“Go away, a bunch of vulgar fans , don’t look at you like you, a bunch of foxes, do you have the figure of this Young Lady, the beauty of this Young Lady?”

… …

So inadvertently, the princess daughters turned from quarrels to scolding battles, and then public gang fights. Fortunately, Ye Fei didn’t know this, otherwise he had to vomit blood.

I returned to the Inn and saw that Xia Jun was still secluded bitter cultivation. Ye Fei also returned to his room and tried to cultivation. Although the five Heaven’s Chosen of Imperial Capital could not withstand a single blow, Ye Fei’s In my heart, there is still a mountain under pressure, that is Bailizhen!

“Only by defeating Bailizhen, I can become the strongest of the Snowstorm Empire! With my current strength, I wonder if I can defeat a special genius like Bailizhen?”

Ye Fei thought about it silently, and then worked hard to cultivate. He wanted to raise the realm to a semi-sacred level before the Heaven and Earth Supreme List started.

It’s just that it’s too difficult for Half-Holy. It’s the existence of half-footed into Martial Saint. No one is pointing. It’s undoubtedly a long process just by relying on your own comprehension.

At the same time, Ninth Prince also found Lin Heaven’s Chosen during this time, and even bowed his head to apologize to Lin Heaven’s Chosen publicly, and lifted the control of Lin Heaven’s Chosen.

Lin Heaven’s Chosen was very surprised. He knew that Ninth Prince would do everything possible to torture him and force him to yield in order to obtain his secret skills.

How come after half a year, Ninth Prince suddenly changed sex, not only let him go, but also gave him various treasures as compensation.

Even Ninth Prince intends to give Lin Heaven’s Chosen a city and make Lin Heaven’s Chosen an official official of the empire. Lin Heaven’s Chosen refused on the spot. He is a proud man. His pride does not allow him. Bow your head to anyone and don’t allow him to accept alms from anyone.

“Everything about me, I will use my own hands to get it! But who the hell is that help me like this?” Lin Heaven’s Chosen is the former Heaven’s Chosen in the Northern Territory. He is very proud. Also very smart.

Ninth Prince will not suddenly leave a way out to him for no reason. The only possibility is that someone beats Ninth Prince and makes Ninth Prince have to give up targeting him.

“I am in Zhong Prefecture, without relatives and no reason, who will help me? Could it be him…” Lin Heaven’s Chosen suddenly remembered something, his face became very strange, that kind of shock Gratitude, and some complex emotions of dignity.

Standing on the street in silence for a long time, in the end, Lin Heaven’s Chosen’s expression was full of determination and determination. After the soul worm was lifted, Lin Heaven’s Chosen did not leave the sad place of Imperial Capital, but determined. , Moved towards Ye Fei’s Inn where he lived.

See you in Chapter 964

See you in Chapter 964

“Bai Lizhen, what’s the matter with you, we gave it You have such a big power, and even transferred Black and White Fiends over and listened to your instructions. You actually failed to catch that Ye Fei and let him enter the Imperial Capital smoothly!”

Cuixianglou After such a commotion, there were even many princess daughters who fought for Ye Fei. As soon as the news spread, the martial artists of Imperial Capital were in an uproar, and Ye Fei’s fame was immediately spread. Every corner of Imperial Capital.

As the most detached family in the Snowstorm Empire, the Baili Aristocratic Family, naturally, immediately received the information, and the members of the Baili family were shocked.

When they think about it, in the face of Bailizhen and Baili Shuangsha’s chase and interception, Ye Fei can successfully enter the Imperial Capital. Then there is only one possibility. Bailizhen is negligent and simply not serious. Hunt down Ye Fei.

So the twelve Elders of Baili’s Aristocratic Family immediately vented their angry flame hair on Bailizhen’s head.

At this time, Bailizhen did not enter the Imperial Capital. He was still on his way to the Imperial Capital. When he heard that Ye Fei had actually entered the Imperial Capital, Bailizhen was also startled.

