“By the way, Brother Wang, you said that Zhao Guo ordered to hunt down Ye Fei. Could the Imperial Family still have an impact on Holy Land?” Ye Fei walked and chatted with Wang Bai about Heavenly Dao.

Wang Bai held a compass in his hand, gestured, and explained without raising his head: “Brother, you don’t know this? The Imperial Family of the Eighteen Kingdoms of the North Sea seems awe-inspiring, but in fact it is secretly supported by Holy Land. Get up and help them manage the mortals.”

“You also know that no matter how strong Holy Land is, if there is no huge mortal kingdom, it will provide them with continuous resources and talents, and the strongest Holy Land will also To decline, in return, Holy Land will also give these Imperial families some special care, just like those of Wufu.” After Wang Bai explained this, he seemed to remember something and slapped himself hard. “Looking at me confused, I haven’t asked Brother your name yet. From your appearance, it seems that you are from the country of Zhao? You know something about the evil demon Ye Fei, right?”

fuck !

I am Ye Fei. I am standing in front of you now, why don’t I understand?

Ye Fei is extremely speechless. Of course he is not so stupid to say his real name. Instead, he shook his head and said: “Just call me Zhou Guang. Although I am a native of Zhao, I have been practicing everywhere. Knowing about Ye Fei, and he is definitely not a demon.”

“How do you know?” Wang Bai asked casually.

Ye Fei rolled his eyes, secretly thought I will stand in front of you, of course I know! But after thinking about it, he shut up and said nothing.

It is really the imperative order of Zhao Guo’s Imperial Family that is done too hard, and the reward is not gold and silver treasures, it is directly an Imperial Family princess, which is enough to arouse many people’s love of beauty Heart.

After observation, Ye Fei also discovered that as soon as he and Wang Bai walked over this section of the road, he met no less than five waves of people, and he was fiercely inquiring about Ye Fei’s whereabouts.

Those young teenagers who came to participate in the assessment were the targets of their interrogation. They almost found one, so they had to rush to interrogate a few words.

Ye Fei was immediately grateful, secretly thought that Wang Bai next to him was a little narcissistic and talked a little bit, but fortunately he was still a good shield.

Those who passed by saw Wang Bai holding a compass with Ye Fei’s name in his mouth. They seemed to be locating the position, and they automatically returned Wang Bai and Ye Fei. Enter people like them.

If they knew that the “evil” they were searching for was actually right in front of them, it is estimated that these people would have to be half-dead with anger.

“Asshole, asshole! Good fellow, this compass is simply a scam for the dead!”

This way I walked another section of the road, always looking down at the compass. Wang Bai, suddenly lifts the head, gnashing teeth can’t wait to throw the compass in his hand.

Ye Fei asked curiously: “Brother Wang, what’s the matter?”

“Just call me Wang Bai, brother, no need to see the outside!”

Wang Bai laughed and patted Ye Fei’s shoulder, and then pointed to the compass in his hand, gnashing teeth, “Brother, big brother, I was cheated by someone. When I bought this compass, the old way said I don’t care about who, when I find one, it keeps telling us that Ye Fei is right by our side, but look at how long we’ve been walking, have you seen the evil demon? You say you are out of breath People?”


Ye Fei really doesn’t know how to answer the conversation, but this Wang Bai is really slow enough. I’m such a big living person. Wandering around for a long time, you haven’t noticed yet?

“Forget it, or we won’t look for it, let’s go to the test site of Holy Land and try one’s luck first.” Ye Fei suggested just right.

After seeing Wang Bai’s unique secret skills, he has not dared to wander outside casually. If he wants to deal with Zhao Guo’s Imperial Family’s killing order, he has to find a way to do it at the fastest speed Just join Holy Land.

Only when you join Holy Land, the killing order will be invalid immediately.


“Brother, it’s still your brains, how I didn’t expect, that evil demon Ye Fei actually came to participate in the assessment, maybe, he is disguised Dress up, secretly mix in the assessment discipline, maybe I will take you there for my brother.”

Wang Bai slapped his head, Ye Fei’s proposal cheered him up again, that “unreliable “The compass is absolutely useless. Wang Bai walked forward first, planning to take Ye Fei to the place where he was assessed and try one’s luck.

Ye Fei immediately burst into sweat, and couldn’t help but secretly worry about Wang Bai. This guy is horribly slow and his strength is not very high. Like this, he wants to pass the Holy Land assessment?


He shook his head and sighed, Ye Fei didn’t have a lot of words. He raised his foot and was about to move towards the location of the assessment and walked over. Suddenly not far in front, it seemed to flash After a touch of beautiful shadows, it is very familiar.

Then there was a very unpleasant dialogue.

“Beauty, don’t leave. How about staying and making friends? Look at our brothers, all of them, vigorous dragon and ferocious tiger, which can fully meet your needs!”

“Little Junior Sister, even if you don’t let us satisfy you, please take off your face and take off the scarf on your head. Let us see how beautiful you are.”

“You all shut up, Haven’t you been angry when you haven’t seen the beauty? Besides, the veil on the beauty’s face is like a certain barrier on their within the body. They are not people who really like, and they are not qualified to be pierced.”

“so that’s how it is, Brother Chen’s great opinion, but our senior and junior brothers just like the feeling of breaking through that barrier, hehe…”

The same group of teenagers came to participate in the assessment, but all of them looked bad, and at first glance they were not good people.

Originally, like many people who came to participate in the assessment, they were very interested in Zhao Guo’s “Sill Ye Ling” and were busy searching for it among the crowd. Ye Fei didn’t find it, but when they interrogated the lone passerby, they accidentally found a beauty.

Although the beauty quickly put on the veil, the beauty revealed at that moment still made these people Divine Soul upside down, and immediately began to stalk and want to kiss Fangze.

Seeing that the beauties didn’t pay attention to them, these are even fly into a rage out of humiliation, the words are swear words, and the purpose is self-evident, just to provoke the veiled woman and make her angry Hands on.

Then these few people, with the excuse of “counterattack”, swarmed up, just and honorable to touch a few hands, pinch a few times, and take advantage of the opportunity.

However, the veil woman is also very endurable. In other words, she has seen that these people have bad intentions, not at all impulsively, but never speak, and bow her head to avoid open.

The strength of the helpless veil woman is still too low, only the Martial Master 5th layer. Under the harassment of these common Martial Master 7-8th layers, there is simply no way to get rid of or avoid it.

“It turned out to be her!”

Ye Fei looked at the shadow covered with veil, his face suddenly became very strange, if he read it correctly, the veil in front The woman seems to be Princess Zhao Yu.

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