It is the True Martial Four Phases of True Martial Saint Court famous in Zhong Prefecture! It’s just that Zhou Budou’s True Martial four phases are obviously more fierce and domineering than the half emperor Shangguan Anu.

“It is not a half-emperor, but he can cultivation True Martial four phases to a height that even a half-emperor instructor can’t reach. This person will be an intractable opponent, but unfortunately he is a bit insidious.”

A kindly greeted, but the other party took the opportunity to grab the first move. No matter how good Ye Fei is, there is inevitably a trace of anger in his heart.

The sword art is like a mountain!

Ye Fei pointed the sword towards the sky. He did not use the Spirit Sword, but the majestic true essence is still condense. There are two and three…A total of eight majestic sword mountains, cut forward. With Ye Fei’s counterattack, the dragon wars, the tiger battles officially kicked off.

The battle between the two immediately caught the attention of all the disciplines in the audience. Everyone held their breath and looked at the dragon wars, the tiger battles in the sky. Even the divine sense of Martial Sovereign was alarmed and watched this battle closely.

Chapter 1180 Divine Seal is like a mountain

Chapter 1180 Divine Seal is like a mountain

“How about, big brother, this time, I don’t doubt that I can play this week Is it?” Xia Jun’s face was full of worries. It is true that Zhou Wusui’s True Martial four elements are too strong, better than anyone Xia Jun has ever seen.

“I think Ye Fei is a bit disadvantaged. Zhou is a Martial Saint of seven layers, and Ye Fei has only 5th layer. The gap between two layers is not so easy to surpass. Besides, my nephew, and killing move, Ye Fei rashly challenged Zhou Buxu, to be honest, there is a great risk.”

Zhou Xiaoyuyu is not surprising and endless, Shangluo and the others did not expect, Zhou Bu Suspect turned out to be Zhou Xiaoyu’s nephew, Xia Jun brushed it, his face was already pale.

He thought that just now, in order to delay time, he shamelessly confessed to Zhou Xiaoyu. If this is passed to Zhou Buyu’s ears…


The battle in the sky interrupted Xia Jun’s thoughts. On the Martial Practice Stage, all eyes were focused on the sky, looking at the eight sword mountains of Ye Fei, turning into meteors, smashing forward and throwing the sky They all shook violently. The howling Jianshan quickly flooded the sky where Zhou Busu was.

Immediately afterwards, there was a terrifying tiger roar inside. I saw that on the heavy sword mountain, Zhou Buyu waved the tiger claw impressively, and even the emptiness was torn apart. The torn all split up and in pieces, shattered into a stream of light, Ye Fei was not surprised.

“Seventh Martial Saint, itself is the first in Earth Grade. I don’t doubt it this week. It is amazing, but I will definitely not lose!” Ye Fei’s character is strong when it is strong. Zhou Buyu’s strength did not intimidate Ye Fei, but instead stimulated Ye Fei’s inner fighting spirit.

The fighting spirit, burning like a flame, condenses the more terrifying Purple Gold sword light. It can’t be helped by seeing the sword art. Ye Fei decisively used the power of despair to release the Profound Truth of life and death. It contains Death Aura slashing to the sky, and the dazzling rays of light seem to destroy the world.

“Ye Fei, you are very strong, but your biggest mistake is that you shouldn’t challenge me, shouldn’t challenge, you can never surpass the opponent!” Zhou Buyu roar towards the sky, his In the mouth, it was not a human voice, but a terrifying dragon roar.

Ten Azure Dragons, emerging from behind him, ten dragons contend for glory, and the world is blank! Only those ten Azure Dragons stretched out huge dragon palms, shattered the void, and slammed into Ye Fei continuously, seemingly like this, shooting Ye Fei into hell.

At this moment, Ye Fei’s eyes suddenly burst into divine light, and the eye of thunder punishment condensed into a purple vertical eye on his forehead.

With the help of the vertical eye, Ye Fei quickly found a weak link of Azure Dragon, Purple Gold Taiji Sword, without the slightest hesitation stabbing the seven inches of Azure Dragon.

