couldn’t see his exact appearance, but when this person appeared, the air in the entire banquet hall became much quieter.

“Assassin?” Ye Fei was a little surprised. There are still some strange people around Ninth Prince.

“Killer! Die-flow, please advise!” Duan-liu’s expression was very serious, a dagger appeared in his hand quickly, and then the whole person approached Ye Fei step by step. Every step he took, he would appears a Avatar. Just like the flow, slowly walked towards Ye Fei.

The countless young masters who also watched were shocked.

“It is the most powerful shadow killer in our empire that cuts off the flow. I didn’t think he was recruited by Ninth Prince.”

“Here is a good show, cut off the flow. I used to assassinate the Martial Saint of Heavenspan 3rd-layer with a thorough tenfold. The strength is very terrifying.”

“The most terrifying technique is still the assassination technique. Every Avatar has his own attack. Li, as long as he doesn’t kill his body, the many Avatars that are cut off can instantly tear Martial Saint to pieces!”

When cut off appeared, it immediately attracted the attention of everyone present. No one pays attention to Ye Fei anymore, even if Ye Fei defeated two Martial Saints just now.

Ninth Prince also sneered looking at Ye Fei, pointing to the floor and said: “Broken out your hand, never stay alive, if you are afraid, swallow this soul worm, honestly at Imperial Capital , Be your beggar!”

As he said, he threw a black worm body, but Ye Fei stomped it heavily, and Ninth Prince suddenly furious, “Die flow!”


At this time, the flow is close to Ye Fei’s ten steps, and his Shadow Clone has reached the limit of one hundred, and then a hundred of them are cut off, and at the same time they rush to Ye Fei, sharp The dagger forms a terrifying light, cutting the space into countless pieces.

Ye Fei still stood there and didn’t move, but his eyes were already narrowed, and he exclaimed: “What an assassination technique, I can’t see where you really are. In that case, then Just destroy all your Avatars!”


Ye Fei broke out ten Primordial Spirits, majestic true essence, like waves, like rivers, and finally It became a terrifying Storm of Swords again, sweeping all directions, and in an instant, all the hundreds of Avatars that had been cut off were swept into it, torn apart.


Only the dying body, with all his best efforts, barely escaped the terrifying blade hurricane, and it was too late to breathe.

Suddenly, the world seemed to freeze.

The sword of heaven extinguishment, burial ceremony!

Ye Fei used martial arts that had been useless for a long time, his sword pointed like a mountain, suppressed, and the dry flow could no longer bear it. He roared, his body pressed down on the ground, his expression shocked Looking at Ye Fei with horror: “How did you discover my real body?”

“Sorry, I didn’t see your real body. I just treated all your Avatars as you. Just kill it! Your assassination technique is good, but it’s a pity that the battle strength is too weak. Following the Ninth Prince, you are completely buried.” Ye Fei shook his head and sighed.

Like elders, comment on Junior.

Hearing this, he spouted a few big mouthfuls of blood, he didn’t expect, Ye Fei actually broke with force, so simple, it shattered what he was proud of Shadow assassination.


Dai Liu pointed Ye Fei with his fingers, and fainted on the spot with a heavy injury.

Chapter 958, you can take it

Chapter 958, you can take it

Even the powerful shadow killer is cut off, They are all under Ye Fei’s hand, and they can’t survive a single move. Those who came to the banquet were all geniuses from Imperial Capital. Many people could see that Ye Fei had actually kept his hands. Otherwise, a Storm of Swords would be enough to stop the flow. Bone to pieces.

This scene is really terrifying! I thought that Ye Fei’s provocation of Ninth Prince was bringing about one’s own destruction, but now everyone has discovered that Ye Fei is really emboldened!

“The flow can’t stop Ye Fei’s move?” Jiang Cheng stood up suddenly, his eyes became solemn for the first time.

In King of the Wind City, Jiang Cheng always regarded Ye Fei as his opponent, but now, Jiang Cheng found himself wrong, he still underestimated Ye Fei’s growth rate.

“Maybe, except for the special bloodline like Bailizhen, ordinary martial artist, no one can compare with Ye Fei, not even me!” Jiang Cheng suddenly felt a little frustrated. He is also a very difficult to deal with genius, but a Bailizhen and a Ye Fei make him feel a huge gap.

“Daily, you rice bucket, how much Spirit Stone this Imperial Prince spends on you, you can’t even beat a beggar!”

Someone wants to stop the coma Liu carried it away, and was suddenly reprimanded by Ninth Prince. Ninth Prince was so angry. The men he recruited were useless one by one, and they couldn’t beat Ye Fei.

Fortunately, Ninth Prince fought for two consecutive games. Ninth Prince thought he had figured out all Ye Fei’s hole cards. He finally stood up and looked towards Ye Fei with an indifferent expression: “You are good. It is a pity that you should not offend me, let alone be a beggar. If you castrate yourself as a slave and declare your allegiance to me, I might still consider forgiving you once!”

Ninth Prince very much Proudly, he is not only a prince, but also a genius in the top ten of Imperial Capital. How can he put Ye Fei in his eyes? Ninth Prince’s words made the Prince Young Masters present in an uproar.

What, eunuch?

Isn’t that Court Eunuch?

Many young masters, looking towards Ye Fei, have become taking pleasure in other people’s misfortune. This is the end of the imperial family.

Many princess daughters looked towards Ye Fei and their gazes became sympathetic. Ye Fei is quite handsome and strong. He is the type they like. Unfortunately, he has no back, and Without backing, the most important thing is to offend Ninth Prince.

“How about, acknowledge allegiance this Imperial Prince, you can live!” Ninth Prince saw Ye Fei not speaking, he was very proud, thinking that Ye Fei was already scared.


With a sigh, Ye Fei coldly looked towards Ninth Prince: “I am doing my own sins and cannot live. I was only here to ask for justice, but now , I have decided. Not only will I seek justice, but I will also beat you into a dog and let you convince yourself!”


Time to speak, Ye Fei has already Once again condensed a sword light, without saying anything, cut to Ninth Prince.

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