Zhou Doudou , he actually comprehended the two Profound Truths, and these two Profound Truths fit well with his bloodline Divine Seal, under the fusion of these two Profound Truths. The sacred mountain in the sky has undergone new changes. On the sacred mountain, countless pavilions, pavilions and other illusory buildings have begun to appear.

Looking from a distance, the sacred mountain is like a god outside the world. There is Deity, who lives in it and owns the sacred mountain of Profound Truth, and the pressure has become unprecedentedly terrifying. Even the space, under this pressure, makes a crunching, overwhelming shaking sound.

Chapter 1181 Tai Chi Slashing the Mountain

Chapter 1181 Tai Chi Slashing the Mountain

The Divine Seal is like a mountain. At this moment, the world no longer exists, only Zhou Bu The suspicious Divine Seal, Suppressing the Heavens and Earth, with illusory pavilions, crashed down. It caused a panic cry, and everyone saw it. Zhou Buyu, at this time, simply did not compete, but wanted Ye Fei’s life.

Many people still remember that Saint Court once had a bloodline genius who had great potential and could fight across seven levels in the future. He tried to challenge Zhou Buxue, but the genius also died under the Divine Seal. Completely established Zhou Wudou’s reputation as the first in Earth Grade.

The battle at this time is so similar to that one. When many Earth Grade disciple exclaimed, they couldn’t help but secretly regret, “Don’t read it, Zhou Busu Divine Seal came out, Earth Grade is unstoppable, and Ye Fei is completely finished.”

Seeing that Zhou Busu was actually in the ranking battle, making unconcerned killer moves. Old Lu looked angry and wanted to join forces with a few Martial Sovereigns to stop him, “No doubt this week, there is talent. It’s a pity that the temperament is too narrow. Last time he killed a genius who might surpass him. Now, we will never allow it anymore!” In the hall, at this time, Mr. Lu had already got up and prepared The shot ended this challenge. Suddenly, deep in the hall, an old voice came: “Wait! Let this fight continue, Ye Fei that Little Brat is weird, the old man wants to continue to observe…”

So, under the interference of this old voice, Martial Sovereign in the hall became quiet again. Only Lao Lu looked towards Ye Fei anxiously, “Ye Xiaozi, don’t be brave. It’s not shameful to lose to Zhou Buyu!”

Then, Lu Lao watched. The huge sacred mountain fell towards Ye Fei, and many people also held their breath, looking at the glorious sacred mountain in horror, gradually covering Ye Fei.

But none of these people noticed that when the sacred mountain fell, Ye Fei’s eyes showed not fear, but intense excitement and fighting intent!

“What about the sacred mountain, I walked all the way, Heavenly Tribulation I am not afraid, even more how an illusory sacred mountain, I will never lose!” Ye Fei roared in his heart, undefeated belief, support He rushed to the depressed sacred mountain frantically.

The dazzling sword light suddenly turned into an incomparable gigantic Taiji Sword picture, opened with all its strength, and also filled the sky.

But Zhou Doudou’s sacred mountain is too terrifying. The Taiji Sword picture has only withstood a dozen breaths. The entire sword picture has all split up and in pieces, everywhere all is purple-golden. It’s just that there is another black silhouette in the light of the sky.

“Kill! Tai Chi Cloud Hand!”

At the moment when the mountain was blocked, Ye Fei rushed up frantically. His left hand opened, and his palm was a ball of purple. The air mass, his right hand is open, and his palm is another golden light.

When the Purple Gold rays of light merge. Ye Fei’s two palms are impressively a special cloud group composed of Tai Chi, which is shot fiercely on the sacred mountain.


The original majestic mountain shook violently at this time, and it no longer fell, but Ye Fei used the Tai Chi cloud hand, using the skill of four or two strokes, Fiercely’s smashed the sacred mountain out, but the other way around, moved towards Zhou Busu and ran into it.

“This impossible!” Zhou Busu was shocked. He couldn’t even think that Ye Fei’s martial arts would be so weird that he could push his sacred mountain back. If it weren’t for the same invincible belief, just this hand would be enough to make Zhou Budou feel desperate.

After that, a huge anger appeared on Zhou Busu’s face. He is a special bloodline. He is the Earth Grade number one genius, but now, with all his strength, he can’t kill a recognized genius body?

