
Following Pang Feng’s eyes, both Pang Long and Pang Hu saw an incredible scene, a Little Fatty, who actually ignored the restrictions and ran to the entrance of 12 layers in one breath. In front of this result, not only Pang Feng and the three people were dumbfounded, but Ye Fei was also a little stunned.

Then reacted instantly: “haha, Little Fatty, now you are blessed, hurry in! Enter and find the demon soul, and you will become stronger!”

Chapter Hundred 38: Ancient Demon Soul

Chapter Hundred and 38: Ancient Demon Soul

“No, I want to go in with my brother! I have temporarily broken the restrictions here, brother, you guys Come here soon!”

Little Fatty didn’t go in alone. The anxious dong dong dong ran over again to bring Ye Fei and Dragon Tortoise in.

Ye Fei just wanted to refuse, but Little Fatty’s strength is too terrifying. Ye Fei is not allowed to refuse. He resists Dragon Tortoise with one hand, and holds Ye Fei, dong dong dong, Little Fatty fast. The light gate ran towards 12 layers again.

The strange thing is that the prohibition that originally existed in all around disappeared after Little Fatty entered. Before Ye Fei came back to his senses, he was caught by Little Fatty and ran in. Light door.

Dragon Tortoise is completely stupid. Even if it is only the size of a shield, it weighs thousands of catties. It’s not surprising that Ye Fei can lift it, but Little Fatty is just ten-fold in Martial King. It is very shocking to be able to carry it easily.

“Fool, no, sixth, wait and take us too!”

“Fool, you fool, we are your brother, you don’t take us in, But brought an outsider in?”

“Don’t say anything, we rushed in while the sixth breaks the restriction!” Pang Feng had no intention of healing his injuries, he stood up and tried the fastest Speed ​​chasing Little Fatty.

“Yes, rush in!” Pang Long and Pang Hu were suddenly stupid not to abandon Little Fatty. At this time, they regretted that they shouldn’t be too anxious to throw Little Fatty on the 7th floor.

Unfortunately, it was too late for them to regret.


Just after Little Fatty carried Dragon Tortoise and pulled Ye Fei into the light gate of 12 layers, the prohibition that had disappeared, suddenly reappears.



“How dare you yin us!” Pang Feng three people roared, simply didn’t expect, prohibition Recovering so quickly, they are still rushing forward at this time, and it is a full charge ahead of fifty steps.

This kind of distance has exceeded the limit they can bear, even more how they were seriously injured by Ye Fei.

The pressure of the prohibition immediately caused Pang Feng’s three people to spit out blood, and their bones were crushed in half. If they were not for semi-sage and still had Sovereign Item in their hands, I am afraid they would not be able to withdraw. Prohibition, will be crushed alive inside.

The three popular faces of Pang Feng are distorted.

For the first time, they had a deep fear of Little Fatty, which they never disdain.

“The sixth idiot, wasteful, can he be recognized by Monster God?” Pang Hu couldn’t accept this fact. He not at all noticed that his voice was trembling.

Ye Fei was dragged directly into the 12 layers of the Beast Palace by Little Fatty, and there was an illusion of a crash in his mind.

“Fuck, I can’t pass the Monster God ban. Little Fatty ran directly in. This world is crazy, and, Little Fatty, you can put Dragon Tortoise down.” Ye Fei reminded.

Little Fatty discovered that Dragon Tortoise was still being resisted by him. He quickly put down Dragon Tortoise and apologized to Dragon Tortoise: “Da Hei, I’m sorry, I shouldn’t carry it without your consent. Looking at you!”


Dragon Tortoise rolled his eyes and stared at Little Fatty for a while, and finally crawled to the side silently. Dragon Tortoise was originally tyrannical. But at this time Dragon Tortoise felt that Little Fatty was perhaps the most violent one.

The 12 layers of the Beast Palace are very empty.

There is no monster inside either.

There are many strange caves. Now that I know the out of the ordinary of Little Fatty, Ye Fei will certainly not waste Little Fatty’s talent.

“Little Fatty, with so many caves, can you sense where the demon soul is hiding?” Ye Fei looked at the densely packed cave in front, with a big head.

Little Fatty looked at the cave very seriously. Without thinking, he walked straight to a cave not far away and said: “Brother, the demon soul is here.”


As Little Fatty approached, the prohibition in front of the cave was shattered before it even started. Ye Fei was dumbfounded; Little Fatty was also stupid on the spot, and still didn’t understand what happened.


In the cave, the demon souls that have been sealed for countless years have rushed out like a tide. They have various shapes, all of which are Ancient Era. One side Monster Race Great Saint.

“These are the demon souls?”

Ye Fei rushed over in a bit of surprise, and suddenly shot, grabbing the weakest demon soul, and the demon soul was suddenly broken , Turned into a transparent ball of light, and emerged in Ye Fei’s hands.

The inside of the light cluster also exudes a peculiar power, which is the power of the heaven and the earth, exactly the same as Ye Fei’s absorption of the holy bone.

Ye Fei was surprised and delighted, “These demon souls, as expected, have the same function as the sacred bones. With so many demon souls, I will be able to quickly upgrade my sword without looking for the sacred bones in the future. Shua!”

shua! shua! shua!

Ye Fei, with red eyes, simply melted into a huge True Qi palm, and kept holding these demons into his hands. Dragon Tortoise was even more straightforward, opening his mouth directly, chasing those flying demons everywhere to devour.

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