At the same time, a strong cold voice came from Jiang Xiaomo ‘s side: “Her Highness the Princess, a clown, why don’t you take it yourself, my first sword Ning Zhongchen, I am willing to do it for you and take this person!” “

Chapter 960 first sword

Chapter 960 first sword

“What, first sword Ning Zhongchen, he actually took a shot in front of us “

“There is no hope now, no one in the world knows, Ning Zhongchen is interested in the princess, if he is pleased the princess…”

“Damn it, I knew it earlier Ning Zhongchen will take action, I should be the first to fight!”

As the princess of the Imperial Family, she is also very beautiful. Jiang Xiaomo is very popular in the Imperial Capital. She doesn’t need to do it at all. Countless people rushed to help her teach Ye Fei.

“Whether Ning Zhongchen can play, this person can easily defeat the old nine, or he may be a Heaven’s Chosen, and only the same Heaven’s Chosen can subdue him!”

Here, Jiang Xiaomo rarely smiled at Ning Zhongchen, “Zhongchen, come on!”

“Princess rest assured, I am first sword, and I will never let you down!” This is the first time Ning Zhongchen has seen Jiang Xiaomo. Laugh, his fighting spirit was aroused.

With extremely fierce sword power and passion, Ning Zhongchen walked towards Ye Fei coldly, said solemnly: “No matter who you are, come to Cuixianglou to make trouble, it’s your fault, say your name , Under my first sword, don’t cut the nameless people!”

“first sword? Your sword is very strong?” Ye Fei looked at Ning Zhongchen amusedly. The sword is endless, but this person dared to call it first sword, which shows how proud this person is in his heart.

And the way of the sword is to pay attention to the emptiness, the tolerance is great.

If the heart is not sincere, the sword is not strong!

If the sword is not strong, the edge will be disadvantageous!

“The sword is endless, but your sword is full. You don’t deserve to be called the first sword! Let’s change the name.” Ye Fei seriously suggested.

This was heard in the ears of Ning Zhongchen, it was Hong Guoguo’s mockery.

“What, we heard that right, this kid dares to be so arrogant and arrogant in front of first sword?”

“It’s really frantic and outrageous! Ning Zhongchen, Use your sword to let this foreign kid know how powerful Imperial Capital Heaven’s Chosen is!”

“Kill him, kill him, kill him!”

Ninth With a group of attendants, Prince roared with spiteful expressions, and was anxious that Ning Zhongchen would behead Ye Fei.

“It turned out to be Ning Zhongchen! Ye Fei is in danger!” Jiang Cheng saw that it was the first sword Ning Zhongchen who made the shot. He couldn’t help but glanced at Ye Fei worriedly.

When I look at Ye Fei, he is still indifferent, with neither joy nor sadness. He just stands there normally, but it gives people a kind of invisible pressure of high altitude and retreat.

Jiang Cheng was suddenly speechless.

The shouts of the Young Masters gradually became weak. The princess daughters, the eyes looking towards Ye Fei became brighter.

“so that’s how it is, you also use a sword. No wonder you will be jealous of my title of first sword! It’s a pity. My title is not practiced, but killed, the title of first sword You can’t take it away!” Ning Zhongchen looked at Ye Fei seriously for the first time.

Others can’t sense it. As a swordsman, Ning Zhongchen, immediately, senses the invisible edge hidden in Ye Fei’s body.

That’s a sword!

Also human!

“Take out your sword!” Ning Zhongchen raised his sword with high morale. There is nothing more exciting than the fight of a swordsman.

Jiang Xiaomo, Chen ten thousand li, Huang Feiying and the others also held their breath and watched the battle seriously. This is the first time Ning Zhongchen has made a sword after a few years. They want to see how much progress Ning Zhongchen has made after years of hard work.

“No, no, you should take the sword first.” Ye Fei’s answer made many people feel a little depressed. Facing the first sword, they dare to let the other side take the sword first. Wooden ah?

“Are you afraid?” Ning Zhongchen was taken aback.

“It’s not that I’m afraid, it’s just that once my sword is out, you may not have the chance to make it.” Ye Fei’s expression was full of seriousness.

He is telling the truth, this is his confidence in sword dao.

But hearing Ye Fei’s words in other people’s ears is more arrogant and arrogant than asking Ning Zhongchen to remove the title of first sword.

“This person simply doesn’t know how to write dead words, Brother Ning, since he wants to die, you might as well fulfill him!” Huang Feiying smiled angrily.

“Right, kill him quickly, let’s continue drinking!” Chen ten thousand li also secretly shook his head. There is strength and arrogance, that is self-confidence.

Without the strength and still being so rampant, it is a typical act recklessly. Jiang Xiaomo shook his head, feeling that he overestimated Ye Fei.

Ning Zhongchen’s cultivation is very good. At this moment, there is a strong anger in his eyes, “As the first sword, I am not half as crazy as you! Let you know what a first sword is! Kill, A sword is broken!”


The amazing sword light turned into a raging wave and flowed out of Ning Zhongchen’s hands. The vast sword energy, like water current, like mist, Suddenly turned into a roaring river again.

The river was too terrifying, and instantly flooded the entire banquet hall. Numerous martial artists, complexion pale, retreated crazily, but they only sensed the sword energy of Ning Zhongchen, and their hearts produced a kind of Fear of death.

“The sword is turning the river into a river, and it is endless! Ning Zhongchen is stronger!” Huang Feiying and Chen Ten thousand li sigh at the same time. In recent years, they have also improved, but obviously not as much as Ning Zhongchen.

“How is it possible?” Jiang Xiaomo suddenly stared wide-eyed. Huang Feiying, Chen ten thousand li curiously followed his gaze at the same time, and the shocked eyes of both of them almost protruded.

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