most cruel thing is Little Fatty. He still doesn’t understand what’s going on. He just stands there stupidly, countless demon souls, as if attracted, keep getting into him within the body.

“Brother, I’m going to be eaten by monsters!” Little Fatty was wa’ed in shock, and burst into tears.

Ye Fei doesn’t know what to say. When someone encounters such a good thing, they have already laughed from ear to ear. This Little Fatty is good, and he actually cried on the spot.

“Don’t worry about Little Fatty, these are monsters, they can make you stronger, you just need to cultivation hard.”


Little Fatty stopped crying immediately. He understood what was going on. He stood still motionless, and he could cultivation even standing. Ye Fei had a long posture.

There are also many demon souls rushing out of the cave.

In the end, Ancient Era is the world of Monster Race and ominous beast. A Monster Race is born at random, it also has the strength of Heavenspan Great Saint; therefore, the number of monsters stored in the beast hall is very large, the least There is also the scale of hundreds of thousand, which is definitely a huge fortune.

The value is equivalent to hundred thousand holy bones.

Through these demon souls, Ye Fei can feel how brilliant the ancient Monster Race is. Unfortunately, no matter how brilliant the Monster Race is, it is gradually declining.

“It seems that no life can become the eternal protagonist of heaven and earth! To live forever, whether demon, witch, or human, the only way is to transcend heaven and earth and become a real Martial God!”

Only Martial God can be immortal!

Suddenly such a strange thought flashed through Ye Fei’s heart. Seeing Dragon Tortoise and Little Fatty are still desperately absorbing those ghosts. Ye Fei stopped moving.

Ten thousand monster souls are already covered by the light of Little Fatty. “You can’t be too greedy!” This is the lesson Ye Fei learned from the Martial Sovereign Palace.

So after catching 10,000 demon souls, Ye Fei ignored the other demon souls, went to a clearing where there were no demon souls, and began to refining these demon souls.

Ye Fei in the cultivation didn’t know. Seeing his behavior, the indifferent pupil light in the Beast Palace gradually looked away.

Chapter 939, Heavenly Venerate, Earth Zun

Chapter 939, Heavenly Venerate, Earth Zun

Finally, those indifferent eyes , Still staring at Little Fatty standing in the same place, showing a satisfied expression, and looked towards Dragon Tortoise, who is hunting down monster souls everywhere, with admiration in his eyes.

“Heaven and Earth is big, Monster Race is big, Heavenly Venerate is respected, Monster God is respected!”


Dragon Tortoise and Little Fatty’s ears sounded this mysterious sound at the same time. Hearing this sound, Little Fatty could no longer stand.

He drooped his eyelids, his head a little bit, and finally fell slowly to the ground, falling into a deep sleep, flying Dragon Tortoise, also felt his body became heavy, he couldn’t help falling beside Little Fatty, also shrinking Raise his head and let out a muffled snoring sound.

The most weird thing is that Ye Fei didn’t hear the sound of Little Fatty and Dragon Tortoise at all, let alone the weird sound. , Completely without knowing it, fell into a wonderful state.

Suddenly, Ye Fei felt as if he had come to a mysterious space. In this space, his perception and cultivation speed were all improving very quickly.

The strange thing is that Ye Fei not at all perceives this, but it is in the beast seal space. Xiaocao blinked her eyelids strangely, but didn’t sense any danger, Xiaocao didn’t wake up, she changed to a more comfortable sleeping position, sleeping more sweetly.


One day has passed.

Two days have passed.

Three days have passed.


Just staying in the 12 layers of the Beast Palace for three days, Ye Fei has a faint illusion, he seems to stay here for three months, even more Long.

With the help of a large number of demon souls, Ye Fei succeeded in raising his earth sword power to the tenth level of earth power. At the same time, the billions of high grade Spirit Stones obtained from the Colosseum also made Ye Fei’s realm, in three days, finally breakthrough to the top ten.

“Only one step away, I will be able to break through to the Half Saint Level realm, as long as I reach the half holy, this time on the Heaven and Earth Supreme List, I will definitely get a good ranking, and then join Saint Court Cultivation!”

Aware of the breakthrough of the realm, Ye Fei was a little excited in his heart. At this time, the billions of high grade Spirit Stones he refined, and part of the Spiritual Qi remained within the body.

As long as Ye Fei is willing, he can try the breakthrough semi-sacred realm.


What makes Ye Fei surprised is that no matter how he tries, he can’t break through further. It is clear that he already has the power to surpass Half Saint Level, but invisibly, it is There is a layer of resistance, preventing him from stepping into the realm of semi-sage.

“What the hell is going on, I obviously have the power to surpass the semi-holy, and my Spiritual Qi within the body is enough to support me for a breakthrough. Why can’t I break through?”

Ye Fei can’t figure it out.

At this time, a mysterious voice suddenly rang in his mind, faintly explaining: “You don’t need to do unnecessary breakthroughs. Although you have absorbed the demon soul, you are within the body’s power. It’s too messy, now you can’t continue the breakthrough.”


Ye Fei was taken aback, he looked towards all around, only then found out, no Knowing when, he is already not in the Beast Palace, but in a wonderful space.

In this space, Little Fatty and Dragon Tortoise are all gone. This method is too terrifying, unconsciously, so Ye Fei is isolated.

Rao has experienced many dangers. Ye Fei still has a tingling scalp. If someone in the dark is killing him, wouldn’t it be possible to kill him silently?

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