Chapter 979 You Defeated

Standing out from the crowd, it is Lin Heaven’s Chosen. Even Ye Fei didn’t expect, Lin Heaven’s Chosen Gathering passed two consecutive levels. You know, the realm of Lin Heaven’s Chosen at this time is no more than a 2nd layer.

Originally, with Lin Heaven’s Chosen’s strength, even if he got through the single-plank bridge by chance, he was absolutely impossible to pass the second test.

But Lin Heaven’s Chosen is also a person with Great Destiny. During the battle between Ye Fei and Bailizhen, the Independent Space of the ring was all affected and fluctuated. The generals assessed inside also became impetuous. Taking advantage of the only opportunity, Lin Heaven’s Chosen completed an almost impossible The turn of the game, was killed from the second test.

Then, Lin Heaven’s Chosen saw the terrifying battle between Ye Fei and Bailizhen, and also saw the horror scene of Bailizhen burning the bloodline.

For another martial artist, facing the strength of Baili Zhen’s burning special bloodline, he has long felt horrified, but Lin Heaven’s Chosen is different. His ancestor was Huangdi bloodline after all. For countless years, the Lin Family has long since fallen, and in the end, the emperor’s unique knowledge of the Eye of Thunder Punishment still remains in the hands of Lin Family.

As the most gifted genius of the Lin Family, no one knows better than Lin Heaven’s Chosen the terrifying of the Eye of Thunder Punishment. It is not only a secret technique, it also represents a Martial Emperor. , The essence of martial arts in a lifetime.

No one knew that once, Huangdi used this fascinating school to break the martial arts of the world. Ye Fei never thought that Lin Heaven’s Chosen really relied on the power of alone, forcibly to kill the ground. The second test of the list, but also suddenly woke him up.

“Bali’s special bloodline is certainly terrifying, but his Human Demon unity is not incomplete. Instead, it uses the burning bloodline to force it. Since it’s incomplete, there must be a weak spot. ! With a weak spot, I still have a chance to fight back!”


Like enlightenment, Ye Fei violently broke free from the power of Baili Daoist magic unity , Also woke up, the unprecedented fighting spirit turned into a purple-golden fire, and Ye Fei’s body was blazing.

“Bailizhen, you are very strong, but I will never lose!”

The stone puppet once said that anyone who walks out of the Asura Palace is always Invincible! Since those seniors can do it, why, I can’t do it!


That Demon God’s fist is getting closer and closer, Ye Fei’s body, the fighting intent also instantly rises to the limit, brush it.

Under the circumstances that everyone did not expect, Ye Fei once again held up Purple Gold Tai Chi. Baili really saw it, but sneered disdainfully: “Your defense is formidable in my special bloodline. Is it still useful under power?”


The magic fist fell, and the formidable power of the Human Demon fist, which has increased by a full 18 times, has already exceeded the limit that Purple Gold Tai Chi can withstand.

Just two breaths time, fists out, fists fall.

Purple Gold Tai Chi has been crushed.

These two breaths are to launch the eyes of thunder for Ye Fei, gaining the most precious time, the world roars.

Ye Fei’s forehead, a purple vertical eye suddenly appeared. When the vertical eye was opened, Ye Fei suddenly felt that Baili Zhen’s Human Demon’s punch became extremely slow, not only did he see it The moving trajectory of the Human Demon fist, and even the clear bloodline fluctuations on top of the Human Demon fist.

“so that’s how it is, I understand! The formidable power of Human Demon boxing has become so strong because Baili really takes his body as the tripod and continuously delivers power to Demon God, as long as Destroying the energy source of Demon God, I can forcibly lift Baili’s Human Demon unity!”

The Eye of Thunder Punishment is very magical. As long as it is strong enough, it can see through any falsehood in the world, even No matter how strong Baili’s special bloodline is, as long as he is not truly integrated with Demon God, the Eye of Thunder will be able to quickly find his weak spot.


Ye Fei roared up to the sky, and the moment he discovered the weakness, the Sovereign Dao sacred sword in his hand had already bloomed with a brilliant sword light, and finally this sword light became a fierce sword light column. With a resolute press forward, he stabbed to the left of Demon God instantly.

There, Ye Fei’s thunder-punishing eyes can clearly see a villain sitting in the body of Demon God, continuously providing Demon God with its own bloodline power.

This person is no one else but Bailizhen!

“Ye Fei is crazy. Facing the attack of Bailizhen Eighteen Times Magic Fist, he actually dared to go up to meet force with force!”

“It’s over, this Ye Fei I’m afraid I will lose. The special bloodline is the gap that he and Bailizhen can never cross!”

When many martial artists saw Ye Fei’s actions, they all shook their heads slightly, thinking that Ye Fei was 80%. There is no other way, but a futile counterattack in despair.

“What’s the matter, his sword was clearly directed at me, how could he spot my weak spot of Human Demon unity, how could he spot me under the cover of Demon God Where is the body of, this lunatic, he wants to be perish together with me?”

Demon God within the body, Bailizhen’s face was shocked and puzzled, and then became very pale again. At this time, Demon God’s fist is less than one fist’s distance from Ye Fei’s body. Only if it is hit, Ye Fei will definitely die.

But this fist, Bailizhen didn’t dare to fight anyway, because Ye Fei’s sword was also less than ten centimeters away from him at this time.

For such a short distance, even if Ye Fei is bombarded by Demon God, the Sovereign Dao sacred sword can still pierce Baili within the body accurately and in accordance with inertia.

Ye Fei is betting. He doesn’t have the special attack method that Bailizhen can burn bloodline. The only thing he has is the madness of not killing him and holding the opponent back.

“Bai Lizhen, you are not going to kill me, come here, we two, just die here!” Ye Fei roared, completely ignoring that the magic fist was about to hit him, but Furiously stabbed a sword forward.

“Crazy, you are crazy!” Bailizhen’s face showed deep fear. He has a special bloodline. Not surprisingly, his future is infinitely bright. Why are you willing to die here with Ye Fei.


Demon God uttered a furious roar, hitting Ye Fei’s magic fist, and suddenly retracted it. After all, Bailizhen didn’t have the courage to fight to the death, he chose to back down.


But Ye Fei did not flinch. He is really crazy. Even if he kills this life, he will never let go of this hundred miles. Really, let go of anyone who threatens Xiaocao.

The Sovereign Dao sacred sword not at all was retracted, Ye Fei’s whole person, suddenly speeded up, and even ignored the rolling demon flame, ignited his body, scorched black.

Sovereign Dao sacred sword, press forward, continues to pierce Demon God’s chest.


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