“What is undefeated, I think it is just as timid as a mouse!”

Chapter 1177 coward

Chapter 1177 coward

” Don’t talk nonsense, my big brother is not avoiding the battle. He is just in retreat. I don’t know yet. The ranking battle has already begun.”

Heard the scolding of these people, Xia Jun and Little Fatty, of course. He immediately fought back and defended Ye Fei, but there were only two of them.

Because Ye Fei wants to beat Saint Court, many Earth Grade disciples are very dissatisfied with Ye Fei. Several of the top ten disciplines of Earth Grade are even more open. The second ranking game, for Ye Fei to look good, let this Tian Yi waste body know what the immensity of heaven and earth is.

At this time, of course they were late with Ye Fei, making a big fuss. There was anger and sarcasm everywhere. Not only did no one believe Xia Jun’s words, many people also scolded them more and more.

“What, secluded cultivation. Forget about the time, please find a better excuse, okay?”

“Edit, you just continue to edit, don’t think we don’t know, then Ye Fei deliberately avoided the battle because he was afraid of being broken by his undefeated myth.”

“Bah, what a myth, I think this is simply bullshit! What Heaven Ranking first, meet us Senior Brother Zhou , It’s not that I am scared and dare not even show up.”

“As timid as a mouse, coward! God abandoned waste, not just in name only, but also in reality!”

In the end, Xia Jun and Little Fatty still couldn’t say how to explain the hundreds of people present, and no one would believe it. Shangluo was also very angry and said: “Don’t tell them too much. If you want them to shut up, just find Ye Fei. Great aunt will go back and drag him out of Cave Mansion.”

“Shangluo, no, you are gone, what should you do when the ranking battle is your turn?” Xia Jun was still more rational. Shangluo panting with rage said: “Why not? This Fairy opened a handicap and placed a heavy bet on him, betting that he will be in the top three. I do business, but I have never lost money!”

“What, doing business?”

Xia Jun and Little Fatty were both in a daze, and finally understood why Shangluo was so anxious that Ye Fei did not play. After a long time, they secretly opened the market and took the ranking battle. The secret mastermind for betting is right in front of you.

Don’t say that Xia Jun is speechless, the tutor Zhou Xiaoyu who is standing not far away is also speechless, but in the end Ye Fei was strongly invited to join Saint Court. If Ye Fei is as timid as a mouse on her back, Coward’s notoriety also damages her prestige.

“Forget it, you all stay here, let me go over and see what happened to Ye Fei.” Zhou Xiaoyu finished speaking, and left the Martial Practice Stage, moved towards Ye Fei’s Spiritual Mountain hurried away, her speed was very fast, when Xia Jun reacted, it was too late to stop.

Xia Jun suddenly cried and drew his own mouth and said: “It’s over, why should I say that the big brother is in retreat… I have a feeling that if Teacher Zhou goes up the mountain, there must be a big problem. “

After all, I have been following Ye Fei for the longest time. Xia Jun is no longer the original Martial Dao rookie. He is very smart and alert.

Especially when Ye Fei came back in a hurry, he ignored the ranking battle and had to retreat immediately, which made Xia Jun vaguely feel that the matter was serious.

“No, this matter, I still have to inform the big brother, fatty, you quickly sound transmission to the big brother, I will find a way to drag the teacher Zhou on the road.” After that, Xia Jun was stunned. , Moved towards Zhou Xiaoyu chased up. Little Fatty immediately took out the sound transmission talisman and quickly gave Ye Fei and the king of Gua sound transmission at the same time to explain the situation.

Xia Jun, who also lost his vigilance, thought of this level, otherwise he waited for Zhou Xiaoyu to go up to Spiritual Mountain and found that King of Gua was in Cave Mansion, and Ye Fei took the King of Gua to leave Saint Court at the same time. , Saint Court will find the problem immediately.

The time Xia Jun struggled with Zhou Xiaoyu to gain was very precious.

It’s just that Ye Fei doesn’t know at this time, there are already uninvited guests, and if you want to enter his mountain, look for his whereabouts.

According to the agreed place with Fa Yihai, Ye Fei walked towards the exit of Saint Court at a moderate pace with the corpse minister who became the king of trigrams.