“Ye Fei, this is what you forced me!” Zhou Busu was furious, even more unscrupulous, he suddenly stepped into the sacred mountain, in the illusory pavilion, as if living in A Deity.

Zhou Buxue’s divine light like flames, turned over the palm, the huge mountain, immediately smashing void, destroying the sky, and hitting Ye Fei again at a terrifying speed.

“Not good, I didn’t doubt this week, but I still saved a hand! However, I will definitely not lose!” Jian Mang whispered frantically. Ye Fei finally didn’t dare to keep any more hands. He sighed and exploded at the same time with eight Primordial Spirits within the body.

A terrifying sword light forms a beam of light, illuminating this world, and with Ye Fei’s sword pointing, the beam of light of this sword forms a huge Taiji Sword picture. Feeling that this is not enough, Ye Fei is cruel again. He not only pushes the Profound Truth of life and death, but also the Profound Truth of Tai Chi to the limit.

At the same time, Ye Fei blessed his soul and thought of the scene in the Martial God space where he used to fight against Fawudao, “At that time, I used the power of mind to stop Fawudao for a breath. Since the power of mind can There is no way to stay, so I should be able to stay this week without any doubt!”

“Nianli, give me a decision!”


Ye Fei eyes angry Open, like a fierce appearance, glared forward, the divine sense in his mind turned into a tide of thought power, forming a mysterious force of imprisonment, this force of imprisonment was originally the Zhu Family refining weapon , Used to condense molten iron to shape weapons.

Who would have thought that Ye Fei would be used in this way. The power of cultivation was not used to refine tools, but to refine people. Of course, strictly speaking, Zhou Doudou’s Divine Seal can also be regarded as A special weapon is of course also affected by the power of mind.

Originally crashed into the sacred mountain of Ye Fei, but at this moment, there was a momentary pause. On the sacred mountain, Zhou Busu was extremely shocked. He didn’t understand what was going on. He just instinctively released all his power. Trying to break free of this invisible imprisonment.

Ye Fei also immediately seized this opportunity, simply grabbing the condensed Purple Gold sword glow, the terrifying sword light, and even forming a surging sword river, in the entire sacred mountain, the divine light of cutting was trembling. At this time, Ye Fei’s advantage over Primordial Spirit was revealed.

When the realm is not even higher than the previous week, and the aptitude is not as good as the bloodline martial artist like last week, Ye Fei just relied on the advantages of Primordial Spirit and the power of despair, continuously , Facing the sacred mountain, it was a crazy slash, and even in just one breath, he slashed out a full one hundred swords.

Change to another martial artist to form a river of swords in one breath, which is enough to get tired, but Ye Fei cuts out eight such rivers of swords enough to feel dizzy. Fell to the sky.


When Ye Fei fell into the sky, the eight sword rivers had completely swallowed the sacred mountain of Zhou Wusu. The entire sacred mountain broke out, and the illusory pavilions on the sacred mountain all split up and in pieces.


Zhou Busu was vomiting blood crazily. The mountain was transformed by his bloodline. The mountain was broken and he was immediately seriously injured. Zhou Busu didn’t expect that Ye Fei would have such a brutal method. , Broke his strongest bloodline martial skill, injured and angry, and fainted with severe injuries on the spot.

“Earth Grade is the first. It’s really amazing. It forced me to this level!” On the ground, Ye Fei was standing, but he felt that he might faint at any time, within the body. It was extremely weak, eight Primordial Spirits, all of them languished.

When Zhou Xiaoyu in the distance saw this, he was about to take out the medicine pill and heal Ye Fei. Suddenly Shangluo rushed over and held Ye Fei. Without a word, he gave out an amazing one. Spiritual Qi medicine pill, stuffed into Ye Fei’s mouth.

Chapter 1182 Tianzong genius

Chapter 1182 Tianzong genius

“Shangluo. You…” Ye Fei was slightly moved. He didn’t expect, Shangluo usually Looking at the profiteer, at the critical moment, I am still very loyal, and I am planning to say a few moving words. I don’t know, Shangluo didn’t give him this opportunity at all.

“Ye Fei, don’t talk, this Fairy understands that this Primordial Spirit Dan 2 billion high grade Spirit Stone can instantly restore your consumption of a Primordial Spirit. Everyone is a friend, this Fairy just sold you…” Shang Luo smiled, excited about making this big business.

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