Why did she come to Taixuancheng too?

The 100th chapter zero and seven shots

The 100th chapter zero and seven shots

To be honest, Ye Fei was a dreamer who didn’t expect, and the princess Zhao Yu would also come to Tai Xuancheng seemed to be ahead of him and came to participate in the assessment.

But think about it, during the days when Ye Meng was busy migrating, Zhao Yu did not return to Wufu, but directly returned to imperial city. It is estimated that Zhao Yu came to Taixuan earlier than himself. The reason for Holy Land.

It’s difficult to see Zhao Yu. Ye Fei subconsciously doesn’t want to get out, but after seeing the reactions of people around him, Ye Fei can’t help but sighed.

Here is close to the Central Zone for the Holy Land assessment. There are many disciplines participating in the assessment. I saw that a female disciple was threatened. It stands to reason that many people would be willing to come forward and help Zhao Yu out.

This is not the case. After seeing Zhao Yu being harassed, some of the disciplines began to stir and wanted to step forward to stop them, but after seeing the harassment of Zhao Yu clearly, they again Reluctantly stopped, some did not understand, and shook his head in frustration under the soft reminder of his companion, and began to look on the wall.

Ye Fei can’t see where it is. Maybe these people have anything to do with Holy Land, or there is someone behind them, so they are so unscrupulous.

“It’s really a group of beasts!”

Seeing a good beauty, but being harassed by a few gangster disciplines, even the dull Wang Bai couldn’t stand it and sighed.

But the first sentence he listened to was still human, and the last sentence Ye Fei listened to wanted to drag this guy out and kill him.

After finishing the good words, Wang Bai immediately followed up with a sentence: “Even if I take advantage, I should be allowed to come. Are they 1/10000th as handsome as me?”

Ye Fei suddenly didn’t know what to say.

Seeing that Zhao Yu is really in trouble, he is not good to sit back and ignore him. If he swallowed Zhao Yu’s divine fire, he owes her a favor. It is the Old Palace Master who treats Ye Family. With taking care of himself, he cannot see that Zhao Yu is in trouble.

Ye Fei can only step forward quickly and block the disciplines and say: “Everyone, it’s too much, you pester a woman like this, and you still speak insults. Where is the Holy Land disciple? Manner?”

“It’s you, Ye…” Zhao Yu looked at Ye Fei in surprise, just about to speak.

Ye Fei has been complexion greatly changed, this crazy woman, I will help you, do you want to harm me?

Rather than waiting for Zhao Yu to speak, Ye Fei already covered Zhao Yu’s gauze mouth and said, “Cousin, yes, I have also come to participate in the assessment. You know me about this. I know, but don’t let the family know!”

Zhao Yu blinked and finally remembered that Ye Fei has now been issued a Kill Order by Zhao Guo’s Imperial Family. Ye Fei does not want to be like this. Expose his identity.

The only thing that makes Zhao Yu dissatisfied is that the hint implies that sound transmission is also okay, why do you want to cover her mouth and use your feet?

The nameless fire came out in an instant. Zhao Yu quickly knocked off Ye Fei’s hand, stepped on Ye Fei’s foot vigorously, and said with a smile: “It turned out to be Cousin Zhou Guang, if you want me Tell you home, and help me get rid of these nasty ghosts!” After finishing talking, Zhao Yu also ran Ye Fei’s instep with his heel before he walked to the side with ease. Seeing Ye Fei, she felt relieved inexplicably.

Feeling the terrible pain of being trampled on the back of the foot, Ye Fei smiled bitterly, what else could Ye Fei say? Just now, he was also in a hurry, subconsciously to cover Zhao Yu’s mouth.

It’s rare that this crazy woman didn’t freak out with him this time, but stepped on him, which is already very rare. Ye Fei did not refuse Zhao Yu’s request.

Since he was willing to stand up, he decided to intervene.

“Go away, this is my cousin. Let me hear your foul language again, don’t blame me for being impolite.” Ye Fei stared at these disciplines, revealing a fierce light.

He has no good feelings about these people who only bully the weak.

Seeing Ye Fei’s sudden intervention, these disciplines were all taken aback, but they discovered that Ye Fei’s strength is only Martial Master Seventh, and they dared to tell them to roll, they laughed impudent again stand up.

“What about cousin, dare to tell us to go, I am afraid that your strength is not enough! Do you know who is standing behind us? Say it and scare you!”

“I care if you are relatives, in short, this woman, we Ouyang Young Master has taken a fancy, you quickly let her take off her veil and show us.”

“If it looks good, Let her be a servant girl next to Ouyang Young Master. If she is of average length, for the sake of her good figure, the brothers of us, we reluctantly let her accompany us to sleep for one night, and this will pass.”

These assessing disciples relied on their high strength and backing behind them. Where would they put Martial Master’s seven-fold Ye Fei in their eyes, and still speak foul language, especially disgusting.


Zhao Yu clenched his fists and the knuckles of his fingers started to turn white. Princess Dignified, how ever was she humiliated like this.

Ye Fei was also angry, but did not speak, but used actions to express his anger.


He body moved, he has rushed to the person who speaks the most disgusting, slapped half of the person’s face on the spot, and directly slapped half of the person’s mouth All of his teeth fell to the ground, and Ye Fei returned to his original position.

“Hey, Zhou Guang’s strength is very strong! Martial Master Seventh layer actually smashed the teeth of the Martial Master 8th layer.”

“What about the strength? So, here, how many people dare to fight with Ouyang Jie? This person will definitely not end well after hitting his men.”

The surrounding disciplines talked, but they didn’t avoid Ye Fei, Ye Fei. I also heard a useful message that these people are so arrogant, they are all relying on the power of a man named Ouyang Jie.

“Ah, kid, the mud is actually sneak attacking the goose. Put it on the goose. It’s in vain!” Ye Fei’s mouth was full of air leaks, looking at the broken teeth on the floor, and even the belly Angrily exploded, and he was about to take his accomplices together to avenge the shame.


A big compass hit his head on the spot, and the head of the person who hit was bloody, without a grunt, he was stunned on the spot.

“Stop it! I don’t know if my brother is covering this Zhouguang, dare to hit my brother, and asked my big brother if I am anymore!”

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