Ye Fei also completely forgot. Today is the day of the Earth Grade ranking battle, but he forgot. At the entrance, the instructor in charge of the check did not forget. After checking the identity of the king of trigrams, when the instructor was about to let him go, he suddenly found out that Ye Fei, as an Earth Grade disciple, was going to go out, and he seemed very confused.

“You are the Earth Grade disciple, isn’t today the day when the ranking battle started? Why are you going out now? Did you get eliminated so soon?” The instructor was a little confused, although Ye Fei is a man of heaven , But the number one in the Heaven Ranking is so loud that even the instructor responsible for the check has heard of it.

Hearing what the teacher said, Ye Fei was of course startled, and then he slapped his head and said: “Well, I completely forgot about it, King Gua, then you go out first and look for those few Kind of spiritual medicine, we can’t find it. Let’s think about it later.”

“Young Master Ye, don’t worry, I will definitely find those kinds of spiritual medicine.” Shichen’s words and deeds cannot be seen. Any weak spot.

The instructor in charge of the review did not find the problem either, but was speechless for Ye Fei’s forgetting that the ranking battle was such a big deal. He couldn’t help but say a lesson: “Ye Fei, what’s wrong with you, Saint Court ranking battle” , But it is related to your status in Saint Court. How can you miss it? Go back now and remedy it. By the way, even if you miss the game, you can still challenge the top ten disciplines. Once you succeed, you too Can get corresponding rewards.”

The mentor in charge of the review was kinder and actively reminded Ye Fei. Of course, taking advantage of the two people’s talking time, the corpse Chen left Saint Court quickly and alertly. In the Martial God space, ran to meet the Fa Yihai waiting outside.

According to Ye Fei’s order, the corpse minister will be taken by Fa Yihai into the territory of a certain quasi-emperor Aristocratic Family, and then wait for the opportunity to stir up trouble and spread rumors of the resurgence of Life and Death Palace.

Ye Fei was sighed in relief after seeing the corpse minister he refined and passed the level successfully. Then, he moved towards the Martial Practice Stage of the ranked battle as fast as possible. .

In the middle of the road, Ye Fei received Little Fatty’s sound transmission talisman and learned that Zhou Xiaoyu actually went to the mountain to find him.

Thanks to Xia Jun, who helped keep delaying time on the road, secretly thought that it was dangerous, Ye Fei hurried back to his mountain with the fastest speed.

Only at the foot of a mountain, far away, he saw Zhou Xiaoyu was already standing at the foot of Spiritual Mountain, and was about to go up and look for him.

Xia Jun is constantly making strange things, falling down for a while and screaming strangely for a while. Desperately delaying time, but Zhou Xiaoyu is already very impatient, “Xia Jun, you deliberately made a fuss, what the hell is going on, is there something wrong with Ye Fei?”

“Teacher Zhou, I’m not funny, I just like you and want to stay with you for a while longer.” Xia Jun had the courage to confess to Zhou Xiaoyu, cheeky.

Zhou Xiaoyu was stunned. Seeing Xia Jun’s procrastination tactics, he didn’t know how to react.

Ye Fei was also stunned, feeling that Xia Jun was really loyal. In order to delay time, he could come up with such a trick. This next week Xiaoyu wants to doubt it is impossible.

He coughed and pretended that he had just returned from outside.

Zhou Xiaoyu was also taken aback, and finally reacted. Fiercely gave Xia Jun a glare, pretending that he didn’t understand what Xia Jun said just now, turned his head and said angrily at Ye Fei: “Ye Fei, What are you doing, today is the day when the ranking battle started, and you are actually hanging out?”

“What. Ranked battle again today, bad, I patronized the cultivation, and I forgot, mentor Zhou, I Participate now, don’t know if it’s time yet?” Ye Fei gave a very nervous expression, and secretly gave Xia Jun a thumbs up.

It’s a pity that Zhou Xiaoyu was suddenly confessed at this time, and he was a little flustered and not knowing what to do. He didn’t ask much, but urged Ye Fei to say: “You must be too late for the game, but you You can challenge in public, as long as you can beat the top ten players, so others have nothing to say.”

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