“Could it be that Ye Fei already has the strength to truly compete with Baili!” Jiang Cheng exclaimed in disbelief.

Know that when Ye Fei was chased by Bailizhen when he was in the City of Wind, he had no way to go to the sky and no way to enter the earth. How long was this? In just half a year, Ye Fei actually caught up with Bailizhen, becoming the second genius who defeated the top five Heaven’s Chosen.

“Is Ye Fei, like their younger sister, are special bloodlines?” Apart from the special bloodlines, Jiang Cheng could not think of other more reasonable explanations.

“Ye Fei, you are actually Ye Fei! That person in Baili is really wanted in the country!” Hearing Jiang Cheng’s exclamation, Jiang Xiaomo finally remembered something, she looked at Ye Fei in disbelief .

The martial artist in the audience was in an uproar. Only then did they remember. From the beginning to the end, they didn’t know Ye Fei’s name. Until Jiang Cheng lost his temper and called out.

“Ye Fei, he turned out to be Ye Fei!”

“No wonder he is so strong, no wonder Baili really wants him all over the country!”

” The genius who can compete with Bailizhen, we will lose to him, not injustice!”

Xue Wushang, Chen ten thousand li, and Huang Feiying were all depressed. They knew Ye Fei was so strong. Shouldn’t fight Ye Fei.

They are not afraid of failure, they are afraid of deep despair.

Chapter 963, the famous Imperial Capital

Chapter 963, the famous Imperial Capital

“What, Ye Fei, he It’s Ye Fei!” Ninth Prince is really regretful for his intestines, even if he is the prince of the Snow Empire.

But in Zhong Prefecture, the least valuable is the prince. Don’t look at the emperor’s love for him, but that is because Ninth Prince is the youngest.

If in super genius and Ninth Prince make a choice, with Jiang Qianbian’s character and the situation of the Snowstorm Empire now, Jiang Qianbun’s brow may not be wrinkled, and Ninth Prince sacrificed.

This is the Imperial Family, this is the prince.

Born in an imperial family, Ninth Prince is not an idiot, and naturally knows how to choose.

“Young Master Ye, I’m really sorry, it’s all my fault, I apologize to you!” Ninth Prince immediately bowed his head to Ye Fei.

I just stepped on the face by Ye Fei, and now I have to apologize to Ye Fei and say sorry. Rao knew that this was forced by the situation. Ninth Prince still blushed and felt very bad.

Jiang Xiaomo secretly nodded, feeling that Ninth Prince has finally done something right, and at the same time helplessly apologizes to Ye Fei: “Young Master Ye. This time it is Ninth Prince. It’s not good. Please forgive him. this time.”

Even Jiang Xiaomo apologized?

Ye Fei was a little surprised. When did his name actually have such a deterrent effect? Of course Ye Fei didn’t know that in Zhong Prefecture, the greatest importance of Great Empire is genius.

Any super genius is absolutely more noble in the empire than the prince. This is also the reason why Baili is clearly not the Imperial Family, but can launch the entire empire and want Ye Fei.

Although I don’t understand this, I see that Ninth Prince finally bowed his head. Ye Fei is still relaxed. After all, he has defeated even the top five Heaven’s Chosen. If you continue to fight, things won’t end.

If you see it well, you will still have to stay in the Snow Empire. Ye Fei has also taken back the top ten Primordial Spirits, and looked at Ninth Prince coldly and said: “You shouldn’t apologize to me, You should apologize, it is Lin Heaven’s Chosen!”

“Young Master Ye, don’t worry, turn around, I will personally ask Lao Jiu to apologize to Lin Heaven’s Chosen!” Jiang Xiaomo also hurriedly said.

Knowing Ye Fei’s identity and seeing Ye Fei’s terrifying power comparable to a special bloodline, Jiang Xiaomo has no daring to continue fighting with Ye Fei.

If Ye Fei takes refuge in other empires because of this incident, that would be the biggest loss and disaster of the Snowstorm Empire.

There have been several super genius incidents in other empires. They were excluded from the empire and forced to join other empires. Of course, after these geniuses have grown up, without exception, they will The empire that once excluded them was ruthlessly destroyed.

With these bloody lessons, in Zhong Prefecture, no empire dared to squeeze out geniuses casually. This also makes super genius a very special position in the country. As long as the strength is strong and not treason, he is the prince. , Not as good as these super genius.

Ye Fei didn’t know this at this time. Although he felt that Ninth Prince was softened too quickly, his purpose of coming here had been achieved, and he didn’t want to be out of line.

Nodded at Jiang Xiaomo, Ye Fei said solemnly: “Ninth Prince, listen carefully. When you apologize, you’d better be sincere and don’t mention my name, otherwise, I will come to you again. !” After that, Ye Fei turned around and left, leaving Ninth Prince’s face in horror. Ye Fei would come back to look for him with that sentence, which really frightened Ninth Prince.

“Emperor Sister…” Ninth Prince looked at Jiang Xiaomo for help.

“Look at what I am doing, you caused the matter. I don’t want the Imperial Father to blame, you can solve it yourself.” Jiang Xiaomo was faintly angry with Ninth Prince, and the appearance of Ye Fei shocked her heart Also very big.

Compared to the real super genius of Baili, any empire would attach great importance to it. Seeing Ye Fei could not be kept, Jiang Xiaomo simply ran back to the Imperial Palace and reported the incident directly to Fengxue Great.

With Ye Fei’s trouble, Ninth Prince’s banquet can’t go on, but the large groups of Young Master and Lady do not at all leave, but gather together in groups of three or four , Continue to talk about it.

“Unexpectedly that Ye Fei was so strong, he forced the five Heaven’s Chosen without a hand, and gave up all of them. Will he also be a genius of special bloodline?”

“I think it is very possible. Only the genius of special bloodline can achieve this level, but I don’t know how strong his special bloodline is!”

“It must be better than Baili!”


“That’s not necessarily true! I still feel that Baili is really stronger, otherwise Bailizhen will not chase Ye Fei publicly!”

“It’s just chasing, Ye Fei is not safe yet I joined Imperial Capital. Actually, I think Ye Fei is quite handsome, and he is not too old. I don’t know if he is married…”

Among the crowd, I don’t know who mentioned it at random, countless princess daughters , The eyes are all bright as stars. In the past, their goal was the top five Heaven’s Chosen, but now they find that they seem to have a higher choice. That is to win Ye Fei.

After all, Ye Fei is strong and might be a special genius like Bailizhen. If you win Ye Fei and give birth to several heirs, that day will be too happy.

“I have decided, I am going to pursue Young Master Ye!”

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