actually shrouded Ye Fei, together with Shen Liang, under the sword. This move made Shen Liang’s expectation, “This kid is crazy, is he going to be perish together with me?”

A trace of timidity, inexplicably appeared in Shen Liang’s heart, he dared not continue to attack Ye Fei, but gave full play to his speed Profound Truth. With shadows in his footsteps, he suddenly went from behind Ye Fei and returned to where he stood.

After returning, Shen Liang was still a little proud. With his speed, he was confident and out of the range of Ye Fei’s attack, and Ye Fei perish together the tricks. In the end, he could only hurt himself.

But just when Shen Liang was about to watch the joke about Ye Fei being injured by his own moves, Zhou Busu in the distance was complexion changed and reminded loudly: “Shen Liang, be careful!”

Chapter 1179 Fierce Fighting

Chapter 1179 Fierce Fighting

“It’s late!”

Ye Fei loudly shouts, simply did not give Shen Liang’s chance to react, hong long long, his eight Primordial Spirits within the body exploded at the same time, and the momentum of the Heavenly Sword condensed into a huge mountain of swords, which instantly enveloped the entire ring.

In this way, unless Shen Liang escapes the ring, he will definitely be injured by Ye Fei’s Jianshan. Upon discovering this problem, Shen Liang almost didn’t vomit blood.

His biggest reliance is speed. As a result, Ye Fei didn’t give him room for speed advantage at all. He directly single force subduing for ten meetings and put the entire arena to the target on the spot, so that no matter Shen Liang escaped Everywhere, it is inevitable to be hit by Jianshan.

“Ye Fei’s hand is really amazing!” Seeing this scene, Zhou Xiaoyu’s eyes suddenly brightened. She knew that she was right.

Even if Ye Fei is a man abandoned by the sky, with Ye Fei’s stroke of sword, it is worthy of Saint Court’s efforts to cultivate. ,

“No, I don’t believe it, you really dare to let this sword mountain fall!” Shen Liang’s eyes turned blue. Once the indiscriminate sword mountain falls, not only will he be seriously injured, Ye Fei must be seriously injured, even if he wins, it is a miserable victory.

“If the sword mountain falls, you won’t have the opportunity to continue to challenge, I don’t believe it, you dare to do it! Kill, the Celestial Silkworm!” After all, Shen Liang is an expert of Earth Grade Ranked 10th. Immediately use his speed advantage and want to defeat Ye Fei before Jianshan falls.

His hands have heavy afterimages, and all the true essences have turned into continuous silk threads, as if a spring silkworm is spinning, and Ye Fei is bound to these layers of true essence silk threads.

Seeing this, Ye Fei didn’t do anything, just a thought. The sword mountain above his head had already rumbled down with a terrifying roar. He didn’t hesitate and gave Shen Liang no chance to resist.

In the end, everyone only heard a loud explosion sound.

The sky incomparable gigantic’s Jianshan has all split up and in pieces. In addition, the entire Martial Practice Stage’s ground was shaking violently.

I don’t know how many disciplines, at this moment, his face becomes pale as paper. Outside the ring, the pupils of the top 20 Earth Grade geniuses shrank.

“Madman, this Ye Fei is a madman! He actually dared to condense such a terrifying sword mountain, where is the battle, it is clearly perish together!”

“Shen Liang It’s horrible. If such a big mountain of swords is hit, he will definitely be seriously injured.”

“hmph, Ye Fei won’t be better either. His move is clearly to kill a thousand enemies and hurt himself 800! Let’s see how he continues to challenge.”


The ground shaking lasted for a full minute. It gradually subsided, and at the same time, the smoke and dust on the broken ring began to thin.

Everyone’s eyes are once again focused on the ring. Some people are looking forward to it, some are worried, and some are worried.

“Ye Fei would not really suffer from both sides by doing this, right?” Zhou Xiaoyu and Shangluo were a little worried. They feel that Ye Fei is playing too much.

“It’s okay, since the big brother dares to do this, he must be sure and won’t get hurt!” Xia Jun is full of confidence in Ye Fei, and Little Fatty followed nodded and suddenly pointed to the smoke and dust Said: “Brother is okay, but that Shen Liang is fainted.”

“What, Shen Liang is fainted? Shen Liang is really fainted!”

“No way, Shen Liang I was stunned, how could Ye Fei be okay?”


The smoke was completely dispersed, and everyone was shocked watching the two standing inside each other. A silhouette, standing, naturally Ye Fei, falling down and unconscious, naturally Shen Liang. In Ye Fei’s style of both sides suffer, Shen Liang’s speed Profound Truth didn’t play out, and he fainted in front of Ye Fei.

“You lost.” Ye Fei said to the unconscious Shen Liang.


Shen Liang didn’t speak, but in a coma, he also breathed out blood.

“Zhou Buyu, it seems that you have met an opponent, this Ye Fei not simple.” Next to Zhou Buyu, stood a woman with a red-clothed back bow, her name was Linghong, who was also Earth Grade Ranked 2nd expert, through this battle, she saw Ye Fei’s two advantages.

“hmph, I admit, this Ye Fei is so capable, his true essence is very strong, it should be cultivation is more Primordial Spirit, he can resist the sword mountain without injury, prove him His fleshy body is very strong. But he also has two huge weaknesses, one, his realm not equal to me, and two, he is a man who is abandoned by the sky. This is destined to be impossible for him to surpass me forever, and he will not be able to, nor can he now. !”

Zhou Budou is very smart, so clever. He only saw Ye Fei’s sword and analyzed Ye Fei’s strengths and weaknesses. But in the same way, he was also very cold and indifferent. , Shen Liang, who hadn’t even looked at the ground, gave a comatose look, then jumped up and walked to the sky.

“Ye Fei, dare to fight with me in the sky and let go!” Zhou Buyu calmly took the initiative to open the mouth and said. His words, let the other Earth Grade disciple still standing on the ground also The eyes are all bright.

Seeing that Ye Fei can condense such a huge mountain of swords and fight against Ye Fei in the ring is courting death, but in the air, the room for turning is very huge.

Ye Fei certainly saw Zhou Buyu’s plan. Apart from being surprised by this person’s insight, he did not refuse. After all, his original purpose was to defeat Zhou Buyu and win Earth Grade. the first!

“As long as I defeat this person, I will be 2/3 of my goal of leveling Saint Court, and the only thing left is the ten Heavenly Grade disciple!”

Thinking of this, Ye Fei’s heart felt a wave of blood boiling, “Man, when mentioning three feet azure edge, I look down on the crowd! Now that I have joined Saint Court, I will either not fight or fight, then I must fight for the first place. !”

“Brother Zhou, please enlighten me!” Ye Fei took a step and appeared in the sky.


Zhou Busu was coldly shouted, ignoring Ye Fei’s etiquette, both of his hands came out, as mighty as a tiger claw, accompanied by a thunderous sound Roar. Ye Fei suddenly felt his eardrums roar, and his mind pierced. Immediately, he saw a White Tiger burst through the cage and roared out.

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