
in the sky, a magnificent palace emerged, and at the same time, a pair of green eyes, like traveling through time and space, looked towards this space from the distant antiquity, full of The vicissitudes of life are also full of dignity.

“Monster God?”

Ye Fei was puzzled and gasped at the same time. It was just a line of sight, or came across countless times. Ye Fei has something to suffocate a feeling of.

Only then did he know how powerful Ancient Monster Race is. As the strongest Monster God among them, it can even cross time and space.

“Smart Human Race!” Monster God slightly smiled, “Don’t worry, I no longer exist in this world, what you see is just a ray of distractions that I trust in the depths of time and space. “

“Miscellaneous thoughts?”

Ye Fei was stunned. I went, a ray of distracted thoughts can be so perverted, which almost subverted his understanding, “Are you a Martial God?” “

“Martial God, hehe, your Human Race’s Martial God is powerful, but they are still a bit weaker, young man, remember, Martial God is the real starting point of Martial Dao, only Reaching the earth, Heavenly Venerate, can be regarded as transcending the world.”

Monster God’s tone is flat.

But Ye Fei can still hear the pride in the tone of Monster God, even for Human Race Martial God, Monster God doesn’t seem to pay much attention to it.

“I don’t know what Monster God is looking for?” Ye Fei asked tentatively. He was a little nervous, but this is the Beast Palace, the site of Monster Race!

In case this Monster God’s distracting thoughts are not pleasing to his eyes, it is estimated that a single thought, Ye Fei will be a tragedy. At this time, Ye Fei is of course to quickly test the true intentions of Monster God.

Monster God hehe smiled, “Little Brat, I said, you don’t need to be nervous. Originally, if Human Race stepped into the animal palace, it would be a dead end, but you are different. From your body, I feel The breath of an old friend, for her face, I will not embarrass you, and…”

in the sky, there seems to be an invisible wave of a big hand, this mysterious space, Two figures appeared again, that was the sleeping Dragon Tortoise, and Little Fatty.

“Furthermore, after waiting for so many years, I finally waited for two beings with half-demon bodies. I am so relieved! Without you, they would not have come here. It’s an old friend. On the face, Little Brat, come on, what reward do you want?” Monster God asked lightly.

This remark, Ye Fei listens to unfathomable mystery.

What old friend? Does this Monster God recognize the wrong person? But no matter whether Monster God admits the wrong person or not, it is good. Regardless of that many, get it first.

“Monster God Senior, I don’t have as much knowledge as you, or you can just reward me with a few unnecessary treasures.” Ye Fei said honestly and timid, humming in his heart.

The gap between him and Monster God is too great. In his eyes, it is a treasure. In Monster God’s eyes, it may be the dirt and rubble on the ground.

Ye Fei is not stupid. The treasure he proposed is worthless in the eyes of Monster God, isn’t it a blood loss? At this time, let Monster God speak, based on Monster God’s insight, can’t you just get rid of some scraps?

Ye Fei’s abacus, it’s crackling.

Monster God was speechless for a while after listening to it. Ye Fei said it all. If Monster God took something to pass away, it would be too petty.

Hearing that Monster God didn’t say anything for a long time, Ye Fei also chuckled in his heart. Is this because his asking price is too high and scaring Monster God away, or is this Monster God too poor and simply has no treasure?

After all, this is not Monster God, but just a distraction from Monster God. Ye Fei’s heart couldn’t help but become nervous.

I said treasure, but you can’t just be so yellow!

Chapter 940 Monster God Teaching Method

Chapter 940 Monster God Teaching Method

“Monster God, Senior?” Ye Fei probed Called.

Nothing happens.

Ye Fei’s face was a bit dark: “…”

Just when I thought 80% of this matter was already yellow, Monster God slowly opened the mouth and said “Little Brat, you are cunning, but it reminds me of another interesting Human Race. I don’t know if he has fallen for so many years.”

“Who is that person?” Ye Fei curiously asked, What can make the powerful existence of Monster God remember, maybe it is a living Martial God.

Monster God didn’t say much, indifferently said: “Little Brat, you can be considered a problem for me, just take something to send you away, you must say that I am stingy, I really give you treasure, with Your realm will only lead to killing disaster.”

“Your power within the body is too messy. If I read it right, you should have already embarked on the path of despair. But your Primordial Spirit is condensed with the Holy Relic of the Buddhist school died during meditation. Now you have not only the strength of Asura, but also the power of Buddha, the power of magic, and A trace of the power of the sorcery.”


Monster God didn’t know, Ye Fei felt very blush as soon as he said it, didn’t expect him to have so much messy power.

Fortunately, Monster God did not sense the power of the immortal Sword Soul, nor did it sense the existence of grass, otherwise Ye Fei would shudder thinking about the consequences.

He quickly changed the topic: “Monster God Senior, I don’t know what reward you want to give me?”

Monster God is a little helpless: “Little Brat is still a bit impatient. I wanted to point you to your cultivation, but your strength within the body is messy, and you have already embarked on a path of despair. I haven’t walked that path, and I can’t point you specifically. But I remember that someone walked through this one. Road, he also left a cultivation technique that can repair the cracks in your soul and suppress Heavenly Dao’s feelings towards you!”

“What, someone has also gone on the path of despair, who is that person? Did he succeed in the end?” Ye Fei was excited all over.

What can be remembered by Monster God is definitely the great character of heaven-shaking, earth-shattering, and the lowest level is Martial God. If there are predecessors who have walked this path of despair, That is undoubtedly a tremendous encouragement to Ye Fei.


Monster God also knows Ye Fei’s mood at this time, his tone is regrettable, and his voice has become illusory: “Universe Great Desolate, there are three Thousand Great Dao! Every path represents a kind of ultimate power. There are ten kinds of the strongest.”

“God’s Force, magic power, monster force, witch power, sky force of Tribulation, the power of despair…”

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