Demon God was smashed by the sting of Ye Fei with one sword.


Baili True Blood dyes the sky, and at the same time that Demon God is destroyed, Baili’s real chest is also pierced with a deep blood hole by the Sovereign Dao sacred sword. Many people even From the hole of blood, Baili could see the beating heart and the shattered breastbone.

“Ah, Ye Fei, do you dare to hurt me!” Baili was really disheveled, like a ghost. He didn’t expect Ye Fei to be so crazy, he would rather kill him!

“You are defeated!”

Ye Fei’s body was burned in pitch black by the demon flames. He was also seriously injured. He could barely see his original face. The eyes are as bright as stars, with the sharpness of the sword shining in them!

Chapter 980, a dead man

Chapter 980, a dead man

“How can I lose? Whom I lose to, will not Lose to you as a mortal!” Baili Zhen dangled his hair, spurting blood from his chest, like a ghost crawling out of hell, let out the final roar.

But his roar was covered by Ye Fei’s louder voice.

“You lost! Your life is gone!”

Sovereign Dao sacred sword points to Bailizhen again, even though his arms are burnt black, you can clearly see The bone holding the sword.

Ye Fei did not back up, as if forgetting the pain, he carried the sword, and then raised the sword again. Then, Ye Fei Human and Sword Unity, regardless of the serious injury, forcibly forced Human and Sword Unity. Really beheaded.


The brilliant sword light illuminates the sky of the entire Small World, and also shocked the hearts of all the young martial artists present.

“He really wants to kill him, he really wants to kill Bailizhen in front of us!”

“An ordinary martial artist can actually defeat the special bloodline A genius, the King of Fighters Dongfang Yu’s evaluation of him may not be at all exaggerated!”

“Baili is really defeated, he is about to die now!”

Countless martial artists, stared wide-eyed, I hope to witness this miraculous scene. The ordinary martial artist defeats the martial artist of the special bloodline. This has never happened in Heavenly Martial Continent.

Ye Fei, actually created such a miracle!

He still wants to kill Bailizhen in public. Through that sword light, everyone can feel Ye Fei’s murderous intention and determination.

“He wants to kill me, he really dared to kill me, I am Bailizhen, but one day, I will be beheaded by an ordinary martial artist?” Bailizhen was holding the blood hole in his chest, he With horror on his face, he kept backing away, he felt the fear of death for the first time.

But he doesn’t want to die!

“Help me, who will help me!” Baili really yelled in panic and despair. There was no aloof and remote as before.

God has become a man!

The myth has also been shattered!

“Hey, what a pity, Bailizhen, your heart has been messed up! Your temperament needs to be tempered!” In Small World, a huge palm suddenly appeared, and this palm grasped Living in Baili Zhen, suddenly disappeared in Small World. ,

“Leave me!”

Ye Fei suddenly became anxious. He tried his best, even at the expense of his life, in order to kill Bailizhen, a powerful enemy. Now, Someone rescued him.

“When Bailizhen was about to kill me, you didn’t do it. Now I want to kill Bailizhen, but you do it. Could it be that the special bloodline is a human, and our ordinary martial artist is not a human?”

Ye Fei disarmed Human and Sword Unity. He raised his head to the sky, and directed an angry roar at the four Saint Court instructors outside the crystal wall.

Heavenly Dao Saint Court and the mentor of Heavenly Dao Saint Court were silent at the same time.

True Martial Saint Court’s beautiful mentor also lowered her head helplessly.

The shot was Liu Ming of Shenwu Saint Court. Hearing Ye Fei’s roar, Liu Ming just smiled indifferently, nodded and said: “Of course, any special bloodline is a natural pearl An ordinary martial artist is the weed on the ground! Ye Fei, let go of your hatred, and with your talent, you can join Bai Lizhen and join my Shenwu Saint Court, and I will protect you as a future Martial Sovereign!”

Although Ye Fei is not optimistic about Ye Fei’s aptitude, Ye Fei’s victory over Baili really made Liu Ming feel that Ye Fei is still a talent that can be cultivated.

I pooh!

He spit out a thick mouthful of blood. Although Liu Ming can’t be seen in Small World, Ye Fei still raised the Sovereign Dao sacred sword and faintly pointed at Liu Ming, “what thing are you, I If you want to kill, then you must kill, if you dare to stop me, I will kill you!”

“Junior, you impudent!” Liu Ming was furious. As a Saint Court instructor, or from the strongest Shenwu Saint Court, even the Great Snow Wind must be polite to him, Ye Fei dare to point his sword at him?

“I can be more impudent!”


Sword energy whizzed out, swept a terrifying sword dao hurricane, secretly, Ye Fei aroused With the power of the immortal Sword Soul, he repaired his body’s injuries.

At the same time, Ye Fei carrying the Sovereign Dao sacred sword, step by step towards the front door, that is the gate of the earth list, whoever can pass first will be the first in the earth list. Can leave this piece of Small World.

“Bai Lizhen, you wait, I will kill you now, I want you to die, you don’t want to live!”

“impudent, in front of Shenwu Saint Court, How can you allow you to speak wildly!”

Liu Ming is extremely angry, not a special bloodline, but dare to be so arrogant, this child is too rampant!

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