Although the time is still early in the morning, Cuixiang Building has guests facing each other, and there are all kinds of carriages parked outside, and there are constantly strange animals. Pulling Young Master and Lady of Imperial Capital, moved towards Cuixiang Building When he arrived, Ye Fei didn’t need to deliberately inquire, just listening to these Young Master and Lady talks, he got a lot of information.

Of course, many Young Master and Lady people have noticed Ye Fei. Ye Fei’s tenfold realm surprised them, but when they saw Ye Fei in a simple black Purple Gold gown, many Young Master and Lady On his face, it is inevitable to show contemptuous expression.

“This man is strong and handsome, but he is too shabby to wear. It might not be easy for him to enter Cuixiang Tower like this.”

“Hey, Dad said However, we can’t judge people by their appearances. Ninth Prince also likes to recruit strangers and strangers. He came here this time, he probably wants to take refuge in Ninth Prince.”

“It’s hard to say, Heaven and Earth Supreme List is fast. Beginning, there are too many geniuses pouring into Imperial Capital. Ninth Prince may not be available to everyone. Besides, today, the top five Heaven’s Chosen are here.”

“What, the top five Heaven’s Chosen are here. Cuixianglou? That’s the grand event of our Imperial Capital. No wonder that many Hu Meizi dressed up, hmph! “

Cuixianglou’s bodyguards simply don’t stop these carts and horses, let this group of Young Master and Lady discuss entering Cuixiang Tower. Bodyguards also regarded Ye Fei as the entourage of these Young Master and Lady, and even let Ye Fei mix in with the carriage.

Ye Fei did not explain. Hearing that the Imperial Capital also has five Heaven’s Chosen, Ye Fei has some memories in his heart. There are also five Heaven’s Chosen in the Northern Territory, but they have already disappeared.

Song Yuzhan died.

Chen Mengyao betrayed him.

Fu Renjie’s life and death are unknown.

Lin Heaven’s Chosen has become beggar.


“Stop, who are you? How can you enter the Ninth Prince banquet place without an invitation?” Cuixiang Building’s defense is still relatively tight.

Ye Fei can follow the carriage into the Cuixiang Building, but if you want to enter the Ninth Prince’s banquet, it is not so easy, because you need to show invitations to enter. There is no invitation to break in, that is Ninth Prince’s disrespect.

The guards of the garden looked towards Ye Fei and their gazes were very unfriendly, but after discovering Ye Fei’s tenfold realm, they barely retained a trace of politeness.

“Brother, if you come to see Ninth Prince, then another day. Ninth Prince is entertaining guests, I am afraid I can’t spare time to pay attention to you.” A guard opened the mouth and said.

“Don’t worry, Ninth Prince will take the time.” Ye Fei answered with a smile.

“You, impossible to tell good from bad, get rid of him, don’t affect the mood of the nobles in the garden.” Several guards laughed at Ye Fei’s words, and then they left fiercely fiercely Come, Ye Fei will be driven away.


Then one of the guards was stunned with a punch on the spot, and another guard was kicked to the center, squatting on the ground, rolling his eyes and passing out with pain.

Ye Fei was very patient. He waited until the Young Master and Lady walked in before he shot, and stunned all the guards outside the garden.

As the most luxurious restaurant in Imperial Capital, no one would have thought that someone would do something here, and no one would rashly approach the garden of others’ banquets.

Wait until Ye Fei has solved all the guards. Since no one noticed, and an outsider broke in, Ye Fei was not only speechless, but Imperial Capital was still too safe. This group of people was really alert. Very low.

I was thinking of going all the way in, but after solving the guards, Ye Fei easily got in. No one doubted Ye Fei’s identity.

Seeing Ye Fei wearing a shabby black Purple Gold gown, many attendants in the garden greeted Ye Fei.

“Brother, which province is it, look at the face?”

“Oh, you ask me, I’m new here, just so, Ninth Prince is in there… Yes, many thanks!” In a few words, I asked if Ninth Prince was in the tall building in front, and Ye Fei moved towards upstairs.

At this time, the entourage who was asked felt a bit wrong. I asked which province you were from, and you said you were new here.

The typical answer is not what you asked. Also, if you are a person, you can go upstairs at the Young Master and Lady banquet and do what you do. You don’t even see who can go upstairs.

They are all grandsons, Young Master, princess, and Young Lady of the Great Family.

That is to go and the others to enter the banquet. As a follower, even a follower of Martial Saint a 2nd layer can only respectfully wait outside.

“Which house does this kid come from, he doesn’t understand the rules so much?”

“He doesn’t want us to be punished.”

“What should be It’s urgent, but you can use the sound transmission talisman to send the message. It’s a bit reckless to go up by yourself.”

The Martial Saints of Heavenspan 2nd layer stationed at the gate also noticed Ye Fei’s Action, they hurried over and asked cautiously: “This Young Master, what are you doing here?”

“Sorry, I’m not Young Master. I’m not here. I’m just It’s something to find Ninth Prince!”

Ye Fei said very loudly, no way, there are too many people here, so he just raised the volume to get the attention of Ninth Prince.

His words quickly made the banquet hall quiet. Everyone looked at Ye Fei in surprise, and then at Ye Fei’s shabby black Purple Gold robe, many people were surprised.

“Who is this man, which Young Master is he?”

“He just said that he is not Young Master, he should be a servant of that house, or a follower Right.”

Someone was speculated, and the faces of several Martial Saints became more and more ugly. Just as they were trying to drive Ye Fei away, a surprise voice suddenly came from the crowd: “brother Ye, I finally saw you again!”


Ye Fei was also surprised. Didn’t expect Jiangcheng not only to come to Imperial Capital, but also to Ninth Prince’s banquet.

Chapter 956, see you upset

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