“Oh, my lord , what do you have to say, the villain must know everything and say nothing!”

“Talk about Ninth Prince, he is an aloof and remote The prince, why bother with an ordinary beggar and forbid anyone to take it in? This is obviously not a way for people to survive!”


Ye Fei patted the table and motioned for the shopkeeper to sit down.

The shopkeeper didn’t dare to sit down, even Ye Fei didn’t know. Now he seems to be indifferent, but he has naturally developed an imposing manner of a superior.

The so-called self-prestige is the current aura of Ye Fei.

“My lord, I also heard about it. It is said that Ninth Prince seems to have taken a fancy to the beggar outside and wants that beggar to enter the palace and be his slave, but this beggar is also arrogant and the old man opens Inn has been around for more than a hundred years and has read countless people, and I have never seen such a proud person.”

“See Ninth Prince, he doesn’t bow his head! See Da Neng Martial Saint, he doesn’t bow his head! No matter how Ninth Prince forces him, breaks his hands and feet, provokes his muscles, and even finds someone to insult him, provoke him, this beggar is still so proud, just doesn’t say a word. It’s a pity that he offended Ninth Prince, otherwise the old man I want to help him.”

Inn’s applause sighed.

Ye Fei was a little surprised, her eyebrows raised, and a sneer of disdain appeared on her mouth: “How can a person’s pride be succumbed with a bit of tough means! However, Ninth Prince tortured him so much, why didn’t he run away?”

“This…” shopkeeper hesitated for a while, he is not stupid. Seeing Ye Fei just mentioned that beggar was in his early days, now he specifically asks about it. . He knew that Ye Fei was definitely not as simple as asking.

Shopkeeper is obviously reluctant to say more, for fear of getting into trouble.

Ye Fei did not urge, but only gently tilted the table with his fingers. Every time he tapped, the shopkeeper’s heart roared like a drum, and his face became more sweaty.

Finally, the shopkeeper was still unable to withstand this invisible pressure. He cried and said, “Guest, you can’t say that I said it. According to what I heard, Ninth Prince has a special method. , You can use the soul worm to control the souls of others.”

“I heard from the steward of the Ninth Prince’s Palace that Beggar repeatedly rejected Ninth Prince’s solicitation, which made Ninth Prince feel very faceless, and the last solicitation failed. Ninth Prince planted soul worms on that person, so that he could only be a beggar in the Imperial Capital for the rest of his life. He could not escape or die, and let other martial artists know what would happen if he refused Ninth Prince’s solicitation! “

After talking about this, shopkeeper is already sweating coldly. What he said are the secrets of the palace. If it weren’t for Ye Fei’s too much pressure, shopkeeper would never say this. come out.

Ye Fei’s brows frowned tighter, and shook his head: “I said, with Lin’s Heaven’s Chosen talent, how could he have been so downhearted in Imperial Capital? It turns out that he was caught by a soul worm and was Ninth Prince is in control. The last question is Ninth Prince, where is it now?”

“This little guy doesn’t know, you can go to Cuixianglou to try one’s luck, Ninth Prince likes to solicit Strange people and strange things are often in Cuixiang Building to entertain the heroes of Imperial Capital. You may be able to meet them in the past.” shopkeeper wiped his head with a cold sweat.

“Cuixianglou? This Ninth Prince is kind of elegant! It’s a pity that even one person can’t bear the air, and it’s a joke to want a real hero to return to his heart!” Ye Fei shook his head. Standing up from the seat, he not at all immediately went to find Ninth Prince.

After all, it’s getting late, so Ye Fei decided that it’s not too late to go to Cuixianglou tomorrow. After leaving the shopkeeper, Ye Fei said to Xia Jun: “Xia Jun, it’s a distance from Heaven and Earth Supreme. There are still dozens of days on the list, so you don’t want to go out, concentrate on the breakthrough realm here, and then fight for us to join the Saint Court together!”

“Don’t worry, big brother, I can definitely make a breakthrough for up to ten days. Thoroughly ten! But we really want to join True Martial Saint Court?” Xia Jun said with some worry.

“Why, True Martial Saint Court, is there a problem?” Ye Fei curiously asked.

“Why is it okay, True Martial Saint Court, originally the strongest Saint Court in Zhong Prefecture, but I also just went out to find out that the current True Martial Saint Court has gradually declined.” Xia Jun hurriedly Tell Ye Fei the news about going out.

Since the Heaven and Earth Supreme List has begun, people will naturally talk about the major Saint Courts in Zhong Prefecture. Originally, there are four major Saint Courts in Zhong Prefecture.

True Martial Saint Court.

Heavenly Dao Saint Court.

Tiance Saint Court.

Shenwu Saint Court.

Of these four Saint Courts, the strongest in the past was True Martial Saint Court, but for unknown reasons, True Martial Saint Court had a serious internal conflict, so that True Martial Saint Court actually had Several Martial Sovereigns, with a large number of excellent disciplines, jumped to join the other three Saint Court.

“In short, this is the case. Martial Sovereign is the core of Saint Court. The number of Martial Sovereign represents the strength of Saint Court. Now True Martial Saint Court Martial Sovereign still has a few, But most of them are very old, and there is the possibility of transmigration at any time. Once these old Martial Sovereigns die, True Martial Saint Court may be removed from the four major Saint Courts.”

Xia Jun explained the situation of True Martial Saint Court in detail, and Ye Fei’s brow wrinkled involuntarily. Originally, he obtained a token of True Martial Saint Court in Beihai Haiyan before he decided to join True Martial Saint Court. Now that True Martial Saint Court is so downhearted, even Martial Sovereign has switched jobs. He really needs to think carefully. Click it.

Chapter 955 Cuixiang Building

Chapter 955 Cuixiang Building

“Forget it, I don’t think so much Yes, as long as we have a good record in the Heaven Ranking and which Saint Court wants to join, we have the final say.”

Ye Fei shook his head said with a smile.

Xia Jun also nodded and said very seriously: “That’s true, it seems that I have to work hard to cultivated.”

Speaking, Xia Jun returned to his room and started For the next breakthrough, Ye Fei kept fighting against Xia Jun on the road to hone the foundation of Xia Jun.

Now the foundation of Xia Jun has been very solid, that is, he can break through to the top ten without any problems.

This is the benefit of having a large number of Spirit Stones and demons.

But when thinking of Lin Heaven’s Chosen who had become a beggar, Ye Fei couldn’t help but sigh. After all, he was an old friend from the Northern Territory. How could he bear his heart, really watching Lin Heaven’s Chosen go down like this?

“Lin Heaven’s Chosen, I can leave it alone, but for Ninth Prince, I have to go there for a while.” Ye Fei closed the door and took a good night’s sleep.

Dragon Tortoise successfully returned to the beast seal space and became very honest. Even after awakening the bloodline, Dragon Tortoise still retracted into the grass bed very honestly, and cultivated very carefully.

2nd day.

Ye Fei got up early and walked out of the Inn. moved towards Cuixianglou.

Cuixianglou is the largest restaurant in Imperial Capital. Many dignitaries like to banquet here, and many martial artists are also proud of entering Cuixianglou.

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