After speaking, Zhou Xiaoyu hurriedly took Ye Fei and Xia Jun back to the Martial Practice Stage at the fastest speed. At this time, the Martial Practice Stage was as expected by Zhou Xiaoyu, and the ranking battle was almost over.

In addition to Ye Fei, there is another person who has not had time to participate in the ranking battle. This person is naturally Tyumen Mountain.

It’s just that Tyumen Mountain did not come, and others just thought that Tyumen Mountain was defeated by Ye Fei. The blow was too big, and it was sorry to show up. Ye Fei refused to show up until the end of the battle. Many people criticized it very badly. Up. What abandon waste, coward, formed a slogan and was called out.

Chapter 1178 Ye Fei plays

Chapter 1178 Ye Fei plays

“What, coward?”

Ye Fei comes here , I heard many people scolding him, his brows frowned slightly. But he doesn’t at all say more, after all, his mouth is on others, and he can’t control what others talk about. Instead of going up and arguing, it’s better to wait for your strength and strive for a good ranking. Fiercely hit these people in the face.

Standing quietly behind the crowd, Ye Fei began to pay attention to the situation on the ring. As Zhou Xiaoyu expected, when he came over, the battle on the ring was basically over.

This time, the Earth Grade top 20 is all selected. The next thing to be done is the top ten ranking battle, which is also the most interesting battle.

Almost the entire Saint Court’s discipline, except for the Heavenly Grade disciple, which did not appear, all eyes were focused on this ring.

“Hey, Shangluo has also entered the top 20?” Ye Fei was a little surprised, but thought that Shangluo had a dozen Quasi-Emperor Artifacts with him, and he was also speechless for a while.

At this time, Shangluo also noticed Ye Fei who had arrived. She was finally relaxed, and then gave Ye Fei a threatening look. You know, if Ye Fei can’t make the top three this time, she will lose a lot of Spirit Stone.

Following Shangluo’s eyes, the old and new disciplines present finally discovered Ye Fei.

“It’s Ye Fei, he actually came.” It was a new discipline of the original Snow Empire, and this person recognized Ye Fei at first sight.

Then more people recognized it.

“It’s really Ye Fei. Isn’t he scared to avoid the battle and dare not come?”

“hmph, what’s the use now, the battle is over, He has already lost the qualification to participate.”

“That may not be true. Saint Court stipulates that if there is an objection to the top 20 ranking battle, he can challenge it face to face. Did Ye Fei deliberately not participate in the ranking battle? Want to stay at the last challenge?”

There is an old discipline who knows the rules of Saint Court. When I talk about this rule, many people are taken aback, and then they all look at Ye Fei with weird expressions.

On the arena, all the disciplines that have entered the top 20 are standing on it, preparing to draw lots to determine the top ten ranking competition. When they see Ye Fei coming at this time, their faces It also changed.

Zhou Busu was also a little surprised, but when he saw that Ye Fei was only the 5th layer Martial Saint, his eyes became disdainful, and he still didn’t put Ye Fei too much in his eyes. .

Just when he saw that Ye Fei was getting closer to Zhou Xiaoyu, there was still a cold glow flashing deep in Zhou Busu’s eyes.

Zhou Xiaoyu pointed to the ring and said to Ye Fei: “Ye Fei, hurry up, go up and challenge, remember, the higher you rush, the more Saint Court will pay attention to you.”

“Teacher Zhou, don’t worry, I won’t let you down.” Similarly, Mr. Lu once said to him. Obviously, in order to get the attention of Saint Court, he must show that Saint Court can Strength not to be ignored. And this ranking battle is the best stage for him to show his ability.

I didn’t care about other people’s gazes. Ye Fei came here and jumped directly onto the biggest ring in the middle. On the ring, there are already twenty disciples ranked top 20. Ye Fei is going up. Suddenly, it immediately attracted everyone’s attention.

“disciple Ye Fei, you are disqualified, what are you doing here?” The referee had a bad impression of Ye Fei and yelled coldly.

Ye Fei’s attitude is very respectful: “Although I am disqualified, according to Saint Court rules, I still have the right to challenge others.”

“Then who do you want to challenge? “The referee’s face was nodded stiff. Although I don’t like Ye Fei very much, Saint Court does have such rules.

Ye Fei did not hesitate, his eyes wandered around the crowd, and soon pointed in the direction of Zhou Busu, said solemnly: “Senior Brother Zhou, I had something just now, and I missed you Fight, now I’m here, how about let’s compete again?”

Anyway, Ye Fei is impatient. The challenge of one by one passed, and he simply challenged Earth Grade first and won Now, he can easily get a lot of contribution points. If he loses, then he can see clearly how far he is from these old Saint Court disciplines.


When I heard Ye Fei’s words, the entire Martial Practice Stage was quiet at first, and then it rolled like boiling water. They heard it right, Ye Fei actually came up. Will challenge Earth Grade first?

“Is it not Kyogen that Ye Fei stepped down Saint Court, but he really wanted to do it?” There was a disciple who couldn’t help exclaiming.

“Well, this kid has a kind, I take back what I called him just now, he is not a coward, but a true man, a pure man! Ye Fei, we support you!” There are also disciplines infected by Ye Fei, Wish to see the dragon wars, the tiger battles.

Afterwards, there was an angry roar, which interrupted all the voices. Faced with Ye Fei’s challenge, Zhou Buyu remained calm, but winked at a gray robed youth next to him.

The gray robed youth has jumped out angrily, pointing at Ye Fei and provoking: “Ye Fei, you are too impudent, just because you are a god abandoned, you are not qualified to challenge Senior Brother Zhou, Tutor Jane, did you mean?”

Understanding that Shen Liang wanted his permission, and also had a bad impression of Ye Fei, the tutor Jane in charge of the referee immediately nodded and said: “Shen Liang is right. Zhou Budou is the first in Earth Grade. It can’t be challenged by anyone, so let’s fight Shen Liang first. I will check your strength first.” /p>

Ye Fei is very depressed, knowing that this mentor named Jane might be biased against him, he could not help but hesitate, “If I defeat him, I can challenge Earth Grade first?”

“hmph, if you can defeat Shen Liang and don’t need to challenge you, I will definitely take action without your challenge.” Zhou Busu’s face was cold and arrogant, but he was still careful.

He didn’t take action immediately, but first asked his follower Shen Liang to test Ye Fei’s specific strength, and then decide how to deal with Ye Fei.

Seeing that Zhou Busu has already given a positive reply, although he does not want to waste time, Ye Fei still arches his hands to Shen Liang: “Brother Shen, please do it.”

“hmph, Ye Fei, I heard that you boast shamelessly and want to level Saint Court. Today, I Shen Liang, I will teach you how to be a man in Saint Court!”

Shen Liang sneered. Tone barely fell, his whole person has disappeared in front of Ye Fei, and at the same time, behind Ye Fei’s head, there was a terrifying sound of breaking through the air. Ye Fei was a little surprised. This is so bright and fast, it’s a pity…

“Want to sneak attack me, you think too much!”

Ye Fei didn’t look back, suddenly an infinite sword glow burst out of his body, and then the sword was Condensing into a Sword mountain, from the sky Crashed down.

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