“What, Ye Fei has entered Imperial Capital, Baili Shuangsha couldn’t stop him! This person, it seems that he is not as simple as I thought!”

Li is really proud, but not arrogant. With his eyesight, it is natural to see that Ye Fei simply has no special bloodline, but can escape into Imperial Capital from the chase of two Martial Saints. This in itself shows Ye Fei. Fei’s not simple.

“This person does not have a great character behind him watching him, or some special means, or she has been helping Ye Fei escape!”

Bai Li’s true eyes Flashing cold light, and finally suppressing anger, moved towards the sky said solemnly: “Several Elders, chasing Ye Fei, it’s not that I didn’t try my best, but that I was caught in the middle of the way by the Beast King, and the one who finally chased Ye Fei was Baili Shuangsha, even if they are negligent, it is also the negligence of the two of them!”

Speaking of this, Baili is really a little bit angry.

Originally fighting the Beastmaster, he can use the power of the Beastmaster 100% to break through the semi-holy realm, and further enhance his bloodline power.

But Baili was really bad luck. He met Little Fatty who was possessed by demon power. Finally, under the joint hands of the Beastmaster and Little Fatty father and son, he was as strong as Bailizhen and had to flee. Of course, he also lost the opportunity to step on the head of the Beastmaster and break through to the semi-holy.

“Shut up! We don’t need any explanation. We only need to know the result. We only need you to bring her back to our Aristocratic Family in good condition. Bring it back. You are a great achievement and you can’t bring it back. You should be prepared to accept the punishment, hmph!”

In the sky’s voice, simply didn’t want to hear Baili really explain it. Dropping this threatening word, the void voice immediately disappeared.

Only Bailizhen was left looking at the sky with a gloomy and uncertain complexion, and then Bailizhen’s complexion became ferocious, staring at the sky coldly and cursing: “A bunch of old fart, you have What qualifications command me! I am the hope of Baili’s Aristocratic Family, not you. When I win the Heaven Ranking and join Saint Court, breakthrough Martial Sovereign, I will make Baili Aristocratic Family with only one voice, I Bailizhen’s voice!”


With a cold glow on his face, Bailizhen speeded up his journey to the Imperial Capital, although he was very Unhappy, Bai Lizhen still vaguely knows the importance of Xiaocao to the whole family.

The only strange thing about Baili is that after so long, why Baili Shuangsha hasn’t contacted him yet, and let Ye Fei swagger into Imperial Capital.

“Did Baili Shuangsha have an accident?”

Baili really thought about this possibility, and then shook his head with a smirk: “Once Baili Shuangsha joins forces, I will It is also difficult to defeat them. Ye Fei is a mortal. He can’t even stop me with one hand. It is basically impossible to threaten Baili Shuangsha. It seems that something has been delayed by them.”


“I can’t think that breakthrough semi-sage is so difficult. I spent a full 50,000,000 high grade Spirit Stone, and I can’t get a Primordial Spirit to absorb Perfection. I need breakthrough semi-sage. I’m not the least. It takes 500 million high grade Spirit Stone!”

Leaving Cuixianglou, Ye Fei hid in the Inn. A cultivation lasts for ten days, but after ten days, Ye Fei felt a little depressed. The realm of semi-sage is not so easy to break through. After all, this is a key step for one foot to enter Martial Saint.

Many martial artists have been trapped in several decades, hundreds of years, even until they die of old age, they can’t see the hope of breakthrough. Ye Fei wants to break through to a semi-sacred one in just ten days. The realm is obviously not realistic.

Dongdong dong!

At this time, there was a knock on the door, “Young Master Ye, are you there? Someone wants to see you!” The shopkeeper’s voice was very polite .

Especially in the past ten days, countless Aristocratic Family daughters have sent people to inquire about Ye Fei’s situation. Shopkeeper’s attitude towards Ye Fei seems to have become respectful.

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