Faced with such a terrifying sword power of Ning Zhongchen, Ye Fei did not produce a sword, but was shining with golden rays of light.

He is like an ancient war demon, ignoring all obstacles, and facing this long river of swords, he went upstream and strode towards Ning Zhongchen.

“The sword is as powerful as a river, your sword is very strong, but unfortunately, your heart is too complacent! Such a river of swords can’t hurt me!” Ye Fei grabbed it with his hand. It stirred a trace of vortex, and then this vortex became more and more huge.

From beginning to end, Ye Fei did not release a sword, nor did he release any sword energy. He just took the heart as a sword and quickly realized the core essence of this sword river.

Then Ye Fei was like a tide in the waves. He waved his hands and slapped Jianhe hard. The whole Jianhe was not controlled by Ning Zhongchen, and a huge vortex of sword appeared.

The vortex turned bigger and bigger. In the end, Ning Zhongchen’s Jianhe was completely captured by Ye Fei, forming a sharp Storm of Swords, whizzing in the sky.

“This is impossible! How can you control my sword energy?” Ning Zhongchen was extremely shocked, he desperately urged his sword to pull strongly against a crazy tide.

“Why impossible, your sword is my sword, my sword, or my sword! Take a good look, this is the sword, this is the sword dao, what first sword, I have I dare not call myself, even more how you?”


The whistling blade hurricane suddenly stopped, and then condensed into a huge mountain of swords, swaying towards Ning Zhongchen said: “I took you a sword, now, you also receive my sword, sword art, sword energy like a mountain!”

Boom ka!

Tear like lightning In the sky, many people have not come back to his senses from the shock of Storm of Swords. The huge storm has turned into a terrifying sword mountain, ruthlessly suppressed.

“Ah, I am not convinced, I am the first sword, how could I lose! I want to win, I must win! pu!” Ning Zhongchen roared, and suddenly Human and Sword Unity slammed into the sword mountain.

But Ye Fei’s sword mountain is too heavy. It is a mountain of sword blades condensed and exploded with ten Primordial Spirits. The formidable power is already comparable to Martial Saint 4th Layer. How could Ning Zhongchen resist it? live?

Just hold on for a moment, Ning Zhongchen’s Human and Sword Unity has been crushed, and the look pale is suppressed on the ground by Jianshan.

Chapter 961, go together

Chapter 961, go together

Ning Zhongchen is defeated!

It was completely defeated!

At this time, the young masters and daughters of the princesses at the banquet were surprised that the young man in front of him was out of the ordinary. Who is Ning Zhongchen?

Imperial Capital’s five Heaven’s Chosen, the sword dao genius known as the first sword.

It was such a genius, but he was easily suppressed by this young man with a sword mountain. Many people saw it with their own eyes and felt as unreal as dreaming.

“Ning Zhongchen lost?” Huang Feiying browsed tightly knit. This result was beyond his expectation.

“It was still defeated by his best sword dao!” Chen ten thousand li took a breath, and took a serious look at Ye Fei for the first time.

“Ning Zhongchen was not unjustly defeated, he turned the enemy sword into his own sword, Lao Jiu, now, do you still want to take revenge?” Jiang Xiaomo’s expression became serious.

She thought that she overestimated Ye Fei, but now it seems that she is obviously underestimated. The young man in front of him already has the qualifications to sit on an equal footing with their top five Heaven’s Chosen.

“I just don’t know, he and Xue Wushang, who is more powerful?” Jiang Xiaomo glanced into the distance subconsciously, but saw Xue Wushang’s face with a rare solemn expression. ,

“Ten Dao Primordial Spirit, he is a hundred miles away, the most terrifying opponent I have ever seen!” Xue Wushang actually saw the number of Primordial Spirits Ye Fei had.

His words also shocked all the martial artists present, and then they looked at Ye Fei with monster eyes.

“Ten Primordial Spirits, my goodness?”

Ninth Prince’s spiteful face is now full of horror. As everyone knows, martial artists usually have only one Primordial Spirit. Those with multiple Primordial Spirits are either peerless genius or a huge family, which can have a lot of resources to support the huge consumption of multiple Primordial Spirits.

But no matter which one it is, it represents Ye Fei’s out of the ordinary. Don’t think Ninth Prince is very noble in the Imperial Capital, but in the real Martial Dao world, his prince status, not at all any advantage.

“The top ten Primordial Spirit, you actually have the top ten Primordial Spirit! I…defeated!” The sword light all over his body became dim, and Ning Zhongchen slumpedly gave up resistance, “I just want to know. How do you control my sword energy?”

Ning Zhongchen lifts the head, his eyes have hope and desire. Ye Fei nodded, calmly said: “I can only say that the sword is endless! Your sword has no Jianxin. This is the reason why you are defeated!”

“The sword is endless, Jianxin? , You actually comprehended Sword-Heart Illumination? You did not crush me with Primordial Spirit, but with sword heart, shattered my sword dao, haha, I Ning Zhongchen has been practicing sword for thirty years, and I forgot Jian Xin!”

Ning Zhongchen smiled miserably, and even forgot to say hello to Jiang Xiaomo and the others, then turned around in despair and left Cuixianglou.

“from now on, no more first sword!”

This is the last sentence Ning Zhongchen said before leaving.

“What about you, do you still want to take action against me?” Ye Fei no longer pays attention to Ning Zhongchen. His cold eyes are on Jiang Xiaomo, in the snow without injury, in Chen ten thousand li, and in Huang Feiying. Swept across his face.

The gazes of Jiang Xiaomo and Xue Wushang became solemn, but Chen ten thousand li and Huang Feiying were furious, “Five Heaven’s Chosen, always the same qi, connected branch! Ning Zhongchen is humiliated, and we are humiliated! Chen ten thousand li, come to ask for advice!”

“Huang Feiying, come to ask for advice!”

The two actually stood up at the same time, planning to challenge Ye Fei together! This is another shock to many people, is this Ye Fei so strong? Actually forced the top five Heaven’s Chosen, and sent two of them to fight at the same time?

Jiang Xiaomo’s brows stretched out, smiling at Ye Fei, and encouraging them to say: “Flying eagle, ten thousand li, you must come on!”

“Princess rest assured, Ning Zhongchen Failure is just careless. In our hands, he will never please!” Huang Feiying and Chen Ten thousand li proudly said with a smile.

They didn’t believe it, they both joined forces at the same time and couldn’t beat Ye Fei.

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