“It’s a pity that my brain is not good. Since I say this in front of Ninth Prince!”

Many princess daughters couldn’t help but secretly look at Ninth Prince’s face , Ninth Prince kept smiling, but his smile had become a little stiff.

“No one has ever dared to say this to me, Ninth Prince!” Ninth Prince’s voice became cold.

“That’s you never met me!” Ye Fei’s tone suddenly became very cold, he ignored everyone’s astonished eyes, pointed at Ninth Prince and said: “Why, I think you are unhappy , Don’t you dare to have an opinion? You can keep it if you have an opinion, but you must remove the soul worm that controls Lin Heaven’s Chosen, otherwise, I will see you even more unhappy!”

“Crazy, where does this come in? Crazy man, dare to talk to Ninth Prince like this?” Ye Fei’s words caused an uproar in the entire banquet hall.

Chapter 957 is too weak

Chapter 957 is too weak

Who is Ninth Prince, Imperial Family’s son, Imperial Capital Top ten experts. The two levels of identity alone are enough to make countless geniuses bow their heads and even look up.

Now there is a person who stood up and pointed to Ninth Prince’s nose and said, “Seeing Ninth Prince’s discomfort, even if you have any comments, you must keep it.”

“This man is crazy!”

“Too arrogant, too arrogant, who let this hillbilly in, don’t hurry him out!”

“It seems that Jiang Cheng let him in!”

Someone in the crowd exposed Jiang Cheng to please Ninth Prince. Jiang Cheng’s expression was calm and he shook his head and said: “He It is my friend, but the conflict between him and Ninth Prince has nothing to do with me!”

“Yes, this time, it’s just that I just look at Ninth Prince upset and have nothing to do with Jiang Cheng.” Ye Fei Also clear the way.

“Okay, okay! One has nothing to do with Jiang Cheng! One is upset to see this Imperial Prince! I am very upset when I look at you now!”

Ninth Prince smiled angrily They all turned into smirks. As a prince, he was always a good-for-nothing and arrogant since he was a child. How has he ever been scolded by someone pointing his nose like this?

“Take him for me, you have to stand up for that beggar, then this Imperial Prince will let you become a beggar just like him, take him for me, and wait until I personally plant him Soul bug!”


Hearing the order of Ninth Prince, he retreated to the two Martial Saints of Heavenspan one heavy behind him, and immediately rushed towards Ye Fei furiously.

People haven’t arrived yet. The terrifying murderous intention has filled the entire banquet hall, and the oppressed young Master Young Master can’t breathe.

This is the power of Martial Saint.

Ordinary and powerful, simply impossible to resist.

“Jiang Cheng, 80% of your friend is dead. If you dare to offend Ninth Prince in public like this, he must have burned his brain.”

Someone who is better than Jiang Cheng Young Master stepped back and said.

“Brother Ye did this, of course, there is his reason!” Jiang Cheng smiled slightly, he sat still, and directly ignored the pressure of the two Heavenspan Great Saints.

Ye Fei also stood still, as if not feeling it. The two Martial Saints have already killed him. He calmly looked at Ninth Prince, “This is your courtesy corporal? This is how you recruit others. If others refuse to accept the solicitation, you will control them with soul worms and let them Life is better than death! Your methods are really low-level!”

Ye Fei’s face is sarcasm.

“Shut up!”

“Zhizi, Hugh is rude to the prince!”

The two Martial Saints were furious and enveloped in their imposing manner Next, Ye Fei dared to talk nonsense, isn’t this slap them in the face?

Originally, the two Martial Saints decided to take Ye Fei and it was fine, but now they have decided that they must give Ye Fei some hardship.

shua! shua!

Two Martial Saints extend the hand claws at the same time, like a torture hook. While holding down Ye Fei’s shoulders, they fiercely toward Ye Fei’s Sweep his legs away, trying to break Ye Fei’s legs so that he can kneel in front of Ninth Prince.

“What’s the matter, how can I kick his leg bones!”

“Ah, my feet!”

It’s obviously two Martial Saints kicking Xiang Ye Fei, but Ye Fei’s body is actually completely motionless, he is like a big mountain, standing in front of everyone.

On the contrary, it was two Martial Saints. They felt that the kick was not Ye Fei’s legs, but the extremely hard steel plate. A Martial Saint was kicking too hard, and his toes were all puffy.

“Go away, when I talk to your master, the dog should not bark.” Ye Fei shot, both of his hands fast as lightning, and suddenly grabbed the heads of these two Martial Saints , Fiercely bumped together.


In everyone’s ears, only a dull and loud noise was heard. The two Martial Saints had already hit each other head-to-head. They were stumbling and bleeding. The pain and dizziness caused them to be very painful. Simply fainted.

“These are the strange people you recruited? How come you are more like wine skin and rice bag, Ninth Prince, you are not only low-level, but also really bad-sighted.” Ye Fei shook his head and sighed. Have fun.

Seeing two Martial Saints, Ye Fei solved them easily. At the banquet hall, I don’t know how many people’s eyes fell on the ground.

Through the tenth level, he actually defeated the Martial Saint of Heavenspan first level, or two at a time. This is a battle that spans two levels.

“I didn’t think you were a genius! No wonder you dare to talk to this Imperial Prince like this, very good, very good! Stopped, you go up and take him down for me!” Ninth Prince’s face was very ugly. The two Martial Saints were solved in this way, leaving him very shameless.

But Ninth Prince not at all immediately shot, but sent another subordinate to try Ye Fei. It was a masked man like a shadow.

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