” Brother Dao is like this, you are me, I am still me, from now on, please help me with the disaster. Without further ado, I will send you out now and follow the law Convergence.”

Chapter 1176 Ranked Battle

Chapter 1176 Ranked Battle

“Gua King, after I go down the mountain, you should not go out for the time being, and directly in my Cave Mansion Retreat and wait for me to come back.” The corpse minister was resurrected from the dead, and could not fit in the space belt. Ye Fei thought of a way to let the king of Gua token his identity, and then let the king of corpse become like the king of Gua.

In this way, you can leave Saint Court without knowing it. In order to prevent accidents, Ye Fei also decided to personally send the corpse officials out of Saint Court.

Of course, the corpse will not oppose Ye Fei’s order. It is integrated with the rare treasure mask, and the corpse’s appearance can be changed at any time, or completely changed. This is also the most terrifying aspect of Life and Death Palace corpse puppets. They can change into any form and mix into the enemy camp. Or spying on intelligence, or assassinating people who are not good for Life and Death Palace, you can’t guard against it, weird and unpredictable.

The king of Gua was stunned when he saw the corpse official who became himself. He always felt that he had forgotten something when he gave the identity token to the corpse official who was muddleheaded.

Until Ye Fei came down the mountain, the King of Gua shouted in regret: “Not good, I forgot to tell Young Master Ye, now the ranking battle has begun.”

Unfortunately, Since Shichen has become the King of Gua, with Ye Fei descending the mountain, King of Gua can’t run out at this time and tell Ye Fei the news.

All my energy is focused on refining the corpse puppet, Ye Fei has long forgotten, and there is a very important Saint Court exam waiting for him.

In Saint Court, a huge Martial Practice Stage has been built at this time. Many half-emperor mentors, even the divine sense of Martial Sovereign, are very concerned about this ranking battle.

On the human level discipline, the sky has already been overturned. Lin Heaven’s Chosen overwhelmed the crowd and defeated many powerful enemies in a row, which also attracted the intense attention of some instructors.

On the Earth Grade disciple side, Shangluo also likes a hot knife through butter, defeating many Earth Grade geniuses in succession. Of course, if you smash it all the way by Quasi-Emperor Artifact, ordinary Earth Grade disciple, Really impossible is the opponent of this Eldest Miss.


Another bad luck Earth Grade disciple, screaming, was smashed out of the ring by the three Quasi-Emperor Artifacts in Shangluo, and even the half-emperor instructor in charge of the referee was twitched fiercely. Helplessly announced: “Shangluo won the twenty-eighth game.”

“Eldest Miss, great!”

“Fairy elder sister is brave and invincible!”

Xia Jun Little Fatty blushed, while brace oneself against the gaze of the defeated discipline wanting to kill, he waved the flag to help Shangluo.

Secretly following many Martial Sovereigns here, a wry smile suddenly appeared.

“Shangluo, it’s too ridiculous. The Earth Grade ranking competition assesses the comprehensive strength of the discipline. She is good, but she actually smashed it all the way with her wealth and wealth…”

“You can’t say that, wealth is also a kind of strength! If this girl can let Chamber of Commerce completely stand on our side, let alone Earth Grade pranks, it is Heavenly Grade pranks, let her!” Another Martial Sovereign spoke. His words were recognized by some Martial Sovereign.

But there is also a strict Martial Sovereign, he murmured and retorted: “Earth Grade top 20, we can let her make a fool of myself, but the top ten must be based on true ability, so let’s pass the order. In the first ten battles, weapons are not allowed. See what this girl will do!”

“What, don’t use weapons, the strength of many people should not be compromised.”

“That’s how you can force this girl to expose her true strength. The old man has to see if the genius of the business can win this Earth Grade first?” There is also Martial Sovereign, who is very optimistic about Shangluo.

Immediately there was Martial Sovereign, who retorted with a smile: “This time, the number one is probably belonged to Zhou Wudou. In the entire Earth Grade, no one is his opponent.”

While speaking, the instructor in charge of the referee on the ring has already read out the list of the next match: “The 29th game, Ye Fei has no doubt about Zhou!”


The referee’s tone barely fell, and the disciples that were onlookers, were in an uproar. Who is the most popular in Saint Court right now? Ye Fei of course. Swept the ranks and entered the Earth Grade strongly. The battle has not yet begun. Many people are betting whether Ye Fei can break into the top ten in the ranking battle this time.

But what makes people didn’t expect is that Ye Fei actually met Earth Grade number one genius just after the ranking battle was at first, Zhou does not doubt.

“This is terrible, it’s the big brother’s turn, but the big brother hasn’t come yet?” Xia Jun and Little Fatty wandered around anxiously.

Shangluo is also full of weird faces: “That guy, shouldn’t you forget about the ranking battle, Xia Jun, you can quickly contact the king of Gua to ask what is going on, I will go over and help Ye Fei try to buy some time.”

“Okay, I will send a message to the king of Gua.” Xia Jun took out a sound transmission talisman. Shangluo hurriedly jumped onto the ring. Her behavior surprised the referee: “Shangluo, why did you come up again?”

“Tutor, that’s it. Ye Fei has something to do. He may come later. He asked me to You ask for leave.” Shangluo said casually.

Her words made the disciples expecting Ye Fei and Zhou Fusu a battle very speechless. Is there any mistake, Saint Court ranked battle, even if you are late, even ask for leave?

The impression of Ye Fei, the instructor in charge of the referee, suddenly fell to the bottom, angrily said: “No, the ranking battle has already begun. If he is late, he will abstain!”

“Abstaining, how can this work?” Shangluo still wanted to plead. But the half-huang mentor didn’t let it go. Shangluo could only question Zhou Buxu: “Zhou Fusu, how about you, would you like to wait for Ye Fei?”

“No need to wait! , I want to beat Saint Court, but now I am making excuses for not daring to fight with me. Such a rat is not worth my time for Zhou Doudou.”

Zhou Fusu is disappointed, and he is not at all I believe that Ye Fei will be late. You must know that Saint Court’s ranking battle is related to the position of the discipline in Saint Court. Even he, the number one genius in Earth Grade, does not dare to be sloppy. Who dares to be late.

If you are late, there is only one reason. The other party knows that it is not his opponent and takes the initiative to avoid the fight.

“hmph, Ye Fei, he put a lot of rhetoric, which made me think he has some ability. After a long time, he didn’t even have the courage to fight me. It was a waste of my time!” Before Zhou Busu left the ring, he said coldly.

He really looks down on people like Ye Fei who are abandoned by heaven. After all, people who are abandoned by heaven are simply useless on Martial Dao.

As the number one genius in Earth Grade, why bother taking a waste body seriously, even more how, Ye Fei as a waste body, and even said that he wants to beat Saint Court, such a wild word.

At the same time, Zhou Doudou’s words also resonated with many disciplines. They also don’t believe that someone will be late in the ranking battle that concerns their status.

“Ye Fei is late, it must be an excuse! He is afraid of losing to Zhou Buyu! Lost face!”

“hmph, who called this person boast shamelessly, actually said To flatten Saint Court’s rumors, if he loses a game, there is no way to end it. He simply excuses to be late to avoid fighting with the expert, thus destroying his undefeated reputation.”

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