killer in the Colosseum, all ominous beasts who fight against him are killed by him, not just The silver killer in name only, but also in reality!”

“What, is this black dog so cruel?”

Many martial artists hearing this, all subconsciously treat this black dog Dissatisfaction, you must know that most martial artists who can carry ominous beasts are domesticated since childhood and have deep feelings for each other.

It is inevitable that the Colosseum is injured. If the ominous beast dies, it will be a big blow to the owner of the ominous beast. For this reason, many owners of the ominous beast would rather talk to the gold The rank ominous beast fights, and few people are willing to fight the black dog.

However, this time the situation was different. Since everyone lost money on Dragon Tortoise, many people hated the tortoise. When the black dog came out, it was unexpectedly welcomed.

“Black dog, black dog!”

“Kill that broken tortoise!”

“Black dog, we are counting on you!”

Faced with the cheers of the people, the black dog’s expression was very cold. Behind him was a big dark wolfdog. This wolfdog had three heads, and the expression on each head was very hideous.

“Hell Three Headed Hound?”

Ye Fei was a little surprised. This is not an ominous beast, but a demonic beast. Even if it is not purebred, there must be a hellhound. The bloodline.

Black Dog is a plain-looking middle-aged man, but standing with the Three Headed Hound, he exudes an amazing imposing manner.

“Yes, my dog ​​is the bloodline with the Three Headed Hound of Hell. You still have time to admit defeat!”

The black dog looked slowly on the ground with extreme disdain The crawling turtle, at this speed, is estimated to be not enough for Three Headed Hound to bite.

If faced with an ordinary martial artist, the black dog would have let the dog bite it a long time ago, but Ye Fei’s 5th layer realm, let the black dog somewhat dreaded.

Ye Fei slightly smiled, pointing to Dragon Tortoise and said: “Let’s fight a game. As long as your dog can beat it, I will give up!”

“Sorry, I The dog never fights, it is only responsible for hunting. Since you refuse to admit defeat, even if my Three Headed Hound kills this turtle, you can’t blame me!” The black dog coldly snorted and said.

“Don’t worry, I don’t blame you!” Ye Fei nodded and said calmly.

After speaking, he was ready to step aside and let Dragon Tortoise play freely on the court. This made the black dog complexion changed, and he couldn’t help but look carefully at Dragon Tortoise again, and even used the unique secret beast technique, but he didn’t notice how different this tortoise was.

The black dog relaxed, and hurriedly stopped Ye Fei coldly: “Wait a minute, since we are going to fight, then we will fight harder. Whoever loses this time, whoever has to lose his body Belt, give it to the other party, what do you think?”

“Are you gonna bet on my space belt?” Ye Fei looked towards Black Dog’s eyes cold.

Hei Gou was shocked. In the end, he was just a heavyweight. Facing a 5th layer young expert like Ye Fei, he was still somewhat guilty. He subconsciously looked at the host not far away. At a glance.

The owner is expressionless and nodded. The black dog has confidence in his heart, said solemnly: “Yes, do you dare to gamble?”

“Why not dare?” Ye Fei coldly smiled, understand that 80% of the black dog is the Colosseum Sent out against him, after all, he has won 300 million in the Colosseum. It would be strange if the opponent didn’t react.

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