Only hearing a loud bang, Azure Dragon suddenly screamed, and was cut into two sections by Ye Fei from the middle. Then, Ye Fei stepped forward and rushed to the second Azure Dragon. But without waiting for him to make a move, a cold light burst into Zhou Busu’s eyes: “Azure Dragon is ten explosive!”

bang! bang! bang!

Nine Azure Dragon , All the first ones are connected, biting into a huge circle, enclosing Ye Fei, and then exploding fiercely. The formidable power that exploded at that moment shattered the space where Ye Fei was located and turned into nothingness.

“Purple Gold Tai Chi! I am innately undefeated, and I will not invade!”

Ye Fei stands proudly in this nihility, solemn and solemn, just like Divine King coming to life, one floor The purple-golden Tai Chi ball spread out from him within the body and enveloped the ten meters range. No matter how strong the explosion outside, it can’t hurt him.

At the same time, more than a dozen divine senses. At this moment, all were concentrated on Ye Fei’s Purple Gold Tai Chi. In the hall of in the sky, Lu Lao and Martial Sovereign were amazed. This is their first I saw Ye Fei perform Purple Gold Tai Chi twice, but until now, they couldn’t see the origin of Ye Fei’s martial arts.

The ten dragons exploded, and none of them could hurt Ye Fei. Zhou Busu was suddenly angry. He shouted in a deep voice: “You are undefeated. That means you didn’t meet me, in front of me. No one can be invincible! Divine Seal came out, Suppressing the Heavens and Earth, destroying all those who are my enemy!”

Zhou Wusu’s bloodline boiled, and his whole body exuded infinite light, and finally existed in In the middle of these rays of light, there is a small seal. Seeing that seal, many Earth Grade top 20 disciplines all face fear.

“That is Zhou Buyu’s bloodline power, the condensed seal of heaven and earth. Many geniuses who challenge Zhou Buyu have died under the Divine Seal.”

Divine Seal?

Ye Fei looked at the seal that appeared behind Zhou Busu, but there was a sneer at the corner of his mouth. Even the lawlessness didn’t dare to claim that his chakra was the chakra of God, Zhou Budou But he dare to call his seal the Divine Seal, this person is really conceited.

“If this is the case, then I will smash this shit Divine Seal! Kill!” It was just a challenge. Zhou Wusu had a murderous heart, and Ye Fei couldn’t help but become angry.

He began to run the demonic path with all his strength. The whole body, every piece of flesh and blood, was blooming with golden magic light. At this moment, Ye Fei imposing manner was monstrous, like an ancient war demon.

hong long long!

He stepped forward and stepped out of the broken nothingness, step by step, and strode out, all around Space Power, as if it never existed.

“His fleshy body is so strong!” Zhou Busu’s eyes flashed a touch of shock. Instead of him, he could never walk in the void with his fleshy body alone, but the more Ye Fei became Stronger, Zhou Buyu’s determination to kill Ye Fei became stronger.

“He must be killed! I will never allow him, Earth Grade has someone with my own name!”

Divine Seal is shaking the sky!

The Divine Seal in Zhou Budou’s hands quickly grew larger. At the moment Ye Fei stepped out of nothingness, the Divine Seal had become a huge mountain.

Suppressing the Heavens and Earth, crushing everything.

Ye Fei felt the threat of death from this Divine Seal. Apart from secretly irritating Zhou Busu’s vicious attack, all he could do was to do his best to resolve this crisis.

“Tai Chi Profound Truth, Profound Truth of Life and Death!”

Ye Fei no longer keeps his hands. Behind him, a terrifying bone mountain appears. On the bone mountain, a round of black and white Tai Chi, Suspended high in the sky. Then, it turned into a Taiji Sword picture containing infinite Death Aura, a huge Divine Seal cut to the sky.

At this time, Zhou Busu suddenly laughed: “Two Profound Truths, Ye Fei, you are an abandoned body, and you can walk to this step. You are indeed a genius, but I don’t doubt Zhou. , More talented than you! Divine Seal Profound Truth! Mountain Profound Truth!